Monday, March 14, 2011

The benefit for consuming Vitamin D

Apparently the people who live near to the equator (tropical people) have a lower risk of heart problems than those who live or lived in a country that has four seasons. the question is what factors cause this? Lifestyle? Of course not only that but many other factors. The scientists suspect the reason associated with vitamin D and sunlight, which is so abundant in tropical countries. Call it Indonesia, various studies conducted since the decade of the 1990s try toseeking answers to the assumptions about it. The results obtained were so many roles of vitamin D in human life. It may even never crossed my mind and in our ears. Role of Vitamin D is in addition useful to assist the absorption of calcium in the bone, among others:

Colo rectal and Breast Cancer Prevention. A research project conducted by Cedric Garland and the team from the University of California showed that vitamin D can prevent colon cancer and breast. Cedric team research project in North America. From the research proved that intake of 2000 IU vitamin D per day can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 50 percent. While the intake of 800-1000 IU of vitamin D every day can reduce our risk of 50 percent of breast cancer.
Similar findings were noted by the Harvard Medical School. High intake of vitamin D and calcium can reduce the risk of breast cancer in pre-menopausal women. But unfortunately, not in menopausal women. Vitamin D can prevent cancer by maintaining the cells to stay healthy and prevent the uncontrolled cell reproduction.

Minimize the risk of heart problems. Since 1996, a team of scientists in the United States conducted a study of 1700 volunteers who average 59 years old. The results showed that volunteers who have levels of vitamin D in the body is low (less than 15 nanograms per milligram of blood) doubled risk of heart attack. These results were compared with levels of vitamin D which has more than 15 nanograms / milligrams of blood.
But according to Dr. Thomas Wang, lead investigator, this project is continuing until now. This means that there has been no final conclusions. But there are indications towards promising and the results can give new hope to many people.

Preventing Diabetes type 1 and 2. In Finland, a study of 12 thousand infants concluded that the adequacy of vitamin D can prevent the emergence of diabetes type 1 and 2 when they grow up. The recommended dose is 8.5 micrograms per day for infants under age 6, and 7 micrograms for infants 7 months to 3 years.
was talking about the kids. What about us? adults? was also able. Research over 22 years of men and women aged 40-74 years were also conducted in Finland, showed that concentrations of vitamin D in the body of men higher than women. Du addition, the men proved that the risk of type 2 diabetes is lower than the women. Even so, keep in mind that vitamin D is not the only determinant of diabetes risk. We must also consider the lifestyle. Reduce smoking, alcohol, and too much sweet food because they could heighten the risk of diabetes.

Enhance immunity against Tuberculosis. Data from the WHO said, every year tuberculosis has killed nearly 1.7 million people around the world, especially in third world countries as developing countries. Fortunately, treatment options for patients tuberculosis now increased by the discovery team of researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles.
According to researchers, vitamin D can increase the production of cathelicidin molecules that kill bacteria that cause tuberculosis.

Reducing the Risk of Asthma and Allergies. The announcement is important for pregnant women: vitamin D deficiency may increase the risk of asthma and allergies. Similarly, exposure of researchers at Harvard University. Our research shows that adequate vitamin D intake may reduce asthma and allergies by 40 percent. Vitamin D deficiency can negatively affect the lungs and immune system, which ultimately will enhance the risk of asthma. So far, drugs used to overcome asthma contains steroids. Apparently, vitamin D can enhance the ability of cells to absorb the steroid, to more asthma symptoms quickly disappear.

Preventing Pre-eclampsia. During this time the expectant mother is horrified face the threat of pre-eclampsia. This disorder can cause premature birth and mental retardation in the fetus. To this day, the exact cause of pre-eclampsia is still unknown. However, studies by a team of researchers from the University of Pittsburgh concern pre-eclampsia with vitamin D deficiency in early pregnancy.

The scientists compared the levels of vitamin D in 55 pregnant women who had pre-eclampsia with 219 women, normal pregnancy conditions. It turned out that the number of hydroxide vitamin D in the group with pre-eklamisa fewer than any other group ranges from 10 nanomol / liter. The results of this study has not been supported by other studies. But experts still recommend that pregnant mothers to always adequate intake of vitamin D. Therefore, vitamin D deficiency can cause abnormalities in fetal bone.

Remember to sharpen power. In our brain there are a lot of vitamin D receptor Therefore, experts believe vitamin D plays an important role in improving intelligence and memory. But until now, how vitamin D could increase the number of neurons in the brain still continues to be studied. Clearly, vitamin D helps the absorption of DHA was working to form brain cells.

Strengthen teeth and bones. Already recognized by many people that vitamin D could help the cells in the body become healthy. Including cells making tooth and bone. This may be done by the Vitamin D along with calcium.


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