Friday, November 30, 2012

Meaning of some Political and Law Term

Ahimsa. A movement that waged by the Indian movement leader, Mahatma Gandhi, who tried to fight for India's independence from British rule without going through violence, but through legal and other actions are prudent. 

Memory Aide. That smacks of political warning. 

Aigytops / Aegyptos / ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Organization. A container of cooperation between the parliaments Asean countries. The factors that drive the emergence of the idea of ​​inter-parliamentary cooperation Asean is this:
  • Political consciousness of the nations of the world, which led to the widespread symptoms of constitutional thought.
  • More than 1 billion human beings, especially in the third world needs social improvements and economic development.
  • Anxiety that gripped mankind about the possible use of nuclear weapons.
  • Aspirations of the people of neighboring countries that are friends can be met in a forum, the ASEAN inter-parliamentary organizations.
Akke Socialism. A doctrine emphasizing that should be all kinds of land, paddy fields or handed over to the government that will regulate and supervise. Soil, rice paddies and land soils will be used for the welfare of the people. This teaching is in part derived from the ideology of socialism. 

Acclamation. One of the outcomes of decision-making in a meeting or hearing, followed by a variety of heterogeneous groups, where decisions are taken unanimously adopted by each group, with no group that objected to the decision.

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