Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Eksternalitas Negatif Sebagai Salah Satu Faktor Penyebab Kegagalan Pasar

Pernahkah kita berpikir dengan apa yang telah kita lakukan dalam kehidupan sehari – hari ? Apakah yang kita lakukan memberikan efek terhadap orang disekitar kita ? Jika ya, apakah efek yang mereka terima berupa efek positif atau negatif ? Pertanyaan tersebut merupakan pertanyaan – pertanyaan biasa yang sering kita abaikan maksudnya. Padahal dibalik pertanyaan – pertanyaan tersebut tersimpan banyak arti yang seharusnya kita ketahui. Kita sering menganggap sepele akan jawaban dari pertanyaan diatas.

Adanya efek yang dirasakan oleh orang lain atas kegiatan yang kita lakukan baik itu efek positif maupun negatif dalam bahasa ilmu ekonomi disebut dengan eksternalitas. Eksternalitas ini merupakan sampingan yang terjadi atas perilaku seorang manusia dalam melakukan kegiatan sehari – hari atau pun kegiatan produksi yang dilakukan suatu perusahaan. Menurut Guritno Mangkoesoebroto dalam bukunya yang berjudul Ekonomi Publik, eksternalitas timbul karena tindakan konsumsi atau produksi dari suatu pihak yang mempunyai pengaruh terhadap pihak yang lain dan tidak ada kompensasi yang dibayar oleh pihak yang disebabkan atau kompensasi yang diterima oleh pihak yang terkena dampak tersebut.

Sebagai salah satu contoh yang menunjukkan efek positif dari eksternalitas ini adalah misalkan ada seorang pemilik rumah yang senang bertaman. Ia senang menghias halaman rumahnya dengan tanaman – tanaman hias yang cantik. Maka terlihatlah bahwa rumah tersebut asri dan indah. Hal ini membuat para tetangga si pemilik rumah merasa senang. Itu berarti tetangga pemilik rumah tersebut mendapatkan eksternalitas positif. Bagaimana dengan contoh yang menunjukkan efek negatif dari eksternalitas ini ? Tentu saja sangat banyak yang bisa dijadikan contoh eksternalitas negatif ini. Salah satu contoh kecilnya adalah ketika anda hidup berdampingan dengan tetangga. Ada saat ketika tetangga anda memasang musik dan dengan kuantitas suara yang cukup besar. Jika hal itu membuat anda merasakan kesakitan pada telinga walaupun dalam skala kecil atau anda merasa terganggu karena anda tidak bisa istirahat dengan gangguan seperti itu. Ini artinya anda telah mengalami eksternalitas negatif dari apa yang telah dilakukan oleh tetangga anda tersebut.

Apabila ada suatu sumber perekonomian dalam masyarakat yang tidak dapat dialokasikan dengan baik dan benar maka hal ini disebut sebagai suatu kegagalan pasar. Hal ini akan menyebabkan produksi suatu barang akan terlampau banyak atau bahkan terlampau sedikit. Dengan adanya eksternalitas titik keseimbangan pasar menjadi tidak efisien karena penjual dan pembeli tidak memperdulikan dampak yang akan terjadi dari eksternalitas ini ketika mereka melakukan banyak penawaran dan permintaan. Dengan kata lain, titik keseimbangan pasar gagal memaksimalkan manfaat total bagi masyarakat secara keseluruhan (N.G. Mankiw, E. Quah, P. Wilson: Pengantar Ekonomi Mikro).

Salah satu contoh kasus kegagalan pasar yang paling sering terjadi dari faktor eksternalitas negatif adalah pabrik – pabrik atau perusahaan – perusahaan. Di Indonesia banyak sekali pabrik – pabrik yang membuang limbah hasil produksinya ke sembarang tempat. Kita ambil saja salah satu pabrik sawit yang ada di Sumatera Utara. Produksi limbah dari pabrik sawit tersebut dengan sengaja dibuang ke sungai dimana para masyarakat yang sebagian besar membutuhkan hasil dari sungai tersebut baik airnya maupun makhluk hidup yang ada di dalamnya seperti ikan – ikan. Masyarakat merasa dirugikan karena limbah dari pabrik sawit tersebut mencemari sungai yang membuat tangkapan ikan masyarakat setempat jadi berkurang.

Dengan adanya peristiwa ini, masyarakat setempat menuntut pihak pabrik atas apa yang telah mereka lakukan terhadap pencemaran sungai yang memberikan efek negatif pada masyarakat sekitar. Karena dituntut, pihak pabrik berusaha untuk membujuk warga dengan memberikan kompensasi berupa uang ganti rugi.

Tetapi, dengan diberinya kompensasi itu artinya pihak pabrik mengeluarkan biaya tambahan lain berupa biaya sosial untuk meredam kemarahan warga. Dan dengan bertambahnya pengeluaran perusahaan/pabrik tersebut maka akan meningkatkan biaya produksi sawit dan sawit akan mengalami kenaikan harga. Jika harga naik maka pembelian atas sawit tersebut akan menurun. Maka dengan ini terjadilah ketidakefisiensi dari suatu pasar. Dengan harga yang tinggi maka akan terjadi penurunan atas pembelian sedangkan barang yang telah diproduksi terlampau banyak. Hal inilah yang disebut dengan eksternalitas negatif dimana kegiatan yang dilakukan suatu pihak merugikan pihak lainnya. Hal tersebut merupakan salah satu eksternalitas lingkungan yang menyebabkan fisik hayati dari lingkungan tersebut mengalami perubahan dilihat dari segi manfaat dan biaya (Owen, 2004).

Kasus mengenai eksternalitas lingkungan diatas merupakan salah satu contoh fakta yang sudah banyak terjadi di Indonesia. Banyak perusahaan yang dengan egoisnya membuang limbah yang telah mereka produksi ke lingkungan sekitar dan menimbulkan dampak yang cukup besar bagi masyarakat. Pabrik – pabrik tersebut mendapat keuntungan tetapi dengan merugikan orang lain.

Hal – hal seperti itu adalah suatu hal yang sudah biasa yang sering terjadi di lingkungan sekitar kita. Disatu sisi pabrik – pabrik seperti itu memberikan dampak pada pembangunan ekonomi tetapi juga memberikan dampak negatif pada lingkungan. Dimana dampak negatif tersebut lebih berbahaya karena merusak lingkungan hidup. Kita sangat membutuhkan lingkungan yang bersih dan juga sehat. Karena itu akan membuat hidup kita lebih sejahtera jika dilihat dari sisi kesehatan. Tapi jika lingkungan hidup kita rusak bagaimana kita bisa bertahan hidup dengan keadaan seperti itu ? Ini sama saja membunuh kita secara perlahan.

Dengan adanya eksternalitas ini paling tidak kita bisa tahu dan memikirkan apa yang akan kita lakukan apakah akan memberikan efek positif atau negatif. Jika yang akan kita hasilkan adalah efek negatif harapannya kita bisa mencegah atau bertanggung jawab atas apa yang telah kita lakukan. Dari kasus diatas eksternalitas negatif adalah perilaku/tindakan seseorang atau perusahaan yang dapat merugikan orang lain baik itu secara fisik maupun non fisik. Selain itu, efek dari eksternalitas negatif ini juga berpengaruh pada kegagalan pasar. Pada pasar yang tidak efisien akan terjadi pelimpahan suatu barang tertentu dan penurunan jumlah barang lain.

Untuk mengurangi dampak yang terjadi atas eksternalitas ini maka dibutuhkan peran pemerintah. Pemerintah diharapkan bisa membantu dalam menanggulangi masalah seperti ini. Membuat kebijakan – kebijakan adalah salah satu cara untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang ditimbulkan oleh eksternalitas ini.

Ditulis oleh Evelyne F Piliang

Samsung Galaxy Note, a smartphone with a variety of advantages

Samsung Galaxy Note II has a roomy landscape display that has a custom shape for similar phones Samsung Galaxy Note II. This affects all the comfort while to grasp this phone. Besides Samsung Galaxy Note II still equip yourself with the buttons instead of capacitive home button that is still physical buttons and coupled with touchkey on the bottom of the screen. So that makes the Samsung Galaxy Note II is superior in design to support the Note feature, because it has port S-Pen. Samsung chose the plastic casing material effect on the light weight so even though the Samsung Galaxy Note II lighter for similar android smartphone.

