Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Apa itu BUMN? Pengertian dan Jenis-jenisnya

Sobat blogger, tentu anda mengenal perusahaan-perusahaan yang ada di indonesia seperti PT Pertamina, PT Telkom, Bank Mandiri, Bank Rakyat Indonesia dan Perusahaan Listrik Negara. Yah, semua itu merupakan perusahaan-perusahaan yang dikelola oleh negara, yaitu Pemerintahan Republik Indonesia. Perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut diatur dalam undang-undang yang nantinya akan dapat menambah penghasilan negara di  sektor usaha negara. Oleh karena itu mari kita bahas apa sih BUMN itu?

Sejarah Perkembangan BUMN
Organisasi Pemerintah yang memiliki Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi (Tupoksi) melaksanakan pembinaan terhadap Perusahaan Negara/Badan Usaha Milik Negara di Republik Indonesia telah ada sejak tahun 1973. Awalnya, organisasi ini merupakan bagian dari unit kerja di lingkungan Departemen Keuangan Republik Indonesia. Selanjutnya, organisasi tersebut mengalami beberapa kali perubahan dan perkembangan.

Unit Eselon II. Dalam periode 1973 sampai dengan 1993, unit yang menangani pembinaan BUMN berada pada unit setingkat Eselon II. Unit organisasi itu disebut Direktorat Persero dan PKPN (Pengelolaan Keuangan Perusahaan Negara). Selanjutnya, terjadi perubahan nama menjadi Direktorat Persero dan BUN (Badan Usaha Negara). Kemudian organisasi ini berubah menjadi Direktorat Pembinaan BUMN (Badan Usaha Milik Negara) sampai dengan tahun 1993.

Menjadi Unit Eselon I. Seiring dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan untuk mengoptimalkan pengawasan dan pembinaan terhadap Badan Usaha Milik Negara, dalam periode 1993 sampai dengan 1998, organisasi yang awalnya hanya setingkat Direktorat/Eselon II, ditingkatkan menjadi setaraf Direktorat Jenderal/Eselon I, dengan nama Direktorat Jenderal Pembinaan Badan Usaha Negara (DJ-PBUN). Dalam kurun waktu 1993- 1998 tercatat 2 (dua) orang Direktur Jenderal Pembinaan BUMN, yakni Bapak Martiono Hadianto dan Bapak Bacelius Ruru.

Kementrian. Dulunya, Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) ini bukanlah merupakan sebuah kementrian yang membawahi departemen melainkan di bawah naungan Departemen Keuangan Republik Indonesia dalam divisi Unit Eselon I. Artinya sifat dari BUMN ini hanya sebatas dalam adanya tugas sebagai Perusahaan milik negara yang memiliki tugas sebagai pembina sehingga dapat mengembangkan perusahaan negara dengan skala internasional.

Namun, pada tahun 1998 mengingat begitu pentingnya tugas BUMN bukan saja sebagai organisasi pemerintah yang bergerak di bidang pembinaan perusahaan negara, melainkan juga bergerak dalam membantu bergeraknya roda keuangan negara. Maka, peran BUMN dianggap vital dalam memainkan roda keuangan sehingga BUMN dibentuk menjadi sebuah kementrian pemerintahan. Awal dari perubahan bentuk organisasi tersebut terjadi di masa pemerintahan Kabinet Pembangunan VII, dengan nama Kementerian Negara Pendayagunaan BUMN/Kepala Badan Pembinaan BUMN. Menteri pertama yang bertanggung jawab atas pendayagunaan BUMN tersebut adalah Bapak Tanri Abeng. Pada masa ini sempat digagas tentang BUMN Incorporated, sebuah bangun organisasi BUMN berbentuk super holding.

Berikut beberapa orang yang dipercayai sebagai pemimpin BUMN dari awal hingga sekarang (red-2014)
  1. Direktorat Jendral Pembinaan BUMN : I Nyoman Tjager
  2. Menteri Negara Penanaman Modal dan Pembinaan BUMN : Laksamana Sukardi
  3. Menteri Negara Penanaman Modal dan Pembinaan II: Rozy Munir
  4. Menteri BUMN: Laksamana Sukardi Masa jabatan 2001-2004
  5. Menteri BUMN: Ir. Sugihartor Masa jabatan 2004-2006
  6. Menteri BUMN: Sofyan A. Djalil Masa jabatan 2006-2009
  7. Menteri BUMN: Mustafa Abubakar Masa jabatan 2009-2011
  8. Menteri BUMN: Dahlan Iskan Masa jabatan (2011-sekarang)
BUMN merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di berbagai sektor seperti, farmasi, teknologi, telekomunikasi, transportasi, perbankan, perkebunan, perminyakan dan pertambangan dan lain sebagainya. Sama halnya seperti sebuah perusahaan, BUMN juga merupakan Perseroan Terbatas dan dilihat dari sudut pandang ekonomi juga memiliki pemegang saham tertinggi. Tentunya pemegang saham tertinggi dalam perusahaan BUMN tak lain adalah pemerintah itu sendiri walaupun saham juga berada di tangan swasta dan minimal pemerintah menguasai saham sebesar 51% (baca UU No. 19 tahun 2003) . Oleh karena itu, setiap perangkat aparatur BUMN ditinjau langsung oleh pemerintah.

