Thursday, November 22, 2012

Historical events in the Central African States

Several centuries ago, the Central African Republic became the crossroads of the pilgrims from various tribes, especially the Bantu. At the beginning of the 19th century, the French entered the country, which was then called Ubangi-Shari After that who used to call a river. The beginning of the 20th century, the work premises and Chad became an equatorial Africa-France region. Here's another historical event:

1946. French constitution renewed adapted to the Ubangi-Shari. An elected House of Representatives and the Ubangi-Shari send representatives to the French parliament.

1958. In a referendum, Ubangi-Shari a vote and became a Republic within the French community of Central African Republic is proclaimed by the President named Barthelemy Boganda.

1959. Boganda, founder and leader of the Republican Party of Social Evolution Movement of Black Africa kecelakaa killed in airplanes and was replaced by his brother, David Dacko.

1960 to 1965. Fully independent republic under the leadership of President Dacko. He was re-elected in the general election as the only candidate.

1966. Colonel Jean-Bedel Bokassa, chief of staff of the Armed Forces, overthrowing Dacko, urged communist China and founded the Revolutionary Council government.

1969. Central African Republic broke off diplomatic relations with the Congo. Bokasa President announced that his government had foiled a coup carried out by the Armed Forces.

1972. Congress of a single political party raised bokasa as president for life.

1975. Elisabeth Domitien Bokasa appoint as prime minister was the first woman across Africa who occupied the post. But a year later dismissed Elisabeth.

1976. In February Bokasa avoid assassination plot against him. His half-brother Fidel Odrou Mayor and seven followers were executed. In this year also Bokassa bearalih to the religion of Islam and changed his name to Eddina Ahmed Bokassa. December Bokassa this country to be renamed Central African Empire and made himself emperor Bokassa I.

1977. In December he held a coronation party state budget that takes into half.

1978. Emperor Bokassa exiled eldest son of the Prince George's crown prince fearing aka seize his throne.

1979. In April the murder on school students held demonstrations against school uniforms should only be taken at the shop belongs to one of the wives of Bokassa. In August some legal experts from neighboring African countries announced that Bokassa was responsible for the murder. In reaction to the outside world, the United States has drawn aid of 2.5 billion dollars and french reduce economic aid to Bokassa. In September the former president who served as an adviser dacko Bokassa took power and appointed himself president typing Bokassa was in Libya. Dacko then took over important positions in government, while Bokassa himself to the protection of government ivory coast.

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