For Samsung Galaxy Note II, android smartphone software increased compared to its predecessor the Samsung Galaxy Note I still carried with dual core processors. Samsung Galaxy Note II has quad-core processor in the form of a capacity of 1.6 GHz with the operating system Android Jelly Bean v.4.1 are able to clock speed. Another interesting thing is the Samsung Galaxy Note II supported with a capacity of 2 GB of RAM with a Mali-400 GPU and supported by Exynos 4412 Quad Chipset for hardware. Memory MicroSD up to 64 GB makes the Samsung Galaxy Note II just like "mini netbook".

Spacious screen on Samsung Galaxy Note II certainly were pleased to accommodate your needs on multimedia. To watch movies and video, the Samsung Galaxy Note II already use AMOLED screen that allows screen sharpness. Samsung even bring a new experience in a setting where the brightness of the screen even though the options have been integrated in the Samsung Galaxy Note II by default is Auto Brightness, slider to adjust the brightness level can be used in accordance with user needs. So when light conditions change around you, you can customize it easily.

Surely as a cell phone that has a wide dimension and width, the Samsung Galaxy Note II definitely has its advantages in the field of the camera and display. Samsung Galaxy Note II comes with a resolution of 8 MP camera with various settings easily in it. This is also coupled with an LED flash, autofocus, geotagging, face detection and ISO are able to produce HD video quality and crisp, detailed picture. The presence of a secondary camera is also carried by the Samsung Galaxy Note II, which can be used to use the video call feature and Internet video applications such as Skype.

For multimedia sound, the Samsung Galaxy Note II amplified sound system with Sound Alive be integrated in it is the equalizer pop, rock, virtual 7.1 channel. Besides, with the sound alive, the users of the Samsung Galaxy Note II can display the lyrics of the song with the music plus speed settings. In addition, the speakers are good, sound produced by the Samsung Galaxy Note II has a pretty good quality.

In general, for a android smartphone, the Samsung Galaxy Note II equipped with a browser capable of displaying up to 16 browser tabs tabs. There are also features pop-up browser that can be used to play videos from the internet. You can surf using the Samsung Galaxy Note II because it has been supported with GPRS / EDGE data speeds sampi with HSDPA and HSUPA networks, and hardware supported by Wi-Fi 802.11 b / g / n and Wi-Fi Direct.

Berawal dari Kuota Impor berakhir dengan Rent-Seeking

Isu tentang rent seeking bukanlah hal yang jarang didengar lagi pada zaman ini. Rent seeking adalah hal lumrah yang terjadi apalagi dikalangan pemerintah saat ini. Korupsi menjadi salah satu isu rent seeking tersering yang didengar oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Para rente sangat giat mencari klien dan yang sering menjadi klien mereka adalah orang – orang yang duduk di bangku pemerintahan atau pun orang – orang yang berduit.

Krueger adalah orang pertama yang mengeluarkan teori tentang rent seeking yang kemudian dikembangkan oleh Bhagwati dan Srinivasan. Praktek kuota impor adalah hal yang dibahas oleh Krueger pada teorinya. Dimana ada perbedaan antara harga batas dan harga domestik.

Dalam perdagangan internasional terdapat beberapa kasus mengenai rent seeking yang salah satunya adalah pembatasan kuota impor. Kuota adalah pembatasan secara langsung terhadap jumlah impor atau ekspor (Salvatore: Ekonomi Internasional. 1997). Kuota impor adalah merupakan bentuk pembatasan kuantitatif secara langsung terhadap impor suatu komoditi dan memilih banyak dampak seperti yang ditimbulkan oleh tarif impor (Salvatore: Ekonomi Internasional. 1990). Kuota impor ini diberlakukan pada barang yang akan diimpor atau berupa pembatasan jumlah uang yang akan masuk ke berbagai negara dalam hitungan per tahun. Dalam kuota impor terdapat yang namanya lisensi impor yang akan dilelang oleh pemerintah. Jika pemerintah tidak melelang lisensi impor tersebut maka para pemegang lisensi impor akan memperoleh keuntungan monopoli.
Pembahasan yang menarik dalam hal ini terletak dari kebijakan dari Pemerintah dalam menentukan semua hal di sektor perdagangan internasional. Segala faktor ekspor maupun impor seharusnya dianalisis terlebih dahulu. Pada dasarnya diberinya kuota impor dalam suatu perdagangan internsional untuk melindungi produksi dalam negeri. Dengan kata lain, pembatasan ini diberlakukan untuk melindungi para pengusaha dalam negeri. Tetapi, ketika suatu barang dibatasi stoknya padahal dimata masyarakat barang tersebut sudah menjadi kebutuhan mereka dan tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan sebagian besar dari mereka maka akan terjadi penigkatan permintaan yang pada akhirnya akan membuat harga barang tersebut naik. Hal ini sesuai dengan kurva permintaan yang ada. Jika permintaan akan suatu barang tinggi maka harga barang tersebut juga akan naik dengan asumsi ceteris paribus.

Rent seeking adalah perilaku para pemegang lisensi kuota impor yang menggunakan haknya untuk mendapatkan keuntungan monopoli dan akan melakukan apa saja demi mempertahankan lisensi impor tersebut bahkan sampai menyuap para pejabat pemerintah yang bersangkutan. Hal inilah yang menyebabkan mengapa rent seeking dianggap sebagai persaingan yang tidak sehat dalam sebuah bisnis.

Contoh kasus. Dalam sebuah perdagangan internasional pemerintah melelang lisensi impor. Misalkan ada pemerintah memberikan kuota impor pada A, B, dan C untuk mengimpor mobil Marcedes Benz masing – masing sejumlah 100 unit/orang. A dan B telah menggunakan lisensi yang mereka miliki sedangkan C masih menggunakan haknya sebagian saja dan masih bersisa 50 unit lagi. Permintaan terhadap mobil Marcedes Benz keluaran terbaru masih tinggi dan posisi A dan B pada saat itu sedang tidak menguntungkan karena mereka sudah kehabisan kuota impor yang mereka miliki. Mengetahui hal ini, C berniat untuk menyewakan hak lisensi impornya pada A ataupun B. C akan menyewakan haknya pada orang yang mau membayar lebih tinggi dari yang lain. Dikarenakan terdesak oleh permintaan yang tinggi, A maupun B berlomba – lomba menawarkan harga yang cukup tinggi kepada C agar bisa menyewa hak lisensi impor yang dimiliki oleh C. Permintaan yang tinggi dan tingginya harga untuk menyewa kuota impor dari orang lain, maka A ataupun B akan menaikkan harga dari mobil Marcedes Benz tersebut.

Terjadinya hal diatas membuat para pemegang lisensi menginginkan pemerintah agar menaikkan jumlah kuota impor mereka. Jika pemerintah tidak menaikkan jumlah kuota impor, maka hal seperti diatas akan terus menerus.

Pemegang lisensi per tahunnya bisa saja orang – orang atau perusahaan – perusahaan yang berbeda dari tahun sebelumnya. Pemerintah harus jeli melihat orang – orang atau perusahaan – perusahaan yang memiliki potensial dalam hal ini. Tapi, terkadang para pemegang lisensi ditahunnya masih tetap menginginkan bahwa merekalah pemegang lisensi impor tersebut ditahun berikutnya. Pemegang lisensi akan melakukan apa saja demi mempertahankannya termasuk menyuap pejabat pemerintah yang bersangkutan dalam hal ini. Inilah salah satu penyebab terjadinya korupsi dibangku pemerintahan.

