Thursday, December 20, 2012

Social Political Terminology and Meaning

ANZUS or Australia-New Zealand-United States Treaty. Founded in San Francisco on 1 September 1951 as a military pact to confront any armed attack in the Pacific area. After the name suggests, it consists of a military pact countries Australia, New Zealand, and the United States.

Apharteid. African term that means a separation or distinction which then leads to more political sense even racist, which is the difference in skin color that is run by the South African government. The term apartheid put forward the first time as a political doctrine in the general election in 1948 to win the South African National Party, which represents the majority white population. Though the black population includes no less than 4/5 of the total population of South Africa, but most of them can not participate in elections. and after holding the reins of government, the Nationalist Party has further restrict the political rights of the black population and sharpen the differences of skin color in the fields of education, housing, public guarantees, and almost all aspects of social life, the economy and culture of South Africa.

Apartride. Someone who did not have citizenship. This can occur because of differences in nationality principle adopted by each country. For example, a person's descent, whose country holds the principle of ius soli born in country B are in the principle of ius sanguinis applies, the first based on the principle of being the birthplace of both countries emphasized the principle of birth by descent. As such, the individual is not the color of state A, because it is not born in the country but also A and B are not citizens because no / not a descendant of the Nation B. Because a person does not have any citizenship.

Appeasement. A policy that is no more than a trickery or tactics of a country that aims to cool down or ease tensions with other countries.

Appel. It is a term that elevates something cases that have been decided by any court to another court of higher (appellate).

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