Thursday, March 28, 2013

Comfortable with android technology on the travel way

Gadgets can now be considered innate mandatory when we travel. See, when to travel long distances, at least you will bring smartphone, tablet, or even a netbook. Congenital even when there are not only brought business trips, but also when you travel.

Ease of access to the android phones is very simple technology. Moreover, when the virtue of using a tablet PC in the car feels when traveling away. Long journey can be more convenient and more entertaining. Tablet apps have built-in satellite navigation free perfect. With this application, you can get directions and routes from one location to another easily and quickly. Tablets can also be used to listen to music and watch movies, and even surf the Internet or send e-mail on the go. In short, all of the capabilities contained in the tablets can be used. The tablet will also be very easy to use in a hurry thanks to navigate the menu system easy to use and responsive touch screen. Now this tablet has been widely used as a device that must be in the car. Although designnya not support to take the drive, but was no technology available in the form of universal buffer that can be used for all kinds of tablets.

Car Home app. To help navigate or control a variety of applications, tablet or smartphone mounted on a car dashboard would be very useful indeed. Control when installed in the holder will be safer while driving. Especially if you plugged in the tablet as well as an assistant application that can capture your sound. So this application allows you to control certain applications on the tablet directly. One dashboard application for smartphones or tablet based on Android is the Car Home, which gives easy access to functions frequently used in tablets in the car, such as music, navigation, and locate important places on the map (Global Positioning System) .

Internet access in the car. Many applications in the tablet or smartphone requires internet access when in use. Call it Google Maps used to navigate YouTube can be entertainment. Fortunately today's increasingly mobile internet to spread across the region. Good speed as a more affordable rate. Therefore, you can take advantage of a variety of mobile internet services provided by the service provider to get internet access while driving and traveling a lot. To that end, make sure you have the supporters. If using a tablet or a smart phone connection on 3G, you just use it directly. If you use a tablet that only has Wi-Fi connection, you need a mobile router that functions simultaneously capture signals propagate through the mobile internet Wi-Fi connection. If you're using Android-based phone or tablet, you can use it to deploy internet access in the car with mobile features hotspotnya.

Enjoy the beauty of Australia

Vacationing is a very fun activity for anyone, from children to adults. Therefore, many families mencamtumkan vacation schedule as one of the regular agenda that should not be missed. Scheduled school, office work, weather conditions, until financial conditions are some things to consider when deciding when the right time for a vacation.

Tangalooma. Bringing joy in the family to do them in their trip to Australia. Lots of interesting treats that can be enjoyed with family and baby. One of them at Tangalooma Resort which is the Icelandic tourist area with a cool nature, beautiful beaches and white sands that have now been incorporated as a national park. Trying new things will certainly add to the sensation of a vacation. Sand skiing in the Tangalooma resort, northeast of Brisbane, Queensland, you should jajal. In addition, you and your family can safari through the sand hills and coastal areas Tangalooma with ATV (All Terrain Vehicle).

With areas in the coastal area, you and your family can see dolphins herd and feed. That makes this tour special is dolphin there is not a pet because these dolphins come from the sea each near sunset. Then, for those who enjoy snorkeling will also be pampered with wonderful sights offshore. Flinders Reef coral reefs are colorful and colored shipwreck Tangalooma Wrecks are already rusted and became the residence of a shoal of fish can be one exciting tour plans.

Philip Island. Australia not only has Tangalooma but Philip Island is famous for its natural beauty. On this island you can visit the traditional farming areas of Australia maintains the typical animals of Australia. Precisely this farm located in the Churchill Island. Then you can also enjoy the "Penguin Parade" which is a view that you can see when the penguins return to the nest.

Even more interesting tour that deserves to be enjoyed, such as the Dream World. This place is regarded as favorite to be Australia's largest theme park with rides that will trigger the adrenalin. In addition, there is Movie World is no less interesting. In these places, tourists can see up close the stunning filmmaking techniques.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What is and advanced materials classifications

Materials that are utilized in high-technology applications are sometimes termed advanced materials. This advanced materials has been researching and developing since the silicone era has began. By high technology we mean a device or product that operates or fuctions using relatively intricate and sophisticated principles. All applications on this materials could be found in technologycal devices such as notebook, computer, and all electronical devices. Beside that, these advanced materials are typically traditional materials whose properties have been enhanced, and also newly developed, high-performance materials. Furthermore, they may be of all advanced materials are:

Semiconductors. Semiconductors have an electrical properties that are intermediate between the electrical conductors (like metals and metal alloys) and insulators (like ceramics and polymers). Furthermore, the electrical characteristics of these materials are extremely sensitive to the presence of minute concentrations of impurity atoms, for which the concentrations may be controlled over very small spatial regions. This day, semiconductors have made possible the advent of integrated circuitry that has totally revolutionized the electronics and computer industry.

Biomaterials. Biomaterials are employed in components implanted into the human body to replace diseased or damaged body parts. These materials must not produce toxic substances and must be compatible with body tissues. All of the preceding materials-metals, ceramics, polymers composites, and semiconductors-may be used as biomaterials.

