Sunday, June 17, 2012

Several factors that affect plant growth and development

Plants (flora) is a unit in a living ecosystem. Plants are also part of what is called a living creature. Of course, as living beings, plants have characteristics similar to other living creatures. As with the growth and development. The process of growth and development experienced by plants in order to process a higher level. Of course, the process is also influenced by several factors relating directly or indirectly. Here are some of the processes that affect plant growth and development:

Internal factors
In influencing the development and growth in plants, internal factors related to genetic and physiological factors include the plant. Both of these factors can be described in more deeply because it contains a variety of circumstances.
  • Genetic factorsGrowth and development process starts from the germination process. This process begins with water uptake (inhibition). Water is then absorbed into the body resulting in dissolution of pieces of food that is in pieces of the institution. Besides dissolving food, absorb water also serves as a substance-induced lawyer for hydrolytic enzymes. After that the enzyme will be controlled by the genes of plants. Germination process also requires that the metabolic processes of plants can live. This metabolic process requiring metabolic enzymes support that aims to regulate the metabolic rate of growth and development of plants that can be set to be optimal. And it's all arranged by the genes of plants.
  • Physiologcal factors. Of origin of the word, physiological factors are factors derived from the functional processes at the cellular level in plants. All activities conducted by plant cells also affect the process of development and growth in plants. Growth and development will involve a variety of hormones and vitamins. Hormones and vitamins have specific functions at each level of growth and development. Hormones that affect growth and development are as follows Hormone auxin, gibberellin, ethylene, cytokinins, absisat acid, Kalin, traumalin acid, antokalin, filokalin, rhyzokalin and kaukokalin, addition of hormones, vitamins also affect growth and development. Examples are vitamin riboflavin, ascorbic acid, thiamine, pyridoxine, and nicotinic acid. Vitamins serve as components that are capable of activating the enzyme.
External factors 
External factors have an influence equal to the internal factors in the growth and development. In the process, external factors are factors that are outside the parts of a plant, an existing environment around the plant. These external factors that affect plant growth and development.
  • Temperature. When it comes to temperature, it will not be separated from the process of photosynthesis, respiration, and evaporation in plants. Temperature affects the water content in plants that is one thing that is important in the growth and development. Temperature also affects the performance of enzymes that exist in plants. In general, temperatures will damage important parts of the plant when the temperature is high, so if too low will make the important parts do not work optimally or even not working. Optimal temperatures in plants is also different. So, temperature is the most important factor in the first category of external factors.
  • Sunshine. Sun light affects green plants because sunlight will determine the photosynthesis process of plants. Photosynthesis is the fundamental process in plants to produce energy that will be used as the initial capital in the growth and development. Besides, in the process of photosynthesis, sunlight also affect plant growth physically. Plants that grow in the dark will grow faster but with the condition of pale, thin, and its leaves do not grow because of the hormone auxin is not spread and are not optimal.
  • Water, pH, and oxygen. Water serves to determine the rate of photosynthesis, as the universal solvent in the process of growth and development, to determine the transport of nutrients in the soil and distribute the results to all parts of plant photosynthesis. Factor pH (or acidity) that directly affect the state of soil acidity. Minerals and nutrients derived from land, when the soil has a high acidity, it is mostly absorbed acidic compounds. So that the acid compound is absorbed so high, it is very disrupting the growth and development. Oxygen is a limiting factor in any organism. These conditions make the organisms need oxygen. Parts of plant roots require good aeration to get oxygen. Good aeration to improve root respiration process to circulate nutrients in the soil to the leaves.
  • Nutrition. Plants need nutrients for its survival. Nutrients needed in large quantities such as carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. These elements are referred to as the mean macronutrient nutrients needed by plants in large numbers. In contrast, elements such as chlorine, iron, boron, manganese, zinc, copper, and molybdenum merupakn micronutrient elements, which means the elements needed in small amounts. Nutrients needed for plants not deficient, that is to grow and develop imperfectly. 


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  4. nice post,,visit me back thanks :)

  5. i 'm here, for support
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  6. nowadays external factors become major problem for plat dvevelopment,,,,nice posting

  7. Serval factors that affect plant? pengen komentar tapi ga begitu ngerti.. haduh kang oboy diatas bisa aja jawabnya hha

  8. Sunday evening with a nice start to wish you a good week

  9. hi my friend, nice to meet u again :)

  10. I come with peace n love. Good night... ^_^

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  13. Selamat siang sahabat, terima kasih atas kunjungannya :)

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    which you describe your life in joy.
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    a miracle of man and an optimist, happy Monday. many greetings from Dieter

  15. Have a great start of the new week friend

  16. Beautiful afternoon and I wish you a pleasant new week


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