Wikipedia dalam tulisannya menuliskan ciri-ciri umum sebuah BUMN, yaitu:
  • Penguasaan badan usaha dimiliki oleh pemerintah.
  • Pengawasan dilakukan, baik secara hirarki maupun secara fungsional dilakukan oleh pemerintah.
  • Kekuasaan penuh dalam menjalankan kegiatan usaha berada di tangan pemerintah.
  • Pemerintah berwenang menetapkan kebijakan yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan usaha.
  • Semua risiko yang terjadi sepenuhnya merupakan tanggung jawab pemerintah.
  • Untuk mengisi kas negara, karena merupakan salah satu sumber penghasilan negara.
  • Agar pengusaha swasta tidak memonopoli usaha yang menguasai hajat hidup orang banyak.
  • Melayani kepentingan umum atau pelayanan kepada masyarakat.
  • Merupakan lembaga ekonomi yang tidak mempunyai tujuan utama mencari keuntungan, tetapi dibenarkan untuk memupuk keuntungan.
  • Merupakan salah satu stabilisator perekonomian negara.
  • Dapat meningkatkan produktivitas, efektivitas, dan efisiensi serta terjaminnya prinsip-prinsip ekonomi.
  • Modal seluruhnya dimiliki oleh negara dari kekayaan negara yang dipisahkan.
  • Peranan pemerintah sebagai pemegang saham. Bila sahamnya dimiliki oleh masyarakat, besarnya tidak lebih dari 49%, sedangkan minimal 51% sahamnya dimiliki oleh negara.
  • Pinjaman pemerintah dalam bentuk obligasi.
  • Modal juga diperoleh dari bantuan luar negeri.
  • Bila memperoleh keuntungan, maka dimanfaatkan untuk kesejahteraan rakyat.
  • Pinjaman kepada bank atau lembaga keuangan bukan bank.
Daftar Badan Usaha Milik Negara yang saya ambil dari situs
Pertanian, Kehutanan, dan Perikanan
  • Perum Perhutani(Persero)
  • Perum Prasarana Perikanan Samudera
  • PT Inhutani I(Persero)
  • PT Inhutani II (Persero)
  • PT Inhutani III (Persero)
  • PT Inhutani IV (Persero)
  • PT Inhutani V (Persero)
  • PT Perikanan Nusantara(Persero)
  • PT Perkebunan Nusantara I (Persero)
  • PT Perkebunan Nusantara II (Persero)
  • PT Perkebunan Nusantara III (Persero)
  • PT Perkebunan Nusantara IV (Persero)
  • PT Perkebunan Nusantara V (Persero)
  • PT Perkebunan Nusantara VI (Persero)
  • PT Perkebunan Nusantara VII (Persero)
  • PT Perkebunan Nusantara VIII (Persero)
  • PT Perkebunan Nusantara IX (Persero)
  • PT Perkebunan Nusantara X (Persero)
  • PT Perkebunan Nusantara XI (Persero)
  • PT Perkebunan Nusantara XII (Persero)
  • PT Perkebunan Nusantara XIII (Persero)
  • PT Perkebunan Nusantara XIV (Persero)
  • PT Pertani (Persero)
  • PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia (Persero)
  • PT Sang Hyang Seri (Persero)
Pertambangan dan Penggalian
  • PT Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk
  • PT Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk
  • PT Pertamina (Persero)
  • PT Sarana Karya(Persero)
  • PT Timah (Persero) Tbk
Industri Pengolahan
  • Perum Percetakan Negara Indonesia
  • Perum Percetakan Uang Republik Indonesia
  • PT Balai Pustaka (Persero)
  • PT Barata Indonesia (Persero)
  • PT Batan Teknologi (Persero)
  • PT Bio Farma (Persero)
  • PT Boma Bisma Indra (Persero)
  • PT Cambrics Primissima (Persero)
  • PT Dahana (Persero)
  • PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero)
  • PT Dok & Perkapalan Kodja Bahari (Persero)
  • PT Dok dan Perkapalan Surabaya (Persero)
  • PT Garam (Persero)
  • PT Indofarma (Persero) Tbk
  • PT Industri Gelas (Persero)
  • PT Industri Kapal Indonesia (Persero)
  • PT Industri Kereta Api (Persero)
  • PT Industri Sandang Nusantara (Persero)
  • PT Industri Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero)
  • PT Kertas Kraft Aceh (Persero)
  • PT Kertas Leces (Persero)
  • PT Kimia Farma (Persero) Tbk
  • PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk
  • PT LEN Industri (Persero)
  • PT PAL Indonesia (Persero)
  • PT Pindad (Persero)
  • PT Pradnya Paramita (Persero)
  • PT Pupuk Indonesia Holding Company (Persero)
  • PT Semen Baturaja (Persero)
  • PT Semen Gresik (Persero) Tbk
  • PT Semen Kupang (Persero)
Pengadaan Listrik, Gas, Uap/Air Panas dan Udara Dingin
  • PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero)Tbk
  • PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero)
Pengadaan Air, Pengelolaan Sampah, dan Daur Ulang, Pembuangan Pembersihan Limbah dan Sampah
  • Perum Jasa Tirta I
  • Perum Jasa Tirta II
  • Perum Pembangunan Perumahan Nasional
  • PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk
  • PT Amarta Karya(Persero)
  • PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero)
  • PT Hutama Karya (Persero)
  • PT Istaka Karya(Persero)
  • PT Nindya Karya (Persero)
  • PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero)
  • PT Pengerukan Indonesia (Persero)
  • PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk
Perdagangan Besar dan Eceran; Reparasi dan Perawatan Mobil dan Motor
  • Perum Bulog
  • PT Perusahaan Perdagangan Indonesia (Persero)
  • PT PP Berdikari (Persero)
  • PT Sarinah (Persero)
Transportasi dan Pergudangan
  • Perum DAMRI
  • Perum Pengangkutan Penumpang Djakarta 
  • PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero)
  • PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)
  • PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero)
  • PT Bhanda Ghara Reksa (Persero)
  • PT Djakarta Lloyd (Persero)
  • PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
  • PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk
  • PT Kawasan Berikat Nusantara (Persero)
  • PT Kawasan Industri Makasar (Persero)
  • PT Kawasan Industri Medan (Persero)
  • PT Kawasan Industri Wijaya Kusuma (Persero)
  • PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)
  • PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines (Persero)
  • PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Persero)
  • PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero)
  • PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero)
  • PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero)
  • PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Persero)
  • PT Pengembangan Daerah Industri Pulau Batam(Persero)
  • PT Pos Indonesia (Persero)
  • PT Varuna Tirta Prakasya (Persero)
Penyediaan Akomodasi dan Makan Minum
  • PT Hotel Indonesia Natour (Persero)
Informasi dan Komunikasi
  • Perum Produksi Film Negara
  • PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
Jasa Keuangan dan Asuransi
  • Perum Jamkrindo
  • PT Asabri (Persero)
  • PT Askrindo (Persero)
  • PT Asuransi Ekspor Indonesia (Persero)
  • PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Persero)
  • PT Asuransi Jasa Rahardja (Persero)
  • PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero)
  • PT Asuransi Kesehatan Indonesia (Persero)
  • PT Bahana PUI (Persero)
  • PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk
  • PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
  • PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
  • PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk
  • PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero)
  • PT Danareksa (Persero)
  • PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia (Persero)
  • PT PANN Multi Finance (Persero)
  • PT Pegadaian(Persero)
  • PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero)
  • PT Perusahaan Pengelola Aset (Persero)
  • PT Reasuransi Umum Indonesia (Persero)
  • PT Taspen (Persero)
  • PT Jamsostek
Real Estate
  • PT Bali Tourism & Development Corporation (Persero)
  • PT TWC Borobudur, Prambanan dan Ratu Boko (Persero)
Jasa Profesional, Ilmiah dan Teknis
  • PT Bina Karya (Persero)
  • PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero)
  • PT Energy Management Indonesia (Persero)
  • PT Indah Karya (Persero)
  • PT Indra Karya (Persero)
  • PT Sucofindo (Persero)
  • PT Survey Udara Penas (Persero)
  • PT Surveyor Indonesia (Persero)
  • PT Virama Karya (Persero)
  • PT Yodya Karya (Persero)
Ternyata negara kita Indonesia ini memiliki begitu banyak Perusahaan BUMN yang skala perusahaan tersebut bahkan sudah mampu untuk mendunia.