Smart Materials. Smart or intelligent materials are group of new and state-of-the-art materials now being developed that will have a significant influence on many of our technologies. In addition, this "smart" term is being extended to rather sophisticated systems that consist of both smart and traditional materals. Component of smart materials include some type of sensor that detects an input signal, and an actuator that performs a responsice and adaptive function. Actuators may used for signal conditional or system conditional. So, the actuator may be called upon to change shape, position, natural frequency, or mechanical characteristics in response to changes in temperature, electric fields, and/or magnetic fields.

Nanomaterials. One new material class that has fascinating properties and tremendous technological promise is the nanomaterials. Nanomaterials may be any one of the four basic types-metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites. However, unlike these other materials, they are not distinguished on the basis of their chemistry, but rather, size; the nano-prefix denotes that the dimensions of these structural entities are on the order of nanometer as a rule, less than 100 nanometers which equivalently 500 diameters of atom.

Batuan alam Zeolit

Zeolit sebagai adsorbent dalam penjernihan air dan gas terkontaminasi telah banyak digunakan oleh banyak orang. Penjernihan tersebut dapat dilakukan karena zeolit memiliki karakteristik yang unik pada strukturnya. Zeolit yang merupakan batuan alam adalah mineral alumunium silikat yang memiliki pori-pori mikro yang secara komersial sering digunakan sebagai adsorbent. Pori-pori mikro tersebut seakan-akan membuat zeolit layaknya seperti saringan alam dengan tingkat saringan yang kecil. 

Disamping itu, zeolit merupakan alumunium silikat yang memiliki kemampuan untuk mengikat ion-ion positif (ion exchange) sehingga proses penyerapan yang dilakukan oleh zeolit adalah menggunakan pori-pori ditambah dengan pertukaran ion.Pada proses pertukaran ion pada zeolit adalah merupakan proses penangkapan ion-ion positif (kation) yang pada umumnya merupakan logam-logam pada alkali dan alkali tanah. Ini menunjukkan struktur dasar pada zeolit yang masih alumunium silikat sehingga ketika dilakukan aktivasi maka, unsur oksigen yang seharusnya mengikat silikon menggunakan 2 rantai hanya mengikat dengan 1 rantai. Sehingga, rantai yang lain akan bersifat ion negatif.

Aktivasi zeolit secara kimia dengan tujuan untuk membersihkan permukaan pori, membuang senyawa pengotor dan mengatur kembali letak atom yang dapat dipertukarkan. Proses aktivasi zeolit dengan perlakuan asam  seperti HCl dan H2SO4 pada konsentrasi 0,1 N hingga 1 N menyebabkan zeolit mengalami dealuminasi dan dekationisasi yaitu keluarnya Al dan kation-kation dalam kerangka zeolit. Aktivasi asam menyebabkan terjadinya dekationisasi yang menyebabkan bertambahnya luas permukaan zeolit karena berkurangnya pengotor yang menutupi pori-pori zeolit. Luas permukaan yang bertambah diharapkan meningkatkan kemampuan zeolit dalam proses penyerapan.

Tingginya kandungan Al dalam kerangka zeolit menyebabkan kerangka zeolit sangat hidrofilik. Sifat hidrofilik dan polar dari zeolit ini merupakan hambatan dalam kemampuan penyerapannya. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Adventure in historic cities european continent

Inevitably, the cities of Western Europe remains a favorite destination for the traveler to date, namely London, Paris, Amsterdam and Rome. Landscape planning urban infrastructure Neat and charm of old buildings that emit the target of the civilized world travelers who do not want to miss.

The first city can begin your journey is London. Enjoy a city tour towards salisbury area famous for its tourist attraction that Stonehenge was built from 3000 years BC.

Then, continue the journey to Oxford to see the oldest Oxford University in England since the 11th century as well as the Christ Church which is an area in which there is the cathedral church. There is also the oldest and famous library, the Great Hall is often referred to as the aul Hogwarts in the Harry Potter films. After lunch, stop bicester shopping outlet to buy souvenirs.

Contrary to the city of paris, puaskanlah yourself with historic buildings and landmarks such as Place de la Concorde, Arc de Triomphe triumphal arches, and the Champs de Elysees. Want to see first hand the iconic sights of paris? Take time to explore the inside of the Eiffel Tower for a panoramic view of the city. You also have the opportunity to shop in the city this mode.

Before you move on to Amsterdam, Brussels. Firstly to visit the Grand Place and Maneken Piss. Meanwhile, in Amsterdam there is a fishing village of Volendam. Interestingly, you can take pictures with friends using the traditional Dutch clothing.

The trip to Rome can be done through Pisa so you do not miss the tower of Pisa. If you want to explore further, continue the journey to vatilam with St. Peter's Basilica were magnificent, coloseum, trevi fountain and beautiful.

Snowy atmosphere around us

Hearing the name of Japan, you can just imagine the state directly regulated, orderly, clean, and culinary delights. In addition, the idea of ​​na beautiful landscapes will be flashed in the mind. All the advantages of the Rising Sun State has often shown through television or article type. However, are not you curious to enjoy more directly?

One factor supporting Japanese landscape beauty are the cherry blossoms are blooming. Enjoy the charm during the period of late March to early April. This experience would not you get in a country other than Japan.

