Saturday, June 23, 2012

Some terms used in the disciplines of Politics, Government, and Law.

In studying the discipline of political science then we need to understand the terms used in the art. Terms in political science are the parts of government, laws and power. So, many people who studied political science tend to have a confusion regarding the terms or words that are not often spoken every day. There are so many words or terms that I would write this article, of course, this also comes from the book / reference that I took. Here are some terms which will be continue.

A.B.C. Powers. Refer to a partnership / Entente between the three countries in the American south. Namely, Argentina, Brazil and Chile are formed at the beginning of the twentieth century. Entente (the term co-operation) is growing and developing of the agreements between the three countries in the matter of arbitration or other issues, the talk of the years 1899 to 1905. Measures and diplomatic talks in the years to further strengthen the Entente, for later in 1915 a peace agreement and the issue of arbitration agreed by the three countries. That effort culminated in 1914, when U.S. President Woodrow Wilson asked for the three nations to mediate problems between the United States with Mexico.

ABDACOM. The word is an abbreviation of the American British Dutch, Australian Command. Which is a military command established by the United States to face attacks by the Japanese in Southeast Asia and East Asia in 1942.

Abdication. In general, the meaning of this word is a verb that meant resignation. However, in the sense of political science is usually used to indicate the resignation of a supreme ruler of the country. This means that abdication is only addressed to the supreme authority in a STATE. The resignation could be done voluntarily, as the case experienced by queen Christina of Sweden which released in 1654 by the crown because he wanted to embrace the Roman-Catholic religion. But besides that the resignation of a supreme ruler can also occur because of forced circumstances, such as the failure of the authorities to control the government so it was forced to step down and relinquish power and position.

Abolition. Is the right to prohibit a punishment that will be imposed on a person before a decision handed down by a judge. In Indonesia, as in other countries that a republic, the right of pardon was granted to the President.

Abolisionist. The word refers to the term used to refer to someone who opposes the practice of slavery. This term began to grow and is very popular during the civil war, and is used to refer to particular individuals or groups who fight for the emancipation of slaves in America. Then the term is more widespread and is also used to refer to the freedom fighters in Africa, Latin America and the rest of the world who opposed slavery.


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