Dari contoh kasus diatas, dapat dikatakan bahwa kegiatan yang dilakukan antara A dan B dengan C adalah rent seeking atau kegiatan pencari rente. Dimana C adalah penyewa sedangkan A dan B adalah yang menyewa. Menurut Mankiw dalam bukunya yang berjudul Teori Makroekonomi, adanya kuota impor akan menggeser kurva ekspor-bersih dan akan mengakibatkan meningkatnya kurs dan hal tersebut tidak akan mengubah pendapatan.

Pemerintah memberlakukan kuota impor pada dasarnya memiliki tujuan positif untuk negara dan masyarakatnya. Yaitu, untuk melindungi produk dalam negeri dan juga untuk melindungi neraca pembayaran suatu negara. Tapi, lama kelamaan tujuan positif itu berubah menjadi negatif dikarenakan keegoisan para pemegang lisensi yang menyebabkan timbulnya perilaku rent seeking. Jadi, pada zaman sekarang ini perilaku rent seeking adalah hal yang biasa dalam perdagangan internasional atau pun dalam perekonomian suatu negara.

Ditulis oleh Evelyne F. Piliang

Enjoy your holiday season with a visit to Vietnam

End of the year is always a moment to enjoy a vacation awaited throughout the year. Various tourist destinations are available, both domestically and abroad. For those of you who want to travel abroad, but not too far away you can visit the State of Vietnam can be a Country of which you can visit.

Vietnam itself had its French dubbed Asia as typical culinary dishes. Understandably this country had experienced a period of colonial France for 10 years, starting from 1873. Therefore, not surprisingly, there are some elements of French culture that influence the culture of Vietnam, one of them culinary. An example is the Vietnamese sandwiches called banh mi. Banh mi using French bread, the baguette. Although using bread baguette, banh mi ingredients that characterize Vietnam the cilantro and lemon grass is always used.

Besides culinary Vietnma has tourist spots skyline. Such as the Vietnam capital of Hanoi. Hanoi is a historic old town is still very strong with traditional life. Renowned for its hospitality of its people respect each other. Therefore, many foreign tourists who come and continues to increase every year. Hanoi is also dubbed as the city of lakes because of the many lakes in the city.

Several other penrjalanan destinations worth visiting in Hanoi is Hoan Kiem Lake is the most beautiful lake in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, Ba Dinh District is famous for its imperial palace, Dong Xuan Market is the largest and most comprehensive in the city of Hanoi, and Van Phuc silk Village which is a center of silk trade which is very cheap.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Cell Phone Signal Troubleshooting

Judging from its primary function on the phone and send a text message, the phone is actually no longer a luxury item on the market and for everyone at the moment. In the market, it is available for various types of mobile phones that cost under a million dollars.

The main reason people buy and use a simple cell phone, in order to call or contact anyone anytime and anywhere. However, there are times when hope is not the case, such as when the phone signal suddenly disappeared.

There are many reasons that make the phone lose signal, such as mobile phones never dropped, doused with water, a broken cell phone parts, too long in charge, poor quality batteries, and other causes.

If the surgical deeper, power amplifier (function provides power to the transmit signal when calling), antenna switch (automatic transfer switch to function as line receivers or transmitters), to damage the software on the phone, often a ringleader phone loses signal.

The location where the cell phone was also influential, for example in a place untouched signal, such as elevators, basements, mountain, or ocean. Places where it is referred to as the term blank spot. Although mobile operators continue to add and expand the base transceiver station, sometimes still find places that are hard to get a signal. Some ways are often taken to strengthen the cell phone signal is to add aluminum patch on the back of the phone or the phone's battery.

Some parties felt this way really is not much help to strengthen tangkan base transceiver station, but others think this is one effective way to address the problem of signal loss. Another way to do is to use an additional antenna that serves as a repeater to strengthen the signal.

Holiday to the Gold Coast, the surfer's paradise

Are have a great adventure inside your soul?  you are adventurous and want to feel the sensation of surfing with the roar of the waves that tempting? Try to Gold Coast, Australia. This is where the surge of the most famous surfers in the world.

Gold Coast is a modern city with high-rise buildings and shiny, which is built around the magnificent beach. The city is the sixth largest category in Australia and the second largest in the state of Queensland.

Along a stretch of endless golden beaches, there is an international thematic gardens, designer boutiques, luxury spa, world-class golf courses, as well as renowned restaurants. Splendor continues through a series of festivals and events almost every month of the year featuring the talents of the best in sport in Australia.

Watch the surf lifesaving championships also in action. You can join with others to celebrate the championship. Continuing the journey to the border of Queensland and New South Wales, discover Coolangatta, Tweed Heads, as well as the beauty of Mt. Warning National Park are breathtaking. Along the way, you will soon find a treasure trove of high value makes this beach.

Gold Coast and surrounding areas provide the thrill of no value for the surfers. Great waves off the coast of Broadbeach, cross snorkeling shipwrecks off the coast of Main Beach, or walk on the golden sands surrounded by tall buildings in Surfers Paradise. In addition, explore waterfalls, tower and scenic bushland in the thick nan Goald Coast hinterland.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

A little biography from Sergey Brin

 Sergey Brin, a native of capital of the Russian Federation, received a bachelor of science degree with honors in mathematics and computer engineering science from the University of Maryland in school Park. he is presently inactive from the doctoral Ph.D program in computer engineering science at Stanford, wherever he received his academic degree. Sergey could be a recipient of a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship furthermore as honors unearned Master in Business from Instituto de Empresa. Sergey Brin was born in capital of the Russian Federation to mortal oldsters, archangel Brin. once he was six he and his family had to flee Russia to avoid wasting themselves from mortal persecutions. His father was a scientist, that explains the extraordinary ability that Sergey exhibited whereas determination science issues. Brin’s father schooled him reception associated honed his analytical skills and additionally infused in him an interest in computers.

After receiving his degree in arithmetic and engineering science from the University of Maryland at school Park, Brin entered Stanford, wherever he met Larry Page. From there started a partnership that modified the face of World Wide internet. however at starting each had a tough time gelling with one another, since they nor either appear to agree on one topic. along they based Google opposition. in 1998, and Sergey continues to share responsibility for every day operations with Larry Page and Eric Helmut Heinrich Waldemar Schmidt. They crammed their dormitory with cheap computers and applied Brin's data processing system to make a superior program. The program became standard at Stanford and that they suspended their PhD studies to start out up Google during a rented garage.

As an enquiry project at Stanford, Brin and Page created a probe engine that listed results per the recognition of the pages, once terminal that the foremost standard result would typically be the foremost helpful. They known as the program Google once the mathematical term"Googol" that could be a one followed by a hundred zeros, to replicate their mission to prepare the huge quantity of knowledge offered on the net. Sergey's analysis interests embody search engines, info extraction from unstructured sources, and data processing of huge text collections and scientific knowledge. He has revealed over a dozen educational papers, together with Extracting Patterns and Relations from the planet Wide Web; Dynamic knowledge Mining: a brand new design for knowledge with High spatiality, that he revealed with Larry Page; ascendable Techniques for Mining Casual Structures; Dynamic Itemset enumeration and Implication Rules for Market Basket Data; and on the far side Market Baskets: Generalizing Association Rules to Correlations.

An innovative thinker with a way of humor furthermore, Page once engineered a operating dot matrix printer out of toy blocks. He was desirous to advance in his career, and determined to check for a hydrogen ion concentration.D degree. He was admitted to the distinguished doctorial program in engineering science at Stanford. On associate introductory weekend at the town field that had been organized for brand new students, he met Sergey Brin. A native of Russian capital, Russia, Brin was additionally the son of a academic, and came to the u.  s. along with his family once he was six. His father schooled science at the University of Maryland, associated it absolutely was from that school's faculty Park field that Brin attained an undergrad degree in engineering science and science.

 Sergey Brin himself has garnered a private fortune folks $ nineteen.8 billion, and was stratified because the fifth most powerful man within the world by Forbes in 2009. He married Anne Wojcicki within the summer of 1997 on The Commonwealth of the Bahamas. In 2012, Brin has been attached  the Project Glass program and has demoed monocle prototypes. Project Glass could be a analysis associated development program by Google to develop an increased reality head-mounted show (HMD). The meant purpose of Project Glass product would be the hands-free displaying of knowledge presently offered to most smartphone users, and allowing interaction with the net via tongue voice commands.