Not enough with that, other natural attractions are Mount Fuji that stands Kawaguchi resort area of beautiful and peaceful. Feel free to explore the local culture as well. One destination that should not be missed is the canon Asakusa temple, Tokyo. If you want to shop, Nakamise Shopping Street could be an option.

Furthermore, with Kyumizu Temple and Kyoto Kimono Show, which can add to the fun in a vacation.
No less interesting, tourism plays like Disneysea, Disneyland, and Universal Studios a place awaited the travelers from different countries.

Japan offers many alternative destinations that could serve as a reference for travelers who have ever visited. One of the attractions that should be explored is the start of the Alpine Route to Shinano-Omachi Toyoma. This pathway presents a new experience by walking between walls of snow or snow wall (specifically the period mid April to early June) with full keceriaann. You will also find Matsumoto Castle, Ninpo Ninja Museum, and Rinku Factory Outlet.

Children education for a better life

All parents want to make their children happy. All efforts deployed so that the ideals of children can be achieved. However, not every treatments could make children became happy and it won't help them grow into a mature and independent. Instead, these pleasures can deliver personalized children become spoiled and a quitter.

In order not to get stuck in a pattern that students can unwittingly harming the lives of children in the future, parents may consider the following. Children need to be introduced to the failure. It is part of life that can not be avoided. Failure is a powerful teaching tool. For example, when children make up lego or cut out pictures, let him make mistakes. If the child takes the race let him finish with his own hands. Parents simply observe it. If the child fails or loses the race, taught that failure is not something bad. It's just part of the process.

Any failure facing children always followed by disappointment. It's certainly not a pleasant feeling. Therefore, if the child is experiencing disappointment, parents can teach them how to deal with this sad feeling. Parents can say that the feeling kecewwa happens naturally. Dispel the disappointment can be done by getting children to try more things he failed to do. It is also for those conditions that are not easily give up.

Parents also should not be a tail to the child. That is, if they occasionally want to play outside with his friends. Let alone, do not also followed. It will train them to begin to take responsibility for yourself and make decisions in the face of problems. Every now and then, give them the opportunity to determine the time to learn, choose their own toys, and a variety of activities to do on the weekend. Courage children to take a decision at the start of the simple things.

Children often whine that their wishes fulfilled. This is a very reasonable price. However, there are times when such behavior would likely control the lives of parents. The situation is not allowed because parents make the rules. Parents still have a controller to manage family finances and determine the items that can be owned or not performing for children.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Principles of Data Acquisition

Today, many scientists and engineers use computers with PCI, PXI / CompactPCI, PCMCIA, USB, IEEE1394, ISA, or a serial port and parallel to the acquisition of data on research and laboratory, test and measurement, and even the automotive industry. Many applications used in the system to connect to the instrument to generate the data and sends it directly to the computer's memory.

In addition, there is also the use of hardware DAQ (Data Acquisition) of computers using parallel and serial ports simultaneously. To obtain satisfactory results based computer data acquisition system influenced by the following elements:
Computers, Transducer, Signal Conditioning, data acquisition hardware, and data acquisition software.

All applications suggests a link between each of the above elements in the lawyer's acquisition of data from a device to a computer-based acquisition system.

Computers in general are often used in the data acquisition process in which the existing data acquisition system drastically kecepataan maximum will require to be able to process the data. Sekaran, technology from Intel and Power PC processors simultaneously can improve the performance of a high PCI serial PCI moreover supported by well-designed similar to ISA serial and USB. With the sophistication of the PCMCIA, portable data acquired well become more flexible and be an alternative to the data obtained from a desktop computer-based data acquisition system. In the coordinate data acquisition used RS-232 or RS 485 serial interface, where data transmitted and generally have a certain interval on the data transfer.

Ability to transfer data to the computer generally has an effect on the data acquisition system. All computer capable of I / O and interrupt transfer program. Not all computers have DMA data transfer system, which increases the data transfer forwarded using existing hardware so that data is transferred directly to the computer's memory. By using this method, the processor will not be forced to work hard so that the transfer of data and freely able to process complex.

The basic principle Instrumentation Amplifier

Due to the name of the amplifier, ie Instrumentation Amplifier has become ambiguous meaning. Not all amplifiers are used in applications on the tools used in instrumentation amplifiers, and does not mean that all of the instrumentation amplifier is only used in instrumentation applications. Instrumentation amplifiers are widely used in many applications, call it as motor control in data acquisition to the automotive field. Once the importance of the discussion of the instrumentation amplifier results in a specific discussion about what is called the instrumentation amplifier, how the principle works? Do the same with operational amplifiers, and how and where to use them.

Instrumentation amplifier is different from operational amplifier. An instrumentation amplifier is a closed-loop gain with different inputs and outputs that can be said to be a single output with different sources. Meaning instrumentation amplifier is an amplifier that has a single output where the output is from a different input. Mostly, the impedance of the input terminal 2 is stable and balanced and has a high price, in general, of 1000 Giga Ohm, or even more. Input bias current should be lower than about 1 nano nano amperes to 50 amperes. Because by using operational amplifier output impedance is very low, only nominally by 1 or 2 m-ohms, at low frequencies.

