Thursday, December 13, 2012

How to make our carpet clean (carpet treatments)

Home carpet care tips. Like the sofa, the carpet has become one of the furniture faithfully accompanied a room. In addition to beautify the room, the carpet can be a cushion that replaces the existence of the chair.

However, the carpet did have a lot of problems, especially in terms of maintenance. Who else if it is not dust, food stains dirt to another is the problem of every carpet in the world. Some simple measures can be taken to repel enemies earlier. Importantly, the carpet should be cleaned regularly to color durable and free from germs.

To clean dust off the carpet, use a vacuum cleaner at least three times a week. Some people even sprinkle baking soda on the carpet an hour earlier.

Once in six months, wash the carpet with a special detergent. These activities will be troublesome and require a spacious place to hang. Therefore, we can use a carpet cleaning service that has been established in the market.

Every two or three months, we can change the position of the carpet so that the field is often trampled or skipped one can change positions so that the color of the carpet is always balanced (not impressed faded).

Carpets also can not escape the threat of stains, such as ice cream, coffee and tea. If already exposed to stains, you can use alcohol. The trick, wet, dry cloth with alcohol and press the cloth gently on the stained carpet. But be aware, not to cut through the back of the carpet alcohol made of rubber. Then, pour a little water mixed with detergent on the affected spots while holding a rag. Repeat several times giving a solution of water and detergent is then rinse with water until clean. Dry the carpet with a dry cloth.

The molten wax is also an issue that is most serious in the carpet. However, we can clean it by putting a piece of paper on top of melted wax hardens. Then override the board with a medium heat level. Let stand just until hot wax paper and absorbed. Lift the paper is attached by wax.

If the color of the carpet to fade, we can try to restore it by sprinkling salt as much as possible and let stand about 1 hour. Then, wipe with a throw dust in the vicinity.

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