The Increase of Taxes rising up the Fiscal Cliff

In the u.  s., the business geological formation is that the sharp decline within the deficit that would have occurred starting in 2013 because of increased  taxes and reduced defrayal PRN by antecedently enacted laws.The business geological formation agreement is nice news to some extent, though it should not be neglected that lawmakers to handle this downside, however still dropped to the ultimate hours before they were ready to reach an answer inflicted burden on the economy and monetary markets. The \'fiscal cliff\' could sound just like the name of Associate in Nursing exercise retreat on a mountain prime in Southern American state, however the fact is not thus pretty.

A combination of expiring tax cuts and comprehensive government defrayal cuts regular to become effective Dec. 31, 2012. the concept behind the business geological formation was that if the centralized allowed these 2 events to proceed as planned, they\'d have a damaging result on Associate in Nursing already shaky economy, maybe causation it into a political candidate recession because it cut menage incomes, increased  state rates and undermined client and capitalist confidence. At identical time, it absolutely was foretold that going over the business geological formation would considerably cut back the federal deficit. With the caveat that no news person is aware about the small print of the offers being swapped, here is that the deal that appeared to be emerging: Democrats would get Associate in Nursing extension of state edges for two.1 million people; they’d patch the choice minimum tax for a year to guard the center category from sharp tax hikes; and they’d implement a “doc fix” to confirm that health care compensation rates to doctors don’t fall sharply and limit patients’ access to medical aid.

Because of the projected short-run impact on the economy, the business geological formation had stirred intense dialogue and media coverage toward the tip of 2012. The yankee remunerator Relief Act of 2012 eliminated several of the year-to-year tax will increase related to the business geological formation, however failed to offer a final resolution to the automated defrayal cuts, delaying them for 2 months to allow time for additional negotiations. what is a lot of, the agreement self-addressed solely the revenue aspect (taxes) however delayed any discussion of paying cuts for one more 2 months. Also, necessary|it is vital|it is important} to stay in mind that higher taxes were the foremost important part of the geological formation, and taxes area unit really increasing as a part of the deal. there will be an even be tax will increase for higher financial gain people to assist buy the reasonable Health Care Act.

Who really 1st verbalized the words called fiscal cliff is not clear. Some believe that it absolutely was 1st utilized by anarchist Sachs social scientist, Alec Phillips. Others credit Federal Reserve Chairman mount Bernanke for taking the phrase thought in his remarks ahead of Congress. Others credit Safir Ahmed, a news person for the St. Joseph Louis Barrow Post-Dispatch, World Health Organization in 1989 wrote a story particularization the state\'s education funding and used the term business geological formation. Proposals to avoid the business geological formation concerned repealing legislation containing sure of those provisions or passing new legislation to increase provisions that were because of expire. completely different proposals were to incorporate changes to some or all of the on top of provisions. The business geological formation was a priority for investors and business since the extremely partisan nature of the political surroundings created a compromise tough to achieve. Lawmakers had spill a year to handle this issue, however Congress – encumbered in political traffic jam – defer the look for an answer till the moment, instead of seeking to resolve the matter directly.

Do not smoke so that our children are overweight

Warning against smoking and obesity for women who are pregnant to be reasonable. Hazardous materials are tucked away on a cigarette can be toxic to the fetus in the womb and and disrupt growth. Negative effects of smoking also continue after the child is born fi funia. He has the potential to be obese or overweight.

The risk of obesity in children also come from the mother during pregnancy suffer from obesity. Some health experts were able to predict the group of children who may be affected by obesity is influenced by the behavior of the mother during pregnancy.

There are two factors were found to provide an index of children's body up the indicator we are in knowing whether someone is obese or not. Two of these factors can explain these events, ie mothers have excess weight during pregnancy and mothers who smoked. A child with a mother who smoked during pregnancy overweight or obese is likely. Both of these factors, it becomes more important as the criteria or triggers obesity than other factors such as birth weight of the child.

However, several factors were found by health experts is not a direct cause of obesity. There are still other factors that can also affect a person's weight. Review it like during the perinatal environment an important influence on obesity in later life.
The findings in this study also showed the importance of early intervention, particularly in at-risk families to prevent the development of a child's weight problem. Researchers also said to carry out further studies to find out what happens to these children after their teens.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

A little story about World War II from Adlon Hotel Germany

Large service, mainly organization employees, clean temporary housing, dignified mood. The quintessence of luxury temporary housing, the Adlon is a legendary 5-star inn on Unter den Linden, the key boulevard in the Berlin town centre, exactly converse the Brandenburg barrier. With such a central put, the hotel Adlon Kempinski permits unequivocal access to about of Berlin’s key breakthroughs. It displays the awful impact of a luxury hotel in place of the ruling categories.

Berlin's Adlon hotel has long been a very current amidst the wealthy and well notorious. But an try to motion picture the luxury lodging's colorful annals has nowadays been assessed by upheaval. The Adlon in addition was individual of the mainly well notorious inns in Europe connecting the two World conflicts and hosted celebrities with Louise Brooks, Charlie Chaplin, Herbert Hoover, Josephine Baker and Marlene Dietrich. It was furthermore a very current hangout of reporters, located in the central point of the government quarter subsequently to the British Embassy, on the identical rectangle as the French and American Embassies and lone blocks from the Chancellery and other government ministries.

First the Emperor, who opened it. Aristocrats and aristocrats, shrewed businessmen and international celebrities provieded the reasonable ‘business mix’. The number one hotel Adlon was built in 1907 by Lorenz Adlon, a lucrative Berlin wine trade and restaurateur. Adlon liked to build his inn on the Pariser Platz, on the central point of Berlin. But ensuing the image altered. For the number one era a hotel talks in an gaping way on its function in the course of the Hitler regime and the NS-times, after it was considered as individual of the playgrounds of the Nazis. The hotel continued to direct all through World conflict II, but components were converted to a armed forces area clinic during the go on days of the Battle in place of Berlin. The hotel survived the conflict devoid of slightly major impairment, having bypassed the blasting plans and shooting to had leveled the city.

The inn survived World conflict II, but a intensity begun in May 1945, soon taking into account the Russians had taken above the town. It promptly engulfed the construction, destroying mainly of it. The location of the hotel, adjacent to the Brandenburg Gate, was on the east sharpness of the Berlin partition, but its stable wing was still set aside gaping by the communists.

And after that the government reopened the stable rear service wing under the Hotel Adlon title. The wrecked key construction and all of the other constructions on Pariser Platz were demolished. The rectangle was absent as an deserted, grassed-over holding area with the West, with the Brandenburg barrier squatted without help by the Berlin partition. After the partition came down, the inn was unconditionally rebuilt and reopened in 1997. It has retrieved its rank as the hotel of span in place of the rich and well notorious. 

The government Republic of Germany opened the further hotel Adlon. It was rebuilt on the same location of the novel hotel location, lengthened by the earlier property of Kempinski (Unter den Linden/Wilhelmstraße) and about alterations in eastern and south components. It essentially functions as Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin, part of the Kempinski rope of family on dignified 23rd 1997.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Huawei Ascend Y200 (U8655) Android Smartphone Review

Huawei brings back again with their latest product, namely Huawei Ascend Y200 (U8655) Android Smartphone entry-level class that does not mean the phone is equipped with features potluck. Huawei Ascend Y200 (U8655) Android Smartphone which is a smartphone made by vendors based in the city of Shenzen, China is promising experience in using Android Smartphone middle-friendly price. Suitable for younger users with a limited budget, but want the Android Smartphone that can provide experience.

Physically, the Huawei Ascend Y200 (U8655) Android Smartphone looks like mobile smartphone that has a high price. Android Smartphone this one impressed with the luxurious accents like dark metal body surrounding Y200 Huawei Ascend (U8655) Android Smartphone. At the front, the screen looks Y200 Huawei Ascend (U8655) Android Smartphone is actually slightly less than ideal for its body size. So it seems a fairly wide margin, especially on the underside of the display screen capacitive buttons.

