Thursday, May 23, 2013

Be wary of high cholesterol levels

Total cholesterol levels of more than 200 milligrams / deciliter? you should be cautious because it could be having hypercholesterolemia or high cholesterol levels in the body. Hypercholesterolemia can also occur when the content of bad cholesterol or LDL exceeds 150 milligrams / deciliter. If you have this, the risk of coronary heart disease or stroke could be threatened.
Cholesterol is generally divided into good cholesterol or high density lipoprotein (LPL) and bad cholesterol or Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL). Cholesterol is beneficial both for the formation of hormones and the formation of vitamin D for calcium absorption, lining the walls of the cell so that the nutrients easily enter the cell, as well as fighting in the growth of brain and nerve tissue. However, the bad cholesterol that accumulates can cause narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis). As a result, the risk of coronary heart disease or other diseases such as stroke are high. Cholesterol is naturally produced by the body in the liver of 70-80 percent. The rest, derived from cholesterol content of food intake.

Unfortunately, today many people who have less healthy lifestyles as fond of eating foods high in saturated fat and high cholesterol (such as fried foods, fast food, seafood), lack of physical activity or exercise, and smoking habits. In addition to diet and lifestyle factors, high cholesterol can be influenced by genetic factors, stress and age. therefore, you should, especially those aged 35 years and older, cholesterol levels checked at least 1-2 years to determine levels of cholesterol in the body.

How to control your cholesterol numbers is actually quite simple and can be done by anyone, which is running as a healthy lifestyle to maintain your diet, adequate rest, and exercise regularly.


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