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Prevent your body from cancer with to know what cancer is

Cancer is simply a term that surrounds complex group of more than 100 different types of cancerous diseases. Cancer can affect just about every organ in the human body. Many people in the world today are surprised to learn that cancer can affect all part of the body like eyes,heart,throat etc. Each type of cancer is unique with its own causes, symptoms, and methods of treatment. Like with all groups of disease, some types of cancer are more common than others. According to the American Cancer Society, cancer causes about 13% of all human deaths and women especially need to be aware of any signs and symptoms their bodies may be exhibiting. Symptoms of cancer vary based on the type of cancer. As cancer progresses to an advanced stage, common symptoms can include weight loss, fever, and skin change. These are very non-specific symptoms that are more likely related to other less serious illnesses than cancer.Cancer is a very  broad term used to describe hundreds of malignant diseases that can develop in the human body today. This deadly disease can develop in just about every part of the body. Each type of cancer is unique, possessing different causes, symptoms, and treatments.

One has to wonder why after the billions of dollars put into research and development of cancer treatments it is reported that you have a higher chance of getting cancer today than you did in 1950. As a matter of fact if you are diagnosed with cancer today your chances of survival are what they were in 1950, in a lot of cases, most in fact. Mesothelioma is a relatively rare form of cancer that is often incurable. The mesothelium is a thin lining that protects certain vital organs. People who work in industries where asbestos was used may have an increased risk of developing cancer of the mesothelium, often affecting the lungs. Inhaling asbestos fibers, especially over long periods of time, is known to be a cause of this type of cancer. 

With any disease if you find the cause then the cure follows. So, then what is the cause of cancer? Researchers tell us that we don’t know the cause. That is just not true. According to “Natural Cures They Don’t Want You To Know About”, by Kevin Trudeaux, “The causes of cancer are known at the highest levels of the health industry, and this information is being suppressed and hidden from the American public. This is exactly the same situation that occurred with big tobacco and with Ford and General Motors. Big tobacco knew as early as 1950 that their product caused cancer and disease. They lied about this to the American public, and even in congressional hearings. They hid the truth. Ford and General Motors knew that some of their products, including the Pinto and Corvair, would cause people to be maimed, deformed, injured, and die. They hid this information and lied about it. Today, the pharmaceutical companies and the heads of various organizations know the various reasons people come down with cancer. They have this empirical data, but they are lying about it and hiding this from the public.”

Unfortunately, workers exposed to asbestos may not notice any ill health right away since the symptoms of mesothelioma can take decades to manifest. While no absolute cure is available, there are a number of helpful treatments that patients typically undergo to reduce pain and prolong life. When that happens, a financial burden is piled on top of existing emotional and physical distress. All cancer patients have both isopropyl alcohol and the intestinal fluke in their livers. The solvent, isopropyl alcohol, is responsible for letting the fluke establish itself in the liver. In order to get cancer, you must have both the parasite and isopropyl alcohol in your body.

Start your good life and treating your skin from getting old

If you are tired at looking in the mirror at the lines, bags and dark circles that have formed around your eyes, then you will more than likely go out and buy the most highly recommended anti aging eye cream possible. How do you know for sure though that the eye serum that is being recommended will help you be successful? The truth is that the vast majority of them will not resolve your problems. 

As we become old, the skin renews itself much more slowly than when you are young because the production of collagen, natural proteins that provide the firmness of the skin begin to fall, causing dehydration of the skin and wrinkles. When you reach 30/40 years, a regular moisturizer will not be enough for your skin, you should start using anti-wrinkle cream (anti-aging) to slow the signs of aging.

The advantages of using anti-aging creams are Gives a brightness and youthful glow to the skin. Eliminate and reduce wrinkles. Strengthen and firm the skin are Reduces the appearance of fine lines. Check and neutralize free radicals. Moisturize and nourish the skin.Harmonize the pigmentation of the skin and Helps rebuild the skin textur. Redefine the skin of the cheeks and neck. Helps repair signs of loosening around the neck and chin. Renouvelent the elasticity of the skin by stimulating its natural healing processes and Satisfies wrinkles.

When a person begins to be aging, the first part is intestinal tract, which may lead to constipation. The best anti-aging way is to drink a cup of warm boiled water, which not only replenish water, but also relieve constipation and clear toxin produced at last night. Having breakfast is very important, which is beneficial to eliminate toxic substances. People who don't have breakfast get constipation easily, which lasting for long time lead to skin dry, wrinkling and anemia. These symptoms accelerate body aging. In the morning, drinking a cup of fresh yogurt, two pieces of whole-wheat bread and a tomato can help you delay aging, besides this, eating food containing high fiber improves this effect.

Diet is the basic for health. Controlling healthy diet means reduce the risk of wrinkles. Vegetables and fruits contain rich nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber, etc, which are the essential elements for human body needs. Eating these can help body self-remedy to resist aging.

According to researches, exercise can actually make DNA younger. People who often do exercise have healthier, younger cells. Exercise not only brings the anti-aging benefits to you, but also can help you keep healthy and tighten skin.

We must admit that although anti-aging products have something useful for us, irregular using that may lead to harmful effects. There is nothing wrong with dealing with your aims to your appearance, however, it's important for you to find out which products suit you and help prevent skin aging.

As we all know, sleep can prevent illness and even help live longer. Actually, sleep also helps anti-aging according to experience around me. By now, don't steal from sleep time to do other things, those activities accelerate aging.

You should not depend on peptides that affect your ability to control how the muscles in your face move, because this action does not reverse the issues that caused your lines, wrinkles, bags, and dark circles to form. What you need are safe and effective peptides like Eyeliss and Haloxyl, because these healthy compounds have the ability to make your bags and dark circles disappear. 

Microsoft goes mobile with Windows 8, new tablet

NEW YORK: Microsoft took a big step into mobile Thursday, unveiling a revamped version of its flagship Windows system and offering a closer look at Surface, its entry into the hot tablet market.

The new Windows 8 operating system and tablet to go on sale Friday mark a new offensive for the US tech giant seeking to keep pace with Apple and Google amid a dramatic shift away from PCs to mobile devices.

