Tuesday, May 22, 2012

VoIP communications technology, cheap and affordable for us all

The field of communications technology is always evolving. In this day and age of information and communication technology development is always the top. One of them is a VoIP technology. Indeed, this technology has already begun in a few years ago, but at the present time there are more applications are developed by several companies in the world-class communications in the field of VoIP. Therefore, let us discuss about what is VoIP and what are the applications that support VoIP communications technology.

VoIP itself is a continuation of Voice over Internet Protocol or commonly known also known as IP (Internet Protocol) Telephony or Internet Phone. With VoIP, we no longer need a phone.

VoIP itself is more often used for remote call connection, such as long distance and international levels. The main reason for the development of this technology is none other than because of the high cost of communication, in which case a conventional phone. Therefore the main reason is because people use it too cheap, or even could be considered 'free' because it is not a conventional pulse charge, requiring only an Internet connection costs only. To initiate a VoIP conversation, we just need a computer, microphone and speaker as well as any Internet connection.

In simple, this technology can indeed save us a variety of expenses, including to communicate with people we know. That's because since we do not require additional software to add even more costs. Unlike telephone costly due to various things. With this technology we are able to communicate to the hemisphere with the tremendous costs low. The good news, such as communication technology is not belong to a large company with a monopoly on all the users in the world for billions of dollars in profit.

Interestingly, this communication requires only a PC or laptop and have internet connection, then you need a microphone-equipped headset so you better communications. The first step should be done is to download a software application communication using VoIP as its main medium. There are a variety of applications in the Internet and ready for use. Is it the application? let's discuss and especially do not forget that, all applications are licensed free of charge. Check this out

Skype. Skype is a VoIP application of the most popular style among others. That is because Skype is famous VoIP facilities they have. However, make no mistake, not only has the facility of Skype VoIP alone, but they also have the facility of chat and video call. One that makes Skype more popular among internet users is the sound quality even with slow Internet connections.

Yahoo Messenger. Yahoo, which is one of the areas of internet companies are also launching their products in the field of VoIP. Yahoo Messenger name, often called YM by Internet users. Yahoo provides a competitive market to skype with a variety of facilities provided by both. In Indonesia, YM is more popular than the range of VoIP applications, and of course Skype is also in demand.

Google Talk. Do not want to loose with Yahoo, another giant Google is also launching their VoIP application with the name Google Talk, or more popularly abbreviated as G-Talk. This google product even make Yahoo Messenger into a loss in the affairs of VoIP, it is because Google also provides the same concept as Yahoo Messenger, that is by integrating Google Talk with Google email, and even now it seems like twitter and facebook. Supported by a simple look, and have chat facilities as well. Skype and YM will be rivaled by Google Talk.
Windows Live Messenger (WLM). Applications made ​​by Microsoft is almost no different than Yahoo Messenger. And even compatible between the WLM YM. WLM contacts from yahoo and each can be added to their contact with each other. Thus, this application is appropriate, especially with the video quality is pretty good. However, if the video and sound quality problems I still prefer Skype application.

That all applications of VoIP technology is often used by many people, using the application we are able to communicate with those we love without spending much money. Of course this technology help us in financial terms and so help the student who is studying at a distance so far away from parents. (All Images form www.google.com/imghp)


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