Thursday, May 24, 2012

Causes of Eyestrain, and how to take care of it

Healthy living is a life that has always desired by many people. This is due to the desire of so many at the time of life, but not everyone is able to reach such a desire because of the inability of the body lack. So, many people are now willing to postpone their desire to care for and keeping their own health, at least working out around the house, though only for a while, but also routine.
In addition to exercise, you can also care for and maintain your health by drinking fruit juice is certainly beneficial to the body. Fruits have the efficacy and benefits in our bodies healthier because fruits have vitamins and minerals that can support the body's health. One of the organs that can be treated and taken care of is eyes. The eye has an important role in the life of every human being. Therefore, the eye is also one of the most protected organ for the survival and welfare of human life.

However, the larger human passion, so many are not able to hold it. So they worked day and night every day to get what they want without knowing the condition of their bodies, which often happens is the state of tired eyes who is also dangerous for us. The state of tired eyes more often considered the vital matter of course but because of the way to look at. The question is what will happen when the way we experience eye fatigue?

Eyestrain is characterized by several symptoms, such as watery eyes, dry, or even accompanied by dizziness. The cause may come from a variety of ways, but at least there are about four things that often trigger the disorder so that we can prevent us from attack eyestrain.

Read in a long time. Reading is one of the most good for being able to open the horizons of our education. However, too much reading can damage our own health, it is because we force our eyes to create a focus on one thing. Usually read in a long time can make the eyes tired, especially if done with the lighting conditions are not good. As I said, that when we force our eyes to focus the eye on the spot will contract resulting in a period of time will cause irritation and can interfere with comfort. Sometimes, tired of the eye is also followed by his stiff neck and shoulders. To avoid this, get used to rest my eyes for about 5 minutes after 30 minutes of reading. By resting the eyes, you can also rest your mind and your brain so you can relax while lying down and closing your eyes.

Radiation from computer screens. Radiation from computer screens also cause eye fatigue, which is commonly experienced by office workers in a day can be long hours sitting at the computer. To work around this, set the lighting levels and color contrast on the screen. In addition, the location of the computer monitor should be considered properly so as to avoid the reflection of light emanating from lamp or sun. In connection with the use of computers to do other things is when browsing the internet. Use a larger font size, and obviously that does not force you to focus your eyes to the monitor.

Reflection of sunlight.
Without realizing it, one of the causes eyestrain is a direct reflection of sunlight in the direction of our eyes. Therefore, the use of sunglasses are highly recommended in order to maintain eye health, not merely as accessories of garments or are following the trends that are there.

Too long to use an eye glasses. The use of eye glasses can also help many people to read the book, often used is plus or minus glasses. Indeed, these glasses help many people, but make no mistake, because when your eyes are fitted with glass eyes then your eyes also 2 times the work than the normal eye glasses to use it. So, do not be too long to use a glass eye in the things that make your eyes work. To work around this, make it a habit to rest your eyes when you're feeling your eyes are tired or your body. Usually it's fatigue occur simultaneously with the state of body is tired.


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