Huawei Ascend Y200 (U8655) Android Smartphone is categorized as entry level Android smartphone, but Huawei Ascend Y200 (U8655) Android Smartphone has a display panel made by LG are known for good quality. It even makes Huawei Ascend Y200 (U8655) Android Smartphone better than the Android Smartphone that one category. Panel screen on the Huawei Ascend Y200 (U8655) Android Smartphone is called IPS LCD response time which is known to have a stable and capable of producing a natural color and has a wider viewing angle than on regular LCD panel. It's just lack of Huawei Ascend Y200 (U8655) Android Smartphone is a screen that has the power sebsar 256 thousand colors.

Huawei Ascend Y200 (U8655) Android Smartphone is also equipped with features that make smartphones fastboot it takes 5 seconds to start up. Huawei Ascend Y200 (U8655) Android Smartphone also been supported by the Android Gingerbread which has an attractive display interface. In addition, the lock icon on the lockscreen is surrounded by 4 pieces of other icons that have different functions.

For the processor Huawei Ascend Y200 (U8655) Android Smartphone use limited processor with a clock speed of 800 MHz. The difference with other Android smartphone Huawei Ascend is Y200 (U8655) Android Smartphone has a separate GPU that increases the responsiveness of the display presents images. It makes Huawei Ascend Y200 (U8655) Android Smartphone more reliable to run applications that rely on the optimal display. Internal memory capacity is very small, forcing users to add storage memory through microSD card.

Huawei Ascend Y200 (U8655) Android Smartphone comes with a standard entertainment features, multimedia player and fm radio. The music player looks simple with the initial view that presents a collection of songs by album.

Huawei Ascend Y200 (U8655) Android Smartphone has all the connectivity options you need from a smartphone. High-speed data path operators, Wi-Fi, and even the capability to create internet hotspot. Just like an Android Smartphone, Huawei Ascend Y200 (U8655) Android Smartphone also has a reliable browser with features like multi-tab browsing.

Camera of 3.1 Megapixel is the best rate that can be achieved by resolution camera phones beginner class. The camera of Huawei Ascend Y200 (U8655) Android Smartphone features a fairly standard with a choice of standard effects.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Defenitions of Autistic, Autokratie, Autoritarism, Aux mains du peuple and AWA

Autistic. Something that has to do with how the properties or proceeds think subjectively. 

Autokratie. A form of government in which state power is in the hands of one person running it with no power limited by the power of the other. 

Autoritarisme. Centralization of governmental power in the hands or on a small group that did the state government without being responsible to the people. 

Aux mains du peuple. The term meaning the highest form of The Power is in the hands of the people. 

AWA or Algemene Werknemers Associatie. Is the class of the Dutch labor movement which was formed as an agency of the government employees union and a private in 1947. Unlike the labor movements of the nation Indonesia, the Dutch group's labor movement fought tooth and nail to restore the Dutch colonial rule in Indonesia. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Little History of Selfridge Shops UK

True identity of Selfridge was exclusive. With his waxed moustache and choosy dress brains he was the embodiment of tradition yet empowered women by offering them a whole in mint condition business know-how. Centers on the real-life article of the flamboyant and inventive American fail of Selfridge's, London's subdivision supermarket. Mr Selfridge is a instant span small screen drama produced by ITV Studios pro ITV and PBS which in progress airing on 6 January 2013. Set in 1909 London all the way through a instant time wherever women are enjoying an still increasing allowance of flexibility, it notifies the story of bother Gordon Selfridge, the fail of Selfridges subdivision salt away.

Created by multi-award glorious author Andrew Davies, Mr Selfridge tells the article of 'Mile a Minute Harry', a man with a mission to prepare business as thrilling as sexual category. Pioneering and reckless, with an practically manic energy, he twisted a theatre of retail wherever at all theme or tendency to facilitate was in mint condition, stimulating, amusing - or occasionally precisely eccentric - was showcased. A life, followed by, to facilitate has all the makings of boundless drama. The celebrated small screen screenwriter, Andrew Davies, no question notion so. But who, he wondered, was alluring as much as necessary. 

The drama is hardheaded in London in 1909, on a instant at what time women were revelling in a in mint condition brains of flexibility and modernity. Bother liked to indulge, make powerful and honor these women and so opened the doors of his bountiful subdivision supermarket, on London’s well branded Oxford road. It was a long excursion from modest beginnings in Ripon, Wisconsin, a isolated rural community, wherever he was born in 1858. Three years later on, his shopkeeper father Robert went to battle in the Civil conflict. He survived the conflict but not still returned, leaving his wife Lois and three children behind. 

Selfridge was an inveterate womaniser who had affairs with numerous of the boundless beauties of the generation. He was furthermore a gambler, and ended up cleaned out, ousted from the supermarket he had time was conceived. Bother absent discipline on 14 to effect pro a embankment and aged 18 got a job as a sock boy on a Chicago subdivision salt away, Marshall area & Coe. Inside four years, he was assisting the common boss. Three years consequent, he had taken his job. And followed by Selfridge absent Marshall area & Co to hardheaded up a competitor supermarket. Selfridges opened in 1909. The steel-framed organization, conceived by the originator Daniel Burnham – who furthermore conceived the Flatiron Building in New York.

It was an on the spot achievement. Its unfastening coincided with the Suffragette movement and women fast more flexibility, and at this juncture they were able to supermarket exclusive of a chaperone. 
He furthermore conceived come again? Was maybe the primarily US in-store bistro. Opened in 1890, Field’s Tea Room assisted ‘light luncheon’ tea set on benches bedecked with brittle linen, with a in mint condition increased in a crystal vase. Through the innovations and stunning trial bother arranged in the salt away, the tales will shine a lightweightweight on hidden instants of the annals of women, be it up-to-the-minute trend, cosmetics, expertise or domestic affairs.

Monday, January 14, 2013

History of Oscar Academy Award

There was little suspense whilst the accolades were presented with the intention of night: The recipients had at present been broadcast three months earlier. That all altered the following time, although, whilst the Academy dogged to store the outcomes secret until the ceremony. The Academy accolades, informally renowned as The Oscars, are a group of accolades certain each time designed for excellence of cinematic achievements. The Oscar figurine is formally entitled the Academy Award of Merit and is single of nine types of Academy Awards. Organized and overseen by the Academy of Motion image Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), the awards are certain both time by the side of a prescribed rite.

Fifteen statuettes were bestowed by the side of the at the outset ceremony designed for cinematic achievements in 1927 and 1928. The at the outset Best Actor victor was acclaimed German tragedian Emil Jannings, who had to approach back to Europe or the rite. The Academy allocated his demand to achieve the trophy youthful, making his figurine the very at the outset Academy Award continually presented.The accolades were at the outset certain in 1929 by the side of a rite produced designed for the accolades, by the side of the bar Roosevelt in Hollywood. Over the years with the intention of the accolade has been granted, the classes presented maintain altered; at present Oscars are granted in more than a dozen categories, and include movies of diverse kinds. 

To the same extent single of the a large amount prominent accolade rite in the planet, the Academy Awards ceremony is televised reside in more than 100 nations each time. It is furthermore the oldest judgment rite in the newspapers; its equivalents, the Grammy Awards (for music), the Emmy Awards (for television), and the Tony accolades (for theater), are modeled subsequent to the Academy accolades. He early Oscar mold was cast in 1928 by the side of the C.W. Shumway & children Foundry in Batavia, Illinois, which furthermore assisted to casting the molds designed for the Vince Lombardi Trophy and Emmy accolades statuettes.

Happening 1953, the at the outset televised Oscar rite brilliant millions all through the united States and Canada to watch the proceedings. Broadcasting in color on track in 1966, affording dwelling viewers a risk to completely know-how the dazzling draw of the experience. Since 1969, the Oscar show off has been announced globally, straight away appearance to film followers in more than 200 countries. The foremost accolades are to be had by the side of a live televised rite, a large amount routinely in February or stride out following the applicable calendar time, and six weeks subsequent to the broadcast of the nominees. It is the climax of the film awards season, which commonly starts right through November or December of the preceding time. 

