Friday, August 10, 2012

Understanding of the various terms that we encounter in the field of political science

Adiparwa. The first part of the book of the Mahabharata, the epic about the battle between the family consisting of a family bharata Kauravas and the Pandavas. Book tells of his youth Adiparwa family Kauravas and the Pandavas, in addition contain other stories.
Adoption. Is one way of formal adoption by the legal process. The adoption process occurs when parents do not have offspring to take other people's children to be his own son to fulfill certain legal procedures. The adopted child will have the rights and obligations as a child of the truth, and also concerning the right to inheritance.

Aegyptus or Aigyptos. That is a term used for ancient king named an area called Egypt that has been mastered and is situated on the edge of nil own ends.
Affair. An event that usually involves acts of corruption, collusion and nepotism that occurs in the scope of government agencies. For example, what is known as Madiun Affair, an event of rebellion PKI (Indonesian Communist Party) in Madiun on September 18, 1948 that was led by Muso, which aims to replace the Pancasila state basis with communism, and are replacing President Soekarno by Muso himself. And in Indonesia that incident well-known as G30S/ PKI or in bahasa we called Gerakan 30 September 1965 Partai Komunis Indonesia/
The movement 30 September 1965