Monday, December 17, 2012

The negative effects of Facebook use

There were two young teens were busy staring at a computer screen while playing games cafe games both online and offline. In addition to playing online games, there is a firefox browser application program is running the Facebook site. Do not want anyone knowing one of them covered hand is typing a password before log into their account.

View as it slowly began to be found anywhere until it became a natural thing. However, the sensitivity of children to technology and the Internet requires the parents were able to see the positives and negatives. However, technology has two eyes that can not be assessed absolute from one side only.

In some sources of the study said, teenagers who use Facebook tend to be more narcissistic, while adults who have a high intensity will experience symptoms of psychological disorders, including antisocial attitudes and tend to be aggressive.

Excessive use every day can also be bad for the health of children, preteens, and teenager. This is due to anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses are vulnerable arise in the future.

In the field of Academic, Facebook has become a figure to watch out because it can affect teaching and learning. Study conducted at the high school and university results are unsettling. Pupils and students who access personal Facebook accounts for 15 minutes when the lessons are actually getting a lower level of achievement.

The results of further studies are positive effects Facebook. Adults spend more time with Facebook became bolder perform self-actualization to their friends in cyberspace. People were classified as introverts can learn how to socialize with others while starting the computer or mobile screen. In addition, social networking with 1 billion users in the world serves as a learning tool or media that is able to present the interaction between learners and teachers.

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