"Windows 8 brings together the best of the PC and the tablet," said Microsoft chief Steve Ballmer.

"What you have seen and heard should leave no doubt that Windows 8 shatters the perception of what a PC really is... It works perfect for work and play and it is alive with your world."

At a New York news event, Microsoft announced that Windows 8 would launch Friday in 37 languages and 140 worldwide markets. It can be downloaded beginning at 12:01 am local time worldwide and will be sold at retail stores.

Analysts say the revamped Windows system provides Microsoft with an opportunity, but that dramatic changes might not be initially welcomed.

"Windows 8 looks like a big, bold, very innovative and very different new operating system," said independent tech analyst Jeff Kagan.

"The problem is that Microsoft is not giving users the chance to get used to the new operating system slowly. Instead they are launching this in an all-or-nothing way."

Rob Enderle of Enderle Group said: "Microsoft has been losing ground to both Google and Apple at an increasing pace and Windows 8 is their strongest response to date. If they miss here there will likely be major changes in Microsoft to adjust to that failure."

Microsoft is also launching a version called Windows RT, designed for tablets and available pre-installed on new devices including its own Surface tablet.

Surface is "the perfect expression of Windows," said Microsoft product team member Panos Panay. "It's exactly what Windows was designed to run on."

To show its durability, Panay dropped the device on stage, saying, "You can drop it 72 different ways." He also displayed some units modified as skateboards, with wheels attached, used by one team member.

Michael Gartenberg of the research firm Gartner said Surface "is a new category of device and one that will make sense for many consumers."

Surface, which seeks to challenge Apple's market-ruling iPads and rivals built on Google's Android software, will be among Windows-powered devices sold at Microsoft "pop up" stores to open Friday in the United States and Canada.

The news comes two days after Apple introduced its iPad mini in a bid to crowd out lower-priced offerings by rivals Amazon, Google and Samsung.

Surface -- a late entry in the market -- has a 10.6-inch (26.9 centimeter) screen and starts at US$499, challenging the larger-format iPads.

But Surface appears to be a cross between a tablet and a PC, equipped with a flip-out rear "kickstand" to prop it up like a picture frame and a cover that, when opened, acts as a keypad to switch into "desktop" mode for work tasks.

It launches in a crowded market for tablets from Apple, Google, Amazon and others, amid forecasts that global tablet sales will surpass those of PCs within a few years.

Some analysts say the Windows RT system used on Surface and other devices offers Microsoft a chance for a fresh start in controlling both hardware and software in a single device.

The new mobile system "represents the best shot Microsoft has against Apple and Google," said Roger Kay at Endpoint Technologies Associates. "WinRT is where things are going."

Windows, the first version of which was launched in the 1990s, remains the dominant PC platform with some 90 per cent of the world market. But in the mobile world, it is struggling against Apple's iOS and Google's Android system.

Microsoft reported that pre-sales of Windows 8 have outstripped those of its predecessor by 40 per cent.

The Redmond, Washington-based company next week will provide details on its new Windows Phone 8 operating system designed for its push into the smartphone market.

Source from

Google's Nexus 4: A closer look at Android's new flagship phone

Being an Android fan is a bit like being a kid in a candy store today. Along with its new Android 4.2 Jelly Beanrelease and all the new features it delivers, Google has officially launched two brand new Nexus devices: the Nexus 4, a highly anticipated new flagship phone, and the Nexus 10, a high-end 10-inch tablet made by Samsung.

Let's take an up-close look at the Nexus 4, shall we? The phone combines the basic structure of LG's Optimus G with Google's own design sentiments andpure Android software. Get ready, gang: This phone promises to provide the ultimate Android experience -- and it very well may have the goods to deliver.

Nexus 4: LG's hardware with Google's design
Google LG Nexus
You can clearly see LG's Optimus G foundation in the Nexus 4, but make no mistake about it: This is a Nexus phone through and through. The Nexus 4 rocks a 4.7-in. True HD IPS display with the familiar Nexus-style curved glass. At a glance, its form actually looks very much like that of the Galaxy Nexus that preceded it.

Thinking about size? The Nexus 4 is 2.7 x 5.3 in. and 0.36 in. thick. It weighs 4.9 oz. Despite its larger screen, then, that actually makes it almost the same size and weight as the Galaxy Nexus -- just a hair thicker and a skosh heavier, but probably not enough to be terribly noticeable.

The larger screen is far from the only thing that separates the new Nexus phone from its younger brother, though. In general, LG's build with this line of devices feels far more solid and substantial than the plasticky-style approach favored by Samsung. The Nexus 4 puts a Googley twist on LG's distinctive back-of-phone design, with a sleek and premium-looking patterned material reminiscent of the classic Nexus wallpaper look.

Outward aesthetics aside, the Nexus 4's screen has a resolution of 1280 x 768 with 320ppi, all protected by Corning Gorilla Glass 2. Based on the time I spent with the Optimus G, which uses the same display technology, I expect the image quality on this thing to be wildly impressive. And that's just the start.

