Friday, December 14, 2012

The meaning of terminology in Political and Laws

Antagonism. Is a term that has a meaning in the form of conflicts between different opinions, streams or groups.

Antara. Indonesia is the name of the news agency. Founded in 1937 during the Japanese occupation which was renamed Yashima the Indonesian section of the Japanese news agency Domei. From the news that Indonesia Independence Proclamation was first broadcast worldwide on the same day and date.

Antichrist. Is a group that opposes the existence of Christianity and trying to eliminate Christianity from the face of the earth. The group is influenced and driven by the St. John in the early growth of Christianity is.

Anti Clericalisme. An opposing ideologies religious leaders.

Anti-Comintern Pact. An alliance that initially involved only Germany and Japan in 1939, then spread larger and reach other countries. This alliance was formed to deal with Comintern (comunist International) which was developed in 1919 in Moscow.

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