Unlike operational amplifier, where the closed-loop gain obtained from the instrumentation amplifier is calculated using an external resistor between the inverting input and terhubunga output. An instrumentation amplifier has internal feedback resistor of the circuit is isolated from the input terminal of the amplifier. Where all the entries that exist in instrumentation amplifiers from two different input types, reinforcement comes from internal amplifier or a component derived from internal or external amplifier resistor.

When a signal is received, the bridge resistor changes, resulting in instability in the resistor bridge. It has an impact on the change in voltage over the bridge. The output signal is connected to the input signal resulting in a change in voltage instrumentation amplifier circuit. Thus, a constant DC voltage in the circuit. And in general, this DC voltage equal to the input. Since the primary function of the DC voltage instrumentation amplifier reject, or from the voltage coming from the second input, when reinforcement occurs.

Very clearly different indeed, if the operational amplifier circuit is generally used in the same application with instrumentation amplifier. Simply put, both the signal voltage and DC voltage, noise, or other types of stress will be the same as the reinforcement. As a result, the signal will survive the DC offset voltage and resulting noise. Therefore, even the most good operational amplifier too much is not effective in strengthening the very small signals.

Friday, March 22, 2013

How to choose an appropriate home furniture

Our hearts are conditioned easily melted in the consumerism today. Because, so many alluring offers are said to help life all the time. Ranging from food, finance, home furnishings, to the property.

In fact, in the case of the seemingly innocuous, such as choosing furniture, we do not think long. As a result of furniture that looks so good in furniture stores to no good when brought into the house because the rooms were not quite as well as the colors do not match and some are even due to the design of the house that is not harmonious to the furniture.

Therefore, you should not just like it or not in choosing furniture, but consider also our daily habits, the dimensions of the house, and budget.

We are certainly familiar with the habits of every member of the family at home. Habits that will affect the need. It is important to choose furniture that is as much as possible to meet all the needs of family members.
One example of the habit, among others, when you visit, what we used to take it in the living room or family room? Surely one of the room of choice we have to prepare.

A furniture in the store sometimes mislead about the size. In an extensive showroom, we often think of furniture in there will match the living space in our homes. And upon arriving at our house, so the size of greatness. Therefore, widely used measure the available space in the house and furniture to be purchased.
Price should also be considered. Materials and finishin an expensive furniture will affect cheapness. We could come to a carpenter and ordered furniture as we saw in the store. To be more environmentally friendly, we can also undertake renovation of old furniture again. Expenses incurred will be less and less.

Buying furniture from one store alone often brings benefits to our house layout. The reason is, there are a number of stores that design and make their own products so unique and different from the others.
Lastly, try any furniture in the house we have a common thread. For example, the similarity in accent colors, furniture materials, or of its size, so the atmosphere was harmonious and fitting home.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The ranking system in chess

Chess in the category of sports mind. Although not included in the summer Olympics sports agenda initiated by the International Olympic Comittee, the chess player has its own Olympic event initiated by FIDE (Federation Internationale des Echecs or World Chess Federation).

In this sport or a rating system known to some degree on the chess champion in the process. Grandmaster is the highest title given to chess. Here ladder ranking titles in the sport of chess:

  • Candidate Master (CM). FIDE Rating less than 2200
  • FIDE Master (FM). FIDE Rating 2300-2400
  • International Master (IM). FIDE Rating 2400-2500
  • Grandmaster (GM). FIDE Rating over 2500

To obtain the title International Master, FIDE Master title a chess player must be at least three times to win the International Master norm over the competition set by FIDE. The same thing should be done chess player International Master's degree who wish to pursue a degree Grandmaster. Must be at least three times through the tournament earn Grandmaster norm set by FIDE.

The phenomenon of Dixieland Thomas Wolfe

In the autobiographical novel American writers, Thomas Wolfe, Look Homeward, Angel, the house called Dixieland was the main attraction of which have not been exhaustively discussed. The house is described with very interesting was inspired from a house that is really there, a house with 29 rooms for rent in Asheville, the city of the author's childhood.

Built in 1883, the house was used as a boarding house was purchased by Wolfe's mother, Julia, and known as Old Kentucky home. That name may refer to its owner, a pastor in Kentucky. Wolfe's last visit to the house in 1937, just a year before she closed her eyes forever because the disease tubercular meningitis at the age of 38 years. While Julia lived in the house until he died in 1945.

Maybe this is the closest association between past Wolfe makes this house an attraction that never faded.
In 1948, the family sold the house to a group and then make it work as the Thomas Wolfe Memorial, which in 1973 became the cultural heritage in the state of North Carolina.

Look Homeward, Angel until now constantly reprinted since its first publication in 1929. Wolfe, one of the giants of American literature, immortalized in postage stamps in 2000.

Basic classification of Materials

Solid materials have been conveniently grouped into three basic categories. Metals, ceramics and polymers. This scheme is based primarily on chemical makeup and atomic structure, and most materials fall into one distinct grouping or another. Another category is advanced materials-those used in high technology applications, such as semiconductors, biomaterials, smart materials, and nanoengineered materials. Let's discuss about the basic first and another one we can discuss on next article.

Metals. Materials in this group are composed of one or more metallic elements (e.g., iron, alumunium, copper, titanium, gold and nickel), and often also nonmetallic elements like carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen in relatively small amounts. Atoms in metals and their alloys are arranged in a very orderly manner, and in comparison to ceramics and polymers, are relatively dense. regard to mechanical characteristics, these materials are relatively stiff and strong, yet are ductile, and are resistant to fracture, which accounts for their widespread use in structural applications.