Nexus 4: Power, power, power
LG Nexus 4
Under its hood, the new Nexus 4 packs a 1.5GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro quad-core processor along with a full 2GB of RAM. With that setup, the Optimus G zooms along as fast as any Android phone I've seen; combining it with pure Google software should deliver comparable -- and quite possibly even better -- levels of ridiculous speed.

The Nexus 4 has an 8-megapixel camera -- certainly a huge step up from the Galaxy Nexus's 5-megapixel lens, which was widely viewed as that device's Achilles' heel. If the Optimus G is any indication, I suspect the Nexus 4's camera will be good, though likely less good than the super-high-end cameras used on phones like HTC's One X and One S. The Nexus 4 also has a 1.3-megapixel shooter on its front for video chat and all those self-nudie pics you're always taking (you silly, silly pervert).

The Nexus 4 comes with either 8GB or 16GB of internal storage, and --following the typical Nexus model -- unfortunately does not support SD cards. It does support wireless charging, though, and will have an incredibly slick-looking wireless charging orb (yes, orb) accessory.

The Nexus 4 has a 2100mAh battery that's listed for 15.3 hours of talk-time and 390 hours of standby.

Nexus 4: The nitty-gritty
All right, let's get down to brass tacks: Google is focusing primarily on direct unlocked sales of the Nexus 4, which isn't a huge surprise after the Verizon Galaxy Nexus debacle. You'll be able to grab GSM/HSPA+ versions of the phone starting November 13 from the Google Play Store. (There is no LTE version -- something Android head honcho Andy Rubin describes as a "tactical" decision.)

Translation? For those of us in the U.S., the phone will work on either T-Mobile or AT&T with HSPA+-level 4G speeds; you'll buy the device outright from Google and then use it either with your existing plan or a new plan. You can also opt to use it with a prepaid smartphone plan -- something I'd strongly suggest considering.
The 8GB version of the device will be available for $300 and the 16GB version for $350. The phone will launch initially in the U.S., U.K., Canada, Germany, France, Spain, and Australia; Google says Europe, Central and South America, Asia, CIS and the Middle East will follow later in the month.

(In the U.S., T-Mobile will also sell the 16GB version of the phone for $200 with a new two-year contract. Between you and me, though, most people will do far better by buying directly from Google and then picking a usage-appropriate plan without the contract.)

Android Power Twitter
Some start to the week, eh? And we're barely even scratching the surface. I'll be spending a lot of time with the Nexus 4 as well as the Nexus 10 over the next several days and will be sharing my detailed hands-on impressions with you soon.
Keep an eye on Android Power for updates or join me over on Google+ if you want to chat about this stuff even more.

Cpanel For Newbies.

cPanel, Cron Jobs, Fantastico, Awstats.. All Sound Like Another Language..
"Does The Thought Of Tweaking And 'Playing Around' With Your Server cPanel Put You Off?.. I Don't Blame You!.."
eBay Profit Pack
New Video Series Demystifies All Areas Of cPanel Allowing You ToExcel And Grow Your Business Like Never Before!
Perfect for..
tickInstalling And Automating Scripts!
tickBlocking Unwanted Visitors And Spam!
tickProtecting Your Website, Files And Content!
..And Much More!
From The Desk Of Panagiotis Spiliotopoulos
Internet Marketer
Wednesday 31 October 
Dear Friend
You most likely already have access to the cPanel Web Hosting panel for your website and you know that the 'net is flooded with videos on how to use the basic features of cPanel.
So the question is "how you can you take it one step further and use cPanel's bigger features to take your business to the next level of success?"
Have any of these questions passed your mind?
tickMySQL databases. What is it exactly, how do I create one and copy it from one site to another?
tickHow do I really use Awstats so I can improve my traffic quality and website? How do intelligently gather information from it to help improve my business?
tickHow do I redirect my error pages to my main site so I don't lose out on traffic? I also get people landing to pages that don't exist on my site. How do I redirect them to a page where I can at least build my list?
tickHow do I keep people from snooping around my site? Say I keep my downloads in a 'files' directory, it's pretty obvious once someone has bought a product and can simply look around in that directory!
tickAlternative to FTP? If I don't want to use FTP, is there another choice?
tickHow do I backup and restore my website? I need a quick and efficient way of doing this even if my hard drive suddenly dies on me and I've lost everything!
tickHow do I install server scripts using cPanel? I know I will end up using some sort of script in the near future to make my business more efficient!
tickI've heard of Cron jobs and Fantastico, but what are they and will they help me?
tickHow do I set up a Cron job and when is a good time to use it?
tickI have loads of files on my site that need protecting, how do I hide them so people can't find them on my server?
tickHow do I get rid of spam? I'm getting a lot of Emails from the same server, is there a way to get rid of these Emails?
tickI want to transfer files from one of my server to another. Can I do it without moving the files back to my PC and re-uploading them again and do a direct server-to-server file transfer?
We'll if you can empathsize with any of those questions then you may want to read the rest of this page and watch the video below..

