Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What is and advanced materials classifications

Materials that are utilized in high-technology applications are sometimes termed advanced materials. This advanced materials has been researching and developing since the silicone era has began. By high technology we mean a device or product that operates or fuctions using relatively intricate and sophisticated principles. All applications on this materials could be found in technologycal devices such as notebook, computer, and all electronical devices. Beside that, these advanced materials are typically traditional materials whose properties have been enhanced, and also newly developed, high-performance materials. Furthermore, they may be of all advanced materials are:

Semiconductors. Semiconductors have an electrical properties that are intermediate between the electrical conductors (like metals and metal alloys) and insulators (like ceramics and polymers). Furthermore, the electrical characteristics of these materials are extremely sensitive to the presence of minute concentrations of impurity atoms, for which the concentrations may be controlled over very small spatial regions. This day, semiconductors have made possible the advent of integrated circuitry that has totally revolutionized the electronics and computer industry.

Biomaterials. Biomaterials are employed in components implanted into the human body to replace diseased or damaged body parts. These materials must not produce toxic substances and must be compatible with body tissues. All of the preceding materials-metals, ceramics, polymers composites, and semiconductors-may be used as biomaterials.

Smart Materials. Smart or intelligent materials are group of new and state-of-the-art materials now being developed that will have a significant influence on many of our technologies. In addition, this "smart" term is being extended to rather sophisticated systems that consist of both smart and traditional materals. Component of smart materials include some type of sensor that detects an input signal, and an actuator that performs a responsice and adaptive function. Actuators may used for signal conditional or system conditional. So, the actuator may be called upon to change shape, position, natural frequency, or mechanical characteristics in response to changes in temperature, electric fields, and/or magnetic fields.

Nanomaterials. One new material class that has fascinating properties and tremendous technological promise is the nanomaterials. Nanomaterials may be any one of the four basic types-metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites. However, unlike these other materials, they are not distinguished on the basis of their chemistry, but rather, size; the nano-prefix denotes that the dimensions of these structural entities are on the order of nanometer as a rule, less than 100 nanometers which equivalently 500 diameters of atom.

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