This is an complicated burlesque, with the invited visitors strolling up the red carpet in the creations of the a large amount famous newest trend designers of the daylight hours. Very dark join dress is the a large amount extensive kit out designed for men, although fit may well dictate not wearing a bow-tie, and musical performers on occasion look after not adhere to this. The Academy has as well had newest considerations vis-а-vis going away the rite even spread back into January, citing television viewers' fatigue with the film industry's long accolades season.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The house windows, how to make it beautiful and attractive?

The sunlight that streamed through the window seems to be more beautiful stroke through a window at the neatly arranged. Besides functioning creates good air circulation in the house that could form the atmosphere of the room. Therefore, a unique window design and tailor the necessary space. For those of you who do not optimize the display window of the house, there are a few tips to decorate a window in order to add your beautiful room.

Determine the window on the inside of the room you want decorated. Optimize the windows in the room where you often move like a bedroom, family room and living room. As well be sure to measure curtains more than once to the appropriate size and appropriate. When installing window decorations, do it right.

Think of the function, if you want ornate windows to provide privacy? control the incoming light? or framing a beautiful view or protect against cold and noise? Some basic guidelines, for example, to control the incoming sunlight, the use of blind and shutter is the right choice because you can tilt the wood planks to regulate the amount of light desired.

Choose curtain fabric that is durable, easy to wash as nylon, acetate, acrylic, cotton and silk store to another window. For a window in the kitchen, do not need to be installed blinds, this is for easy maintenance. If the window in the kitchen has the edge / mat, you can ddengan ornamental plant pots small.

Select the curtains with white color solar shade for the dining room and living room. Minimalist and warm impression will be created. In addition, if you like the feel of lit in the bedroom, use curtains striped with dark colors.

For energy efficiency, the kind of honeycomb blinds are able to be the best method to arrange the room so that the state will be maintained. To view a plain curtain you can apply the decoration on the surface of the fabric. For example, with ornate patchwork of different motifs. Installation of the application can be sewn using a machine or hand embroidery.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Lenovo ideaphone P700i Smartphone Dual SIM On

Lenovo ideaphone P700i Smartphone. If the previous android smartphone worth more skewed predominantly single-core processor smartphone, smartphones later offering dual-core smartphone also started many developed and even marketed. One such company is the world's largest smartphone Lenovo Lenovo secrete their products are ideaphone P700i Smartphone.

It is true when compared to other android smartphone is sleek and thin, Lenovo ideaphone P700i Smartphone look more thick and quite heavy. Coupled with the selection of coarse-textured casing, Lenovo ideaphone P700i Smartphone feel comfortable within our grasp. Lenovo ideaphone P700i Smartphone with embedded audio ports, micro USB and the power button. While the left-hand side and bottom of the P700i Smartphone Lenovo ideaphone even looks sep. While Lenovo volume control buttons ideaphone P700i Smartphone placed on the right.

The sound produced by the speakers Lenovo ideaphone P700i Smartphone powered sound thanks to the presence sound effects and equalizer options are quite diverse. Meanwhile, FM radio embedded on Lenovo ideaphone P700i Smartphone you can directly listen to without having to plug in headset first. Meanwhile, for the video player, Lenovo ideaphone P700i Smartphone can play video HD720P very smoothly.

Exploring the world of internet with Lenovo ideaphone P700i Smartphone feels smooth thanks to the support of 3G HSDPA connection and Wi-Fi. For browsers, Lenovo ideaphone P700i Smartphone powered with artificial browser vendors Apple is Safari. While for the purposes of data transfer, you can use Bluetooth or a data cable.

Lenovo ideaphone P700i Smartphone powered by MTK 6577 dual core processor speed of 1 GHz. Meanwhile, to bolster the performance of Lenovo ideaphone P700i Smartphone, powered by a 512 MB RAM and of course, can store your videos, music and apps collection and you can take plus of of the internal memory of 2 GB. Lenovo ideaphone P700i Smartphone has a battery with a fairly large capacity of 2500 mAh which. With a fully charged battery condition as well as Wi-Fi and 3G are lit alternately seuai area network location support. Besides Lenovo ideaphone P700i Smartphone can last almost as long as 2 days of use.

In addition to already supported by Android native applications such as Android Market, Google Apps, and YouTube, Lenovo ideaphone P700i Smartphone also is equipped with Lenovo Note that lets users draw simply by utilizing the touch of a finger.

Lenovo ideaphone P700i Smartphone has a base operating system such as Android Ice Cream Sandwich which is supported by Lenovo-made interface itself is IdeaDesktop. Which brings capacitive type touch screen is 4 inches, Lenovo ideaphone P700i Smartphone serve 16 million different colors with a resolution of 480 x 800 pixels and the ability to receive up to 5 finger touch input. Notification on Lenovo ideaphone P700i Smartphone besides showing incoming notification also be a shortcut to make arrangements such as GPS and Bluetooth.

Lenovo ideaphone P700i Smartphone is equipped with a 5 megapixel resolution camera without flash that can take pictures in autofocus mode. A series of additional settings such as exposure, color effects, white balance, zoom comparative and has been applied to the Lenovo ideaphone P700i Smartphone.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Defenitions Aurangzeb, Australia-New Zealand Pact, Auteursrecht, Authority Relationship, Autism

Aurangzeb (Living in the year 1618 to 1707). Moghul emperor is the year 1658. An adherent of the religion of Islam are very devout, but who managed to occupy the highest power to get rid of his brothers and imprisoned his father. Thanks to its military strength, Moghul controlled a vast area.

Australia-New Zealand Pact. Agreement between Australia and New Zealand signed in 1944 in which the two countries agreed to take responsibility for the Pacific region from attack another country or outside influences.

Auteursrecht. It is a rule that governs the rights of every citizen.

Authority Relationship. It is a form of relationship between the members of an organization that is determined by the authority and responsibility for each party.

Autism. It is a term that means the thinking process is very subjective. This way of thinking tends to produce unnatural acts, not in accordance with the fact that the world around them.

The Important Things for Routine Medical Check Up

Healthy lifestyle with regular health checks. Various methods are used to transform into a healthier lifestyle, such as diet, exercise, and adequate rest. However, there is one component that is often overlooked, namely medical examination conducted at regular intervals is often also called a general medical check-up.

General medical check-up is a medical examination a minimum but sufficient to determine whether there is a common disorder or diseases occurring in the community and potentially harmful to health.

The benefits gained by performing general medical check-up periodically is knowing and prevent the development of a disorder or disease. Thus, if you need to take medication, it can be done more quickly. In addition, the length of productive life, improve quality of life, and cost-saving treatment.

If you get routine for your medical check-up you will get so many benefits for your health, but there are still many people who think that the general medical check-up healthcare is expensive or a waste of money.

So, it is time you throw away the notion that general medical check-up was expensive and a waste of money and time. Start acting more intelligently by scheduling yourself to do a general medical check-ups regularly. A healthy lifestyle is not maximal if if done by halves. Therefore, follow a healthy lifestyle by doing general medical check-ups regularly.

LG Optimus L9 (P765)

This phone has better specs than its predecessor. L-series made by the company LG is known to have a distinctive design that gives the impression of a premium. Interesting design alone is not enough amid the onslaught of Android smartphones are increasingly sophisticated, unique and varied, and what advantages the LG Optimus L9 (P765) is? Let us look for a moment.

As mentioned previously, the products in the range LG L-Series is known to have an elegant premium design, as well as mobile phones LG Optimus L9 (P765). This handset manufacturer, LG, maintain the typical design, called the L-Style, with a firm box shape that gives the impression of elegance. On the LG Optimus L9 (P765) is also given the impression of metal on the side of the phone that surrounds the body and strengthen the impression of luxury on the LG Optimus L9 (P765). Displaying a physical home button flanked by capacitive Tobol 2 pieces back and menu buttons below the screen composition is made attractive LG Optimus L9 (P765).