This video series will show you a more in depth view of the features that Cpanel provides and shows you how you can take your website to the next level as well as protect your business.
This video series is packed with 11 videos and 3 bonus videos on quick cPanel shortcuts that will save you time, but high quality and detailed content that you'll be able to use for years to come.
Video #1 - Video Tutorials Feature
cpanel video tutorialsNot all cPanel users are aware of this feature and often overlook this. Did you know that cPanel already provides you with a lot of "basic" tutorials within itself? 
Video #2 - MySQL Databases & Tables
cpanel video tutorialsThis video we'll cover how to create mySQL database & insert table in mysql database into another domain using PHPMyAdmin.

Sometimes scripts may not have a backup feature where you can copy one database from one domain to another. In this video series, you'll learn the deeper side of how to copy mySql databases to another domain name without any hassles.
Video #3 - Using Awstats
cpanel video tutorialsIn this video you'll learn how to use Awstats and apply it to your business.

Not only will you be given an overview of Awstats, but you'll learn different features of Awstats that if used correctly can help you increase your website and traffic.

You'll learn how people are finding you, what keywords they are typing in the search engines, and how to use that to your advantage. You'll also learn who is linking to you, for good reasons or even the bad so that you can protect yourself.
Video #4 - Fantastico
cpanel video tutorialsFantastico is popular suite of software scripts that may fit many aspects of your business. It gives you access to blogs, bulletin boards, support helpdesks, and more.  You'll be given an overview of this suite and how to use it properly.
Video #5 - 404 Redirect
cpanel video tutorialsDid you know that you could be losing traffic when people land on areas of your site that don't exist?  This is where the 404 or error page comes in.  What if you could redirect all that traffic back to your main page or a working area of your site?  We'll, in this video you'll learn how to redirect traffic from your error pages back to your main site.
Video #6 - Disable Indexes
cpanel video tutorialsDid you know that if you have a lot of downloadable files on your website, and you don't protect them, they could be at risk to be stolen?  You'll learn in this video how to turn your indexes off so you can stop people who you don't want snooping around your site, download your products or files.
Video #7 - Cron Jobs!
cpanel video tutorials
Cronjobs are generally used to automate different tasks and are mainly use when your scripts require it.  You'll understand cronjobs in a better light and how to use them.

Video #8 - Using File Manager
cpanel video tutorialsFTP is not the only way to upload your files.  In fact, cPanel's File Manager not only uploads your files, but you can delete files, create directories, create and extract zip files, edit files, and so much more!  Best of all you can do everything without any software and do it on any computer that has access to the Internet.

Video #9 - Email Authentication
cpanel video tutorialsIt's about time you learn the basics of protecting your email box from SPAM.  In this video, you'll learn how to tell cPanel to do just that and authenticate all the emails that are coming out of your domain as legitimate emails.
Video #10 - Backup / Restore Your Website!
cpanel video tutorialsHave you ever created a document and forgot to save it, and then you lose it?  This is one of the worst feelings especially after you've taken hours to write the document.  The same goes for your websites.  If you don't backup your websites on a frequent basis, then you are in trouble.
Hardrives fail on a normal basis, so keeping a backup of your websites is very important, so that if something bad does happen, you don't have to start from scratch.  In this video you'll learn how to not only backup your websites, but how to restore them so you can get them up and running again.

You'll also learn what to watch out for especially when your website is 400 MB or bigger; and it's sitting on a shared server.

But that's not it!  Do you run a dedicated server?  We'll, if you rent a dedicated server and have access to the WHM area of Cpanel, we've created 3 bonus videos!
Bonus Video #1 - Server To Server Transfer!
cpanel video tutorialsDid you know that you can move files from one domain to another server without having to download the files to your computer and then upload them to the new server?  cPanel offers a nice feature where you simply click a few buttons, and Walla!; it moves all the files, including all your emails and databases over to the new server.  Life is easier with this feature and you don't have to hire a technical specialist.
Bonus Video #2- Blocking Unwanted Users!
cpanel video tutorialsIf you run a dedicated server, people will constantly try to hack your server...and better yet if you know someone's IP address, in this video you'll learn how to block them out of your server so they can't access any of the domains on your server period.
Bonus Video #3 - How To Turn On SPF To Protect Your Emails From Spammers!
cpanel video tutorialsSPF stands for Sender Policy Framework and is an attempt used by spammers to grab one of your email addresses and pretend that they are you; and send out 1000's of spam related emails; hence ruining your reputation.  If you run a server, you'll want to know how to turn on SPF on all of your domains.

So order your copy of cPanel 4 Newbies today in complete confidence! But just before you do, please rest assured that you are backed by a completely risk-free guarantee!..
Iron-Clad Guarantee!
So...with that said, don't walk, but run. Grab your copy of cPanel 4 Newbies now and take your business to the next level.  This is a massive collection of in depth videos on cPanel, that don't go over just the basics like the ones out there today.

Whether you technology phobe, or an experienced marketer, I guarantee that you'll gain some great information from this simple and easy to understand video series.

