Saturday, November 3, 2012

Some ways in preventing motorcycle theft

Increasingly, more and more motorcycle theft incident. If the first of the thieves operate at night and in a quiet place. Now they do not view the place and time. In the daytime crowds or even their reckless thieves operate.

Crime is not just because the intention of the perpetrator, but because there is a chance. This expression has a point. Much happens when someone is not the intention of stealing, but so stealing so because there is a chance. It is similar happened in motorcycle theft. In anticipation, here are some way short of that may help you in preventing motorcycle theft.

Always pay attention to your vehicle. When parked in a pretty deserted, check your vehicle periodically, especially after leaving your vehicle. Make sure no suspicious people lurking your vehicle.

If you choose to park your bike in the garage; unblock your motor car premises. After that, close the garage door and make sure it is locked.

Install an alarm on your bike. It does cost more, but it is useful for the long term.

When going to travel and stay at a hotel or inn, look for parking which is included in the range of CCTV cameras. If not possible, park your vehicle close to the rooms or security guards.

Do not forget to lock the motor and keep the key. Most bike thefts happen when the contact in the off position, but the motor is not locked condition.

The key to the front fork or your motorcycle disc brakes with large keys with striking colors.

Do not store the reg or official papers in the trunk of your vehicle, place your bike stuff. The safest place for your letter of vehicle ownership is at home.

Make sure the letter of your vehicle and no insurance card at the time you are driving.

If traveling with other riders, lock your vehicle when not in use simultaneously. If driving alone, lock your vehicle to a safe place, and can not be unloaded as on a lamp post.

Unique mark and take a picture of your vehicle. If thieves take your vehicle, show the unique markings of the vehicle to the police to use the photo.

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