Friday, April 20, 2012

Definition of sociology according to experts who have presented

In general, a procedure in any language, a word can have a universal meaning. However, when viewed in the terms and etymology of the word, then he will have different meanings between one person to another.

It is also the same as understanding a discipline. This time, we discuss discipline are the social sciences to the scope of sociology. Sociological sense is very difficult to look for a definition that can be put forward its entire meaning of implied or not the overall meaning, nature, and essence are referred to in the sentence.

Therefore, it is necessary to have a standard that is generally done to determine what the definition of sociology. Thus, all the people in general are able to accept the definition of that science. To that end, following a definition or understanding of some of the experts who have become the benchmark while the sociology of the following:
Pitirim Sorokin said that sociology is a science that studies:
  • relationship and mutual influence between the various kinds of social phenomena (eg between economic phenomenon with religion; family with moral law with the economy, community and political movements, etc.).
  • relations and reciprocal influences between social phenomena with symptoms of non-social (eg symptoms of geographic, biological, and so on).
  • general characteristics of all types of social phenomen
Roucek and Warren argued that sociology is the study of relationships between people in groups.

William F. Ogburn and Meyer F. Nimkoff argue that sociology is the scientific study of social interaction and the result is social organization.

J. A. A. van Doorn and C. J. Lammers argued that sociology is the science of structures and social processes that are stable.

Selo sumardjan and Soelaeman Soemardi states that sociology is the science or the science community that studies the social structure and social processes, including social changes. and subsequently by Selo Soemardjan Soelaeman Soemardi, social structure is the overall fabric of the social elements that are fundamental social norms (social norms), social institutions, groups and social strata. Social process is the mutual influence between the various aspects of life along.

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