You don't have to wait.  You can view this video immediately after your purchase, so you don't have to wait until I wake up or even if I'm sleeping, you can still download it instantly.
Risk-Free Acceptance Form!
tickYes! I understand that I will be getting access to my cPanel 4 Newbies straight after payment which includes 11 main videos and another 3 bonus videos all covering the essentials on cPanel.
tickYes! I also understand that these are the videos that will help me take CONTROL of my new online business and allow me to install scripts, and execute advance programs to helpautomate and make my business more efficient!
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Order Now For A One-Time Payment Of Only $47!
Limited Time Special Discount! Only $25!
Panagiotis Spiliotopoulos
P.S. Don’t let this pass you by! The quality of this site and the training that comes with it is second-to-none. I’m kicking myself for letting it go at this price but I want to make this possible for you and well within your reach!
P.P.S. Don't forget I'm backing with this with a full 60 day money-back guarantee! If you're not happy with the training, simply Email me and I'll refund you without hassle!
All products delivered as electronic downloads.
Product boxes are for illustration purpose only.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

How to Start Your Own Freelance Virtual Bookkeeping Business

“How to Start Your Own FreelanceVirtual Bookkeeping Business…in As Little As 30 Days”

We are already working with our first ‘virtual’ client”
“Gabrielle has done all of us a big favor. She has taken the “hype” out of virtual bookkeeping… This has already helped us get over the “fear of change” and further embrace the reality of virtual bookkeeping. We are already working with our first ‘virtual’ client”
-Elton Hudson, Ashville, NC

In this exclusive 2-part online video training course you learn exactly how to…
  • Attract new clients almost automatically with the most effective marketing methods that work for freelance virtual bookkeepers
  • Deliver efficient bookkeeping services using the power of the Internet and the best online tools it has to offer (at little or no cost to you!)
  • Charge premium service rates and get paid promptly every single month by happy clients who sing your praises and send you referrals
  • How to quickly set up your internal business systems, using my step-by-step format so you can start working with your new clients confidently and consistently
  • How to pull it all together and get your business off the ground in as little as 30 days, even if you’re on a shoestring budget, have no clients and still need to work at a day job!
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I understand that when I act now, not only do I get instant access to the complete “Insider’s Guide to Your Own Virtual Bookkeeping Business” video training course, but I also get access to all of the following bonuses…
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    Even if you only have a few hours a week right now to devote to your virtual bookkeeping business, these action-based tools (all in PDF and Microsoft Word format) will keep you on track and help you build a rock-solid business in the least amount of time (because you’ll blast through all the BIGGEST roadblocks that cause nearly everyone to stall out  when first starting as a virtual bookkeeper)
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    7 Specific Tips, Tricks, and Secrets to get you started FAST with your home-based bookkeeping business. This no-fluff quick-results guide is designed for every professional bookkeeper who needs a streamlined method to get her business up and running in as little as 30 days.
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    You get these fully edited PDF transcripts for easy reference whenever you need them. Print them out and use them as your personal road map to start your own home-based freelance virtual bookkeeping business so you can market your services effectively online right out of the chute.

Take a full 60 Days to put the“Insider’s Guide to Your Own Virtual Bookkeeping Business”to the test

If “The Insider’s Guide to Your Own Virtual Bookkeeping Business” doesn’t show me exactly how to find my first virtual bookkeeping client in 30 days or less… if it doesn’t take me by the hand with step-by-step how to set up my business with confidence… or if it fails to guide me to charge profitable fees for my virtual bookkeeping services… then I will receive a full refund, no questions, no quibble!
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This is the no-nonsense step-by-step training you need to get your virtual bookkeeping business set up fast, start marketing your services, and get your first paying client in as little as 30 days!
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PS – Every minute you wait to get the “Insider’s Guide to Your Own Virtual Bookkeeping Business” is another minute you stay stuck in your day job without the freedom to become a successful freelance virtual bookkeeper and finally start your own profitable home-based bookkeeping business.
Claim YOUR Spot on this Training Today!

PPS – ACT NOW so YOU can become the next virtual bookkeeping success story!
“Gabrielle…has led my wife and I into the future”
“Gabrielle Fontaine has become my mentor. Her easy to understand information has led my wife and I into the future. Making a life, doing what we love, with people we like… In the small town we live in, salaries are pretty well fixed. Being a virtual bookkeeper allows us to reach out across the country and choose who will be our clients.
We don’t have to settle and neither do you. She tells you how, in easy to understand language. She shares what software will be helpful and gives tips on how to make new technology work for you in your business.”
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“Within one week I received two new clients.”
“I took your advice and… Within one week I received two new clients. Thank you… I currently have more than enough clients… and can’t see taking on more for quite awhile.”
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“If you want to go virtual, you need this.”
“I’ve researched bits and pieces of how to move toward virtual bookkeeping. Gabrielle has pulled all the pieces together in a way that makes senseIf you want to go virtual, you need this… Thank you Gabrielle!”
-Todd Smitherman, Florence, OR
Claim YOUR Spot on this Training Today!

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