LG Optimus L9 also has among the most extensive display LG L-Series products. With a high resolution qHD screen area, the LG Optimus L9 has a high pixel density is quite good so as to display images that look sharp. LG Optimus L9 also has good brightness with a wide viewing angle. Unfortunately, the display brightness can not be adjusted automatically, so the user must manually adjust it every time to move from the room or place that has a different lighting conditions, giving the impression of a hassle.

For the operating system, the LG Optimus L9 has been supported by the look of Android Ice Cream Sandwich to its flagship Optimud UI user interface. In general, the homescreen display panel with 7 pieces of which 3 have been decorated by the standard widgets and shortcuts. There are 11 quick option settings can be displayed, including WiFi, Bluetooth, Data enabled, GPS and others. Quick setting can only show 5 pieces in a row icons, so when the user activates more than 5 choices, the user must move it to the side to access other options.

LG Optimus L9 also multiply the power of the processor is a dual-core processor. Brain LG Optimus L9 is paired with 1 GB of RAM and storage space with a capacity of 4 GB which is almost half have used for the system. Of particular interest is the power supply sector, where LG apply SilikonOksida Plus technology on LG Optimus L9 battery. Where the technology is claimed to have been able to make the battery last longer and hold more power in the battery body size thinner.

LG Optimus L9 course has a fairly complete connectivity options and high speed. Switch to the browser, the LG Optimus L9 also slightly modify the default browser of Android Ice Cream Sandwich.

For matters camera, LG Optimus L9 is not uncommon. Especially with a camera the size of only 5 MP, but the LG Optimus L9 tried to make this picture taker sector becomes more special with menghafirkan number of interesting features. Users can activate the shutter Cheese feature that allows users to take pictures simply by using a voice command such as Cheese, LG, Kimchi, Smile or Whisky.

Eight principles contained in the atlantic charter

  • None of the atlantic charter signatory states to take or expand territories due to the Second World War.
  • No changes will be held territory except those resulting from the process of self-determination of a nation.
  • Sovereignty and self-rule a country or guaranteed to be protected from the possibility of coercion that comes from other countries.
  • All countries, whether winning or losing the war, will have an equal footing in trade relations or in other fields.
  • International cooperation will be further developed to enhance economic development and social welfare for all nations.
  • Security in the territory of a country, and freedom from fear will be provided to all people of all nation-states.
  • Seas will be region free for all countries.
  • The use of violence will be stopped.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

A new experience in taste traditional cuisine thailand

The taste of Thai cuisine is known for sour, sweet, and spicy. For people who do not like the sour taste probably will think twice when it comes to taste some culinary diversity Thailand. Tom Yam, for example, known for its strong taste sour. In fact, it already feels sour sauce as your tongue touches lightly browned. If you are a fan of Thai cuisine and want a taste of Tom whice course, many restaurants have now been selling from Thailand's traditional cuisine.

You can taste seafood tom yam soup with different flavors. Spices in it has been processed in such a way as to make tom yam become one of the sought-after culinary food in many parts of the world. Tom yam seafood that has a sour taste that fits, is ideal for tom yam tongue everyone. Thailand of course different people who are used to feeling a sense of Tom Yam acid is much more acidic.

Tom yam addition, you can also taste traditional Thai culinary others, namely, pad thai noodles with shrimp, pandan chicken wrap, beef with basil and topped with mango and sticky rice dish. The taste of food is so fitting for the tongue, without too many ingredients, and tasted fresh.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Lenovo K860 review

Trends in Mobile with a screen almost as big as a tablet, seems to be increasingly prevalent in the year 2013. For the sake of indulging the senses visual users, vendors and local global-yack poured tablet phone to the market. After LG Optimus VU's presence, now also has a presence in the market Lenovo K860 which has been equipped with a quadcore processor chipset with Samsung Galaxy SIII.

Unlike other phone tablet design that is still pinned physical buttons below the screen, the Lenovo K860 will not be found as functions of physical buttons which have been replaced by four virtual touch keys typical Android 4.0. The four virtual touch buttons are menu, home, back and Recent / task switcher. Lenovo K860 on the left, there are only a microUSB port. While the volume of Lenovo K860 is located on the right body. Perched on the top section and the volume keys 3.5 mm audio port.

Just like any other phone tablet, Lenovo K860 brings HD IPS display with a diagonal of 5 inches. This wide screen size, it is reasonable to protect the Lenovo K860 with glass Gorilla Glass scratch. For its IPS screen quality, very sharp and bright, so you can freely use even under the scorching sun though. To pamper the user, the Lenovo K860 comes with OS Android Ice Cream Sandwich that has got polished User Interface made by Lenovo Idea Desktop.

Despite carrying the equivalent hardware specs Samsung Galaxy SIII, Lenovo K860 is apparently not support the video format as the Samsung Galaxy SIII. To play a video Lenovo K860 just use the default or standard video player lenovo. Although it does not support so many video formats, the Lenovo K860 has a good resolution that can play youtube videos very smoothly. Switch to the music player, Music Play brought by the Lenovo K860 can play songs in a variety of popular formats complete with 11 options plus the equalizer and bass is quite good earset.

To ensure that the overall performance of the Lenovo K860 running smoothly, the maker Lenovo K860 own arm with a quadcore processor 1.4 GHz speed. With the same CPU specs Samsung Galaxy SIII, Lenovo K860 fair when placing a Game Asphalt HD as the default game. Mali-400 MP GPU has also prepared by Lenovo. Meanwhile, 1GB RAM combined with a storage space of 8GB which makes the performance of Lenovo K860 dimilikanya in running a variety of applications so impressive especially powered by a Li-Ion 2250 mAh that can be removed.

Lenovo K860 equip the camera with a variety of settings such as scene mode, HDR mode, panorama, continuous shot, zoom, brightness, autofocus, resolution, ISO, white balance, special effects, timer, geotagging, shutter sound, LED flash and auto reviews. Lenovo K860 is also equipped with a video camera that can record images with resolution up to full HD 1080. To take a picture, you can use the virtual shutter button or the button's volume can serve as a physical shutter button which will provide sharper images that Lenovo K860 can be used as a photographic camera though only by 8 MP.

Defenitions of Asyl, Counsellor or Attache, Atheism, Atlantic Charter, Aukflarung

Asyl. Also called right of asylum or protection rights. This right is owned by the state to be given to foreign nationals who obviously need protection from the demands of his own country soul. For example, a political criminal or rebel because it will be prosecuted by the state and then seek asylum or protection to a foreign embassy to the pursuit of the local state apparatus.

Counsellor or Attache. A person who is placed in one foreign country to serve something the task. For example, the military attaché or cultural attaché.

Atheism. Derived from the Greek which means no A theos meaning God. As such it is nothing but atheism is a doctrine that in this world there really is not anything supernatural beings. In other words, atheism is understood that not believing in God.

Atlantic Charter. Peace program proposed by U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill at their meeting in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean on August 14, 1941. The principles embodied in the Atlantic Charter is to create a new and better world after the tyranny of the Nazis in World War II. These principles became part of the UN declaration in January 1942.

Aukflarung. The German term meaning Bright Age, is a school of thought that developed in the eighteenth century in Europe who are rationalists tend to scientific thinking. The flow is supported by the writings of Diderot, Voltaire, Montesquieu, Rousseau, Hume, Thomas Paine and his contemporaries thinkers. In English terms, aufklarung known as enlightenment.

Tips before buying Motorcycle Scooters

Having a scooter is not a primary requirement for most people. However, there are still people who use scooters for different reasons. There are liked because of its antique, a good engine, and flood-resistant. And in fact, no one likes it due to have a unique experience that can not be forgotten. Perhaps, it's a small part of the reason many skuteris (people who use scooters). True Skuteris not use motorcycle riding as a venue to follow trends, but more to see from the other side. If you want to use it, you can buy a second-hand scooter by considering the following.

Number of vehicles and vehicle papers. Not unlike the other used vehicle purchase, vehicle numbers conformity with official papers need to be considered. Body number can be seen in the bottom left box (luggage box) or the right (box machine), depending on the year the scooter production. Number scooter body often counterfeited, you can anticipate to examine whether the presence or absence of scratches around the surface of the number and level of color is different from the other, as the former is removed with sandpaper. Method can also be used to examine the body inside.

