Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Basic concepts that affect the values ​​of behavioral approaches

Behavioral approach is a thought which arose in the aftermath of World War II, especially in the decade of the fifties, as a reform movement that wants to improve the quality of political science. The movement was influenced by the works of scholars such as sociologist Max Weber and Talcott Parsons, in addition to new discoveries in the field of psychology. Scholars of political science known for his approach to political behavior is Gabriel A. Almond (structural-functional analysis), David Easton (General System Analysis), Karl W. Deutsch (Communications Theory), David Truman, Robert Dahl, and so on.

One of the main ideas of the forerunners of "behavioral approach" is that the political behavior more into focus, rather than political institutions or power or political beliefs. However, the more pronounced is the appearance of a particular orientation that includes some basic concepts. Basic concepts of a people who embrace the behavioral approach can be written as follows:
  • Political behavior show that the regularity can be formulated in generalizations. 
  • Generalizations of this in principle should be substantiated by pointing to the relevant behavior. 
  • To gather and interpret data necessary techniques of careful research. 
  • To achieve the required precision in the measurement and quantification studies. 
  • In making political analysis of personal values ​​as much as possible the researchers did not play a role. 
  • Political research has an open attitude towards the concepts, theories and other social sciences. In this process of interaction with other social sciences such as for example a new term entered the political system, function, role, structure, political culture and political socialization in addition to long term as state, power, position, institute, public opinion and civic education.
In order to approach the emergence of behavior, in adults it has developed several kinds of analysis proposed new formulations of political science as a science, the position of the values ​​in the study of political and social units are about to be observed. Among the famous are functional analysis and structural-analysis-system approach.


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