Ceramics. Ceramics are compound between metallic and non-metallic elements; they are most frequently oxides, nitrides, and carbides. For example, common ceramic materials include alumunum oxide or alumina, silicon dioxide or silica, Silicon carbida, silicon nitride, and, in addition, what some refer to as the traditional ceramics-those composed of clay minerals, as well as cement and glass.

Polymers. Polymers include the familiar plastic and rubber materials. Many of them are organic compounds that are chemically based on carbon, hydrogen, and other non metallic elements. Furthermore, they have very large molecular structures, often chainlike in nature, that often have a backbone of carbon atoms. Some of the common and familiar polymers are polyethylene, nylon, poly vinyl chloride, polycarbonate, polystyrene, and silicone rubber.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Arrange your plan so well scheduled

Some bikers not only make the vehicle as a complement to transport, but also a friend of the trip when undergoing such adventure touring hobby. Wandering venture out to various places along the way with a number of relatives can present sensation. However, the long journey taken together it requires more preparation in order to avoid the risks that vulnerable place. To that end, please observe the following.
Similarly, when planning agenda traveled far, preparations matured into one of the obligations. Plans should be prepared for at least one to two weeks. Moreover, if you want to travel with a group in large numbers. Take into account expenses and the route to be selected.

The selection lines must also be discussed with the group since its inception. Some people in touring, there are willing to choose the longer route because they want to get the interesting sights along the way. While the reverse flow, usually the fastest path to be selected. The route has been agreed will be delivered during a briefing, complete with a map of the distribution lines. Other preparatory course on riding safety equipment that should not be neglected by the riders.

Risks are often experienced by participants are separate touring with the group. Before leaving, usually important numbers such as cell phone numbers shall be a special concern. So when apart can communicate with each other to be together again on the way.

Another risk is that drowsiness may harm themselves or others on the way. Therefore, your ability to understand when driving and make a deal with a group to determine the break. Some riders chose to rest every four hours, but there is also two hours. Take advantage of a place like stalls or public refueling station as a temporary resting place in order to re-prime the body condition.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Optimizing engine performance

In diesel engines, a large torque at low RPM to be one of the advantages that these motorized vehicles. As with other vehicles, certain necessary care and treatment to maintain and optimize performance.

Forms of treatment such as by heating the car prior to use, the length depending on the year of manufacture.
For cars that are in the making is a year old, it takes time to heat the engine about 2 or 3 minutes to the idle position or gas left alone without pressing the gas pedal.

As for the latest diesel-engined car, do not need to be heated for too long because the engine oil can be directly circulated evenly. However, you should not run the car with a rush. Should run slowly, and do not directly hit the gas pedal and move the transmission when the rpm reaches about 2000. It is worth to do because combustion chamber temperatures still relatively high so that the machine can not be optimized to work efficiently and optimally.

On the other hand, to maintain performance, routine maintenance to be conducted. In essence treatment for diesel cars is not much different from gasoline-fueled cars. Just checking on oil filters, air filters, lubricants and engine replacement on a regular basis becomes a major and noteworthy.

Compared to the past, today's diesel engines have undergone rapid development, has no interference and noise caused by the thick smoke from the engine.

These developments include common-rail direct injection made after the fact that the solar particle has a heavier weight than gasoline. Therefore, to improve the process of destruction of the particle solution is to increase the pressure put diesel fuel into the combustion chamber. This is where common rail holds a very important role.

What is Android means?

For a long time, cell phone developers comprised a small sect of a slightly larger group of developers known as embedded device developers. Embedded device manufacturers typically needed to guard their hardware secrets closely, so they gave embedded device developers few libraries to call when trying to interact with a specific device. Embedded device differ from desktops in that an embedded deivce is typically a computer on a chip.

Most embedded devices can ran and in some cases still run proprietary operating systems. The reason for choosing to create a proprietary operating system rather than use any consumer system was really a product of necessity. Simple devices did not need very robust and optimized operating systems.

Device manufacturers still closely guard the operating systems that run on their devices. While a few have opened up to the point where they will allow som Java-based applications to run within a small environment on the phone, many do not allow this. This barrier to application development began to crumble in 2007 when google, under the Open Handset Alliance released Android.

Android, as a system, is a Java-based operating that runs on the Linux 2.6 kernel. The system is very lightweight and full feature. Android Applications are developed using Java and can be ported rather easily to the new platform. If you have not yet downloaded Java or are unsure about which version you need, you can find the information on Google's special page.

Other features of Android include an accelerated 3-D graphics engine which based on hardware support, database support powered by SQLite, and an integrated web browser.

One of the more exciting and compelling features of android is that, because of its architecture third-party applications including those that are home grown are executed with the same system priority as those that are bundled with the core system. Also, each application is executed within its own thread using a very lightweight virtual machine.

Monday, March 11, 2013

How to Increase our website/ blog traffic? Only One The Quantity and Quality of Articles

In general, many Internet users believe that making money on the internet is an easy thing that can reap many benefits. But guys, do not easily believe in such things. Making money on the internet is easy because it is easy to get a variety of information on the internet, but one thing that we must make the foundation thinking in making money on the internet is not for profit as much as possible but what we must do in order to create a method that we have great opportunity to make money.

