Sunday, March 6, 2011

Definition of five science section from anthropology

Paleo-anthropology is a science that examines the question of the origin or about the occurrence and development of human beings as research objects using the remains of the body that has been petrified, or human fossils, from earlier eras are stored in layers of earth and which must be obtained by the researchers with various methods of excavation. 

Physical Anthropology in a special meaning is part of the science of anthropology who tried to reach an understanding about the history of human beings of different colors in the light of the characteristics of his body as an object of research. The characteristics of a good body is born (phenotype) such as skin color, hair color and shape, the index of the skull, face shape, eye color, nose shape, height and body shape and so forth. All of that is the object of research as well as those looking from the inside (genotype) as the frequency of blood type. Man on earth can be classified into certain groups based on similarities of some of the characteristics of the existing body of most of the other individual. Actually, each individual is, has the characteristics of different body. Groups of people like that in the science of anthropology called the race. Understanding of the different colors of the races in the world was achieved by scholars, especially by trying to run the various methods of classification of the different colors. Part of the science of anthropology is often called physical anthropology in a special meaning or somatologi. 

Ethnolinguistic is a science section on its origin is closely concerned with the science of anthropology. Research object in the form of a list of words, draw-delineation of the characteristics, and delineation, delineation of the grammar of local languages are scattered in various places on earth, gathered together with material about the elements of tribal culture something nation. From these materials have been developed various methods of language analysis, various issues about the relationship between language and culture, and the methods to analyze and record the languages that are not familiar with writing. All materials and methods are at this present moment has been processed into a common linguistic science. In terms of the role of language in human life, science ethnolinguistic already exists in various parts of the world as closely related to anthropology. 

Prehistori studying the historical development and spread of human culture on earth in an age before man know letters. In science the whole time history of human development, starting time of the human beings, is roughly 2 million years ago, until now, is divided into two parts, namely a time before humans recognize letters and the period after the man know letters. Boundary between the two this time in various places in the world and in different cultures of course very different. Culture of Egypt for example is the oldest known writing culture, is approximately 4000 years BC. Culture Minoa contained traces on the island of Crete, knowing the writing already about 3000 years BC. Similarly, culture Yemdet Nasar contained in southern Iraq, or culture Harapa-Mohenjodaro, which is on the river Sind Pakistan. The objects of investigation of the sub-science prehistori are traces of a form of cultural objects and tools or artifacts that are stored in layers of earth which is the legacy of previous human. It's too often people say knowledge prehistori also called the science of archeology. 

Ethnology is the science part is trying to reach understanding on the basics of human culture, by studying the culture in public life from as many ethnic groups spread across the face of the earth at the present time. More specifically in the sub-science of ethnology. In ethnology process and integrate into a single research results from sub-sub-science of physical anthropology, ethnolinguistic, prehistori science, and ethnography.


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