Bodi set. Once the letter is complete equipment, check the body set consisting of a fender, handlebars, body, gas tank, and the left and right boxes. This is important because it will affect the appearance of the body sets scooter in the eyes of others. To check the body (frame), do not choose parts that have been cut or have holes that deliberately created by the original owners. Part handlebars should be in accordance with the composition of output scooters. Also make sure the gas tank, left and right boxes, and fender line with the year of production. If it does not fit, you can find locally made scooters are available in the workshop.

Machinery. The next part to note is that the machine is still intact in position. Ensure that the integrity of the machine is still in position. Old scooters are generally not used by the electrical systems condensor models Discharged Ignition (CDI), but the electrical system should be returned to the initial model using platinum. Using CDI will only drain your pocket compared to platinum models and would distort the value that is in the retro scooter.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Samsung Champ Duos C3262 Neo Review

Despite having quality products in the categories of android smartphone, domestic electronics manufacturers ginseng, south korea, Samsung also issued a product that is affordable but is equipped with the latest technology. Samsung Mobile take the jelly with a target market of active young people to socialize and hang out via social media. The product named Samsung Champ Duos C3262 neo classified as a low-end touchscreen phones feature phone category. One of the advantages of this phone is integrated with a variety of social networking applications and network system is supported by a dual SIM Card.

Despite having a narrow size range 2.4-inch screen, does not stop the ability of Samsung Champ Duos C3262 Neo is to rely operation via a touch screen menu. Density screen owned by Samsung Champ Duos C3262 Neo is about 167 pixels density which gives optimal performance in socializing for an affordable feature phone category. Quality of the brightness of the screen Samsung Champ Duos C3262 neo has a fairly high brightness category.

For body size, do not be surprised indeed when you hold a cell phone is. Bodi Samsung Champ Duos C3262 Neo has a small impression. Its interesting that the body size of the Samsung Champ Duos C3262 Neo has the impression that implied a concept of efficient and minimalist design-simple and also elegant.

Samsung Champ Duos C3262 Neo is equipped with the ability to read dual GSM. SIM Card Slot 1 is located at the bottom of the battery. While SIM Card slot 2 and slot MicroSD hotswap embraced, just that you have to open the back casing prior to insert. When you first turn on the phone, it will display a notification option 1 and SIM Card 2.

In Samsung Champ Duos C3262 Neo Image Editor, there are features that can polish photos in your gallery with a variety of settings, ranging from photo effects, brightness, rotate and Image Editor standard features on cell phones. Another interesting feature is the support for the Mobile Prayer Islam, Pranatha Hindu, Sikh and Christian Gurbani.

Samsung Champ Duos C3262 Neo is one type of cell phone-related social media chat. Samsung Champ Duos C3262 Neo already support a variety of features that is integrated with the phone chat. However, as usual, of course, you are required to set GPRS to connect to the internet and chat features. Samsung Champ Duos C3262 Neo also already have a browser that is sufficient and has a relatively fast pace.

Talking about the power of the camera, the Samsung Champ Duos C3262 Neo is only equipped with a 1.3 megapixel camera size. to the size of a small cell phone, 1.3 megapixel resolution camera is capable. Moreover, equipped with audio features such as an MP3 player with quality sound loud and clear. So when you use Samsung Champ Duos C3262 Neo is you certainly can listen to music attractively.

Defenition of Aspac, Assabiyah, Assassination, Assembly Government, Assigned Status

Aspac or Asian Pacific Council. is an institution founded in the city of Seoul South Korea on 15 June 1966. Aiming to conduct cooperation in economy and culture in order to protect the countries in Asia Pacific from the danger of communism. This organization consists of Australia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, New Zealand, Taiwan, South Vietnam.

Assabiyah. The term in Arabia were mean spirited tribal strictly followed by the Arabs.

Assassination. Shocking murder or assault with a sudden, especially to political figures held for political purposes, is based on personal or religious motives. Killings figures is happening all the time and not limited to a particular form of government. Among the victims of this murder is Julius Caesar, Abraham Lincoln, Leon Trotsky, Gandhi, Liaquat Ali Khan, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Robert F. Kennedy, Tom Mboya and others.

Assembly Government. It is a system of government in which the representative body of the people have a very prominent role, which includes all of the powers that be in the country. For example, what was done in the Soviet Union, where formally the Supreme Soviet (Council of Representatives of the Soviet Union) is a tool of power supreme and not only has the legislative power, but also the executive and judicial powers. Nevertheless, keep in mind that the real power was in the hands of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Assigned status. It is a position that earned on delivery. This happens because of a group or provide a higher position to a person who has been credited with fighting for something to meet the needs and interests of the community. The position could also be because someone has long occupied a certain rank.

Parts of the vehicle is important to be aware of during the rainy season.

The sky began to show changes, which initially consistent bright-faced occasional cloudy now and without a doubt shed rain. If nature has revealed the face of the other, inevitably we have to face the rainy season that still look excellent. Here are the parts of the vehicle that needs to be considered when the rainy season arrives so that the vehicle is maintained.

Carburetor. The classic issue in the rainy season is very vulnerable to the condition of the vehicle breaking down. Heavy rain can cause air to enter the engine combustion process that disrupts the combustion chamber as vapor or water droplets. As a result of the incomplete combustion engine that makes fussy and difficult vehicle to turn over the starter. If you often times through streets flooded by water with a height of more than 20 centimeters, do the examination. Part to note is the stalk, pipes, taps fuel and carburetor which can affect engine performance.

Engine Oil. Water puddles on the street will most likely go into the engine. The process of entry of water can go through several holes and from the sidelines due to engine gasket or seal between the engine block has been frayed. Therefore, the examination shall be done by loosening the engine oil cover. If the color of the engine oil has elements of different colors as in general there is a wedge in our vehicle engine oil.

Brake Components. In addition to log into the machine, rain water can infiltrate into the sidelines drum brakes so wet brake, piston, caliper disc brakes or not robust when gripped disc to disc brakes. Therefore, perform the checks on the front and rear brake function, and make sure there are no voice creaked that indicates the state of wet brakes.

Exhaust. This section is one that is highly susceptible to water. Rainwater can also be attached to the inside neck muffler and exhaust along with the impurities carried by rainwater. It can make a rusty exhaust. For treatment and prevention, immediately clean water into the exhaust. Setela it wash your vehicle and start heating the engine. Do not forget to spray oil into the exhaust and muffler neck rub with grease. Then, re-heated engine. So that your vehicle can work optimally.

Monday, January 7, 2013

9 ASEAN Declaration on August 8, 1967

Asean Declaration which is a shared commitment and a founding ASEAN member countries. The declaration essentially stated:
Regional cooperation was named ASEAN or the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

Conference ministerial-level ASEAN foreign ministers held annually in rotation in the capital of the member countries.

The organization aims to accelerate economic growth, social progress and cultural development in Southeast Asia Southeast Asia society in achieving a prosperous and peaceful.

Encouraging active cooperation to achieve peace and stability with the respect of justice, rule of law and the relationship between the state adhere to the principles of the UN charter.

Inclusion in the preamble that all foreign bases in the region of Southeast Asia is temporary and is only there because the countries concerned so desires. The foreign bases are not used for national independence and freedom overthrow countries in Southeast Asia, either directly or indirectly, and not to interfere with the order of the national development of each country.

The new regional cooperation on the basis of the same spirit of high position and partnership.

As a complement to the mechanism of the organization established a standing committee under the chairmanship of secretary of state in which it is a standing committee, with members consisting of the ambassadors of the countries members. In addition it also formed an Ad Hoc Committees and Permanent Committees for specific areas and the national secretariat in each country as the executor of the daily organization and prepare the annual meetings of the foreign ministers, the trial court or even Permanent Committees Standing Committees.

Asean open chance for countries that are geographically located in areas of Southeast Asia.

Standing Committee in charge of running the organization's work for a period of two annual conferences.

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