The website and blog is the most preferred by many people at the present time. With the lure of steady income demanding the administrator of the website and the blog works hard turning their brains to figure out how to get a lot of income in the form of dreams. However, many people will be fooled that, because it is only the thoughts contained in the fairy tale world.

If you have a thought like that, then I personally suggest not to do a variety of ways to get your dream. It was all a lie. Therefore, you do not directly have great confidence for the pile of money alone. because it is similar to any means to make a profit, that money had been desirable.

Simply this, if you have a website or blog, you have to think like entrepreneurs in the field of advertising. Thought the same to employers in advertising would lead you to success. Just as said by Albert Einstein, "do not ever pursuing success, but pursuing perfection, because success goes hand in hand with perfection.Analogy of your website is like a billboard on the highway. One thing for sure is, when the billboard was placed on the road that has a high density / crowded road users passing the billboard must be worth expensive compared to billboards placed in the road that has a bit of road users. The conclusion we get is that if you want to benefit from the internet then at least your website or blog, you must have a sale value in the form of high traffic.

What can we do to increase traffic? The answer is only one, is to write an article as much as possible so that receive high traffic. So, if I think about writing articles that prioritize data base website or blog will be increased so that the chance of your website or blog is known by many people is increasing.

Nor should you think to advertise your website or blog in a company engaged in the field of advertising. Not the intent to prohibit comrades not to advertise, but if you intend to start your business from scratch then you need to do is work hard. The point that I want to say is all the matters related to increasing traffic to your website or blog to produce huge profits none other than the write article with as much as possible. And when you've had enough with the number of articles you write, then you start thinking about the keywords that exist on the internet search engines. Remember, all that it takes the process, no one instant in the world including that making money in the internet world is not instant it takes hard work a large and even larger than the jobs that exist in the real world.

How to eliminate the fatigue of working

Job demands often make people work behind a desk all day and constantly staring at the computer. This of course would be exhausting and saturate. Here are some ways that you can eliminate fatigue in the workplace.

Relaxation can be useful to relax the tense muscles. Relaxation can be done by doing simple movements, such as waving his arms or twist the body to the right and to the left. Relaxation can also be done by massaging the neck and back.

Browsing the internet can be a good way to eliminate boredom. When exploring the internet, often we find new ideas relevant to the job. Therefore, the Internet can also be a source of inspiration.

Reading books, magazines, or newspapers are another option. Read something that appeals to us, whether news events, sports, or beauty, it can refresh the mind.

Playing games on the computer can make the mind be refreshed and ready to concentrate again to resume work. However, you should bear in mind, if we are playing, do not forget the time and forget their duties and the main job.

Spend time off to walk to visit places of interest around the workplace can provide freshness to our own. At least we can forget about work for a moment and saturation.

Take time to relax drinking coffee or just eat a snack. It can make your body relax and get back ready to finish the job. Chat with friends or relatives are calling another thing that might be able to restore morale.Wash your face with cold water is one of the things that can be done to eliminate boredom. This activity is a common activity performed by most people when bored at work.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Fresh and healthy avocado juices

Enjoyable, convenient, and affordable. That is the impression gained when eating fresh fruits. Behind the refreshing nature, fresh fruit has a myriad of benefits for health and fitness. Some are taking them immediately and some are first processed to make it more enjoyable, such as by making fruit juice.

Before juiced, it is advisable you choose fruit that is still fresh and clean. Avoid using a knife to cut the former other food or dirty juicer because it can cause an unpleasant smell.

There are several types of fruit that should not be cut into small pieces before putting them in the juicer, like avocados. Soft flesh makes it quite separated from the skins and seeds. Fruit is much presented in the form of juice has properties that make it attractive to a variety of people.

According to some studies, avocados can help fight the aging process. The content of the oil contained in the fruit helps the body fight free radicals that come from pollution and unhealthy environment. Avocados can also help reduce blood cholesterol levels and prevent diabetes.

Choose ripe avocados, cut into two pieces, and separate seeds, skin, with flesh that is creamy. Using a spoon, put the fruit into a juicer. Add milk, cold water, and add sugar to taste to the delicacy.

Immediately consumed juice that has been created in order to quality and freshness is guaranteed. Besides avocados, oranges, tomatoes, carrots and strawberries are also delicious and when served in a glass of juice.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Culture stay at Hostel

Hostel is an alternative option to keep costs down while on a sightseeing trip. Hostel of course different from the hotel, where the concept of the rooms here are mostly shared facilities. Sharing is not just a matter of rest, but also bathroom, lounge, kitchen, and more. Not surprising really priced hostel were friendly enough pockets.

Cheap does not mean we can at will. Surely there is etiquette to be followed. Here is etiquette that should be known, if you want to use the hostel as a place of lodging.

Introduce yourself. Since you will be living together in the next few days, it's good to introduce myself to the occupants of the room.

Use your own equipment. Should never borrow from fellow residents in hostels. This is to avoid conflicts that may occur such as loss. You do not know where it came from, traits, and behaviors. Therefore, always double check your travel gear before departing. If the lack of a toilet-related items, you better buy it in the store. Vice versa, the goods do not lend anything to the other occupants.

Respect others. Do not make any noise in the room. Because you do not live alone. You need to avoid activities that cause noise. But avoid the phone in the room. Then, try cleaning has always been a major. Do not hang clothes haphazardly in the room because the room is not the laundry and not your private room.Make it a habit to carry a small flashlight. Always make it a habit to carry a small flashlight in the bag. This is so you do not hang yourself to others when you want a night out. It is also to avoid you turn on the light and in the end everyone would wake the sleeping.

Maintain cleanliness of bathrooms and kitchens. Do not leave in a dirty bathroom because it was not your own use. Prepare your own toiletries and do not borrow from others. Do not forget to shut the water tap. For the kitchen, usually almost in every hostel, keep cleaning the kitchen. Make a habit of washing back all cutlery used. When storing food in the fridge, give it a name label or information that belongs to you.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Pengertian dan Penjelasan dari beberapa istilah ilmu politik

Banner. Istilah yang dikenal dalam per-suratkabaran yang menunjuk pada judul berita yang dicetak dengan huruf-huruf besar dan panjang yang biasanya ditempatkan di atas halaman.

Bapekan. Kependekan dari Badan Pengawas Kegiatan Aparatur Negara. Suatu lembaga negara republik Indonesia yang dibentuk untuk mengawasi kegiatan aparatur negara, baik resmi maupun tidak, guna menjamin efisiensi kerja yang maksimal. Badan ini didirikan pada bulan Agustus 1959 dengan penetapan presiden, dan dibubarkan oleh presiden sendiri pada bulan mei tahun 1962.

Bappenas atau Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional. Suatu badan yang dibentuk untuk menyusun rencana pembangunan tahunan maupun jangka panjang untuk seluruh wilayah indonesia, dan menilai serta mengawasi pelaksanaan dan penyempurnaan pola pembangunan nasional semesta berencana. Dibentuk oleh Presiden Soekarno dengan Penetapan Presiden No. 12/1963, dan pada masa pemerintahan Presiden Soeharto badan ini berperan bear dalam menyusun REPELITA maupun PELITA.

Bargaining. Yaitu pelaksanaan perjanjian mengenai pertukaran barang-barang dan jasa-jasa antara dua organisasi atau lebih.

Barisan Banteng. Suatu organisasi yang didirikan oleh golongan nasionalis yang dimaksudkan untuk menandingi PUTERA (Pusat Tenaga Rakyat) yang didirikan oleh Pemerintah bala tentara jepang. Barisan banteng dipimpin oleh Departemen Pemuda dari Asrama Angkatan Baru Indonesia yang berkedudukan di Menteng 31 Jakarta. Di kemutian hari, barisan banteng ini dibubarkan oleh Kenpetai (Polisi Militer Jepang).

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Canon EOS 650D, digital sophistication is in your grasp

Nowadays, the higher the need for digital imaging. The rise of photo sharing websites and videos on the internet to make digital imaging device that produces quality images, but it is easy to use, more attractive. That is why, the manufacturers of electronic devices continues to deliver breakthrough digital imaging best to meet those needs.

One such effort was made leader of global digital imaging industry, Canon, through its latest DSLR camera, the Canon EOS 650D. Supported by the latest technology, such as the 18-megapixel CMOS sensor and DIGIC 5 processor, the Canon EOS 650D has the ability to capture images at high speed to reach pictures with high speed to reach 5.0 frames per second, and offers ISO speeds up to 12,899 (expandable to 25,600).

Auto-Focus system which integrated growing fast and has high accuracy with a 9-point auto focus system that has been updated with a hybrid CMOS Auto focus. The system is able to dramatically improve the speed of auto focus to keep the objects remain focused despite using live view mode, and movie shooting. Furthermore, the presence EOS scene detection technology capable of regulating the proper exposure levels automatically for easy retrieval of images in all situations in auto mode.

Canon also introduced two new lenses are EF40mm f/2.8 and EF-STM SIS STM-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Auto Focus system that has a faster almost silently on the movement of the lens.

Touch Screen. Canon EOS 650D is equipped with a Vari-angle touch screen measuring 3 inches. Auto Focus in live view mode can be done easily, simply by touching the area that you want on the camera LCD, the camera will automatically focus on that area search can be combined with Features Touch Shutter. When the subject in focus, the camera will automatically take pictures without pressing the shutter button.Although belonging to the category of entry-level camera, the hardware devices that are owned by the Canon EOS 650D is fairly advanced. This camera can keep images remain sharp with ISO speeds that reached 6400 in automatic mode and can be increased reach 25,600. The advantage of the long range ISO range is the image with optimal exposure in diverse lighting conditions.

Canon EOS 650D equipped with multishot noise reduction function, in which the camera takes the photo four times and unite into a single photo to minimize noise and enhance image detail.

EOS Scene Detection Technology Canon EOS 650D enough to help the user generate the best photos in situations that are not allowed to perform on camera settings such as making a photo documentation. For example, when the camera detects the shooting in portrait, the camera blurred background to emphasize the shape of the object. When the sensor detects a moving object, the camera will automatically do the settings on the shutter speed. When doing a photo shoot at night, the camera is able to detect the use of a tripod or not, and make appropriate arrangements to produce quality photos.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Chevrolet Colorado Review, Car Tough qualified performance

Efficient, resilient, and reliable maybe this is the right word for 3 chevrolet colorado. In addition to promoting the quality of products, General Motors is very supportive of the safety of the rider. Answering the needs of motorists, particularly in off-road terrain, which requires high-performance automobile capable in every respect, General Motors gave preference to the world community with the Chevrolet Colorado products.Through three variants, namely Colorado Cabin Crew LTZ 2.5 liter with dimensions of 4 x 4 M / T, LT Colorado and Colorado Extended Cabin with the same capacity to provide fresh air in the market pick up double cabin 4x4. Not only that, toughness and comfort have been felt in the hearts and begin to enter the off-road vehicle users.

Some of the activities carried out in the arena driving safety muddy area with peat soils, and some areas with soil texture, such as mining and plantations. Chevrolet Colorado toughness and ability to make a car that has been tested is very suitable in these areas.

Vehicle performance is not in doubt. With specs maxium power 150 PS (3800 rpm) and torque of 350Nm at 2000 Maxium rpm. Chevrolet colorado is very reliable, it can be proved by passing through all the obstacles in the area of ​​mining and plantations with ease. In addition to a reliable engine performance, highly durable colorado thus saving the cost of reconditioning the vehicle. This is especially needed by users of vehicles.With Limited Slip Differential system on the machine and 4x4 system with excess Shift on the fly, this car is also very stable and safe through the streets in mining and in the off-road estate, or through the streets though.

Unlike other off-road vehicle, the Chevrolet Colorado has a suspension which is equipped with a heavy duty function, the suspension known as independent heavy duty high stance jointed arms with coil spring and stabilizer, and rear suspension with heavy duty type semi-elliptic two stages leaf spring high stance. This feature is able to increase the strength of all-terrain vehicles.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Tips on choosing a portable charger

Device is portable charger is currently growing rapidly in the technology market, especially as a tool that can handle the gadget runs out of power. This one tool becomes a weapon savior for people who need power for their own purposes. Therefore, let's look at some things to consider before buying the portable charger.

Note the power capacity. In general, there are two types of capacity portable charger call it Power Bank on the market, which is 2600 mAh and 5200 mAh. If you only need about one thousand mAh power per day, then you just need a portable charger-sized 2600, whereas if more then select portable charger that has a shelf life of 5200 mAh. The thing to remember is, the greater the power, the more expensive the prices also. In addition, of course, if we review in terms of size, large size also shows the storage capacity. So for a larger size you are required to carry a portable charger power bank size.

Select the original connector. Some brands of portable power bank charger offers advantages on variations connector. They claimed that all the electronic gadgets have been supported by the portable charger power bank. This is not wrong, but that should be considered is how the quality of the cable connector. Quality cable connectors are often ignored by users of portable power bank charger. In fact, the cable connectors have poor standards can cause an electrical short. If this happens, the battery and electronic gadgets you have, it is broken. To fix this, you can ask the seller about the quality of the cable connectors are original or not. In addition, ask also whether Charger portable power bank support cable connector congenital original gadget.

Note the type of battery cells. Good or bad charger portable power bank one of them is determined by the quality of the battery cells. Understandably, because the tool serves to save a lot of power, the battery cell quality would be good. The better the quality of the battery, the longer also age portable charger power bank. In general, the battery manufacturer from Japan is a product of the number 1.

Security features. Some people buy a portable charger power bank just saw the price and its capacity. In fact, that is not russak gadget, you should also note kemanannya features. Some of the features include, short circuit protection. This feature is useful for protecting gadgets in case of a short circuit. There are also over-charging protection that protects the gadget from damage because of the in-charge for too long. Also, make sure the power bank portable charger that you buy a product that has been officially certified.

Do not worry when your phone runs out of power

Your phone's battery is low battery the most frustrating thing when we are outdoors. Especially if there is no power outlet to charge the battery.

Actually there are several solutions to address the incident. The first is that we must be diligent in taking care of the battery. As we know, the battery has a life span or time cycle. However, the lifetime can be quickly reduced if we make use of the excess. One of them if we are to charge the phone too long.

People who are diligent care of the battery is usually more wise in using their mobile phones. For example, when you're in charge, they prefer to turn off the phone rather than keep playing games or the internet. These people usually know how many hours a day the battery endurance. Therefore, before going outside, they tried to charge the phone battery fully.

Second is to buy a spare battery. This is done by those who do not want to be bothered when the phone is low battery. Before leaving, they already have two batteries with fully charged power. One is on the phone, and another can be stored in the bag.

Third is the people who use the data cable. Mobile phones are now mostly use the system data cable or USB Cable for charging power. Better known as USB Charge. Therefore, those who bring laptops usually brings with it the USB Charge cable. However, charging the battery via a data cable feared could reduce battery life. Understandably, the current generated from the laptop or computer tend to be unstable.

Fourth is to use a portable charger. Now is more and more people rely on the portable charger. In general, the device is known as the Power Bank, which means the bank / power storage. The system is practical, with this tool we no longer need to worry about running out of battery power on the road. That is, because these devices are priced in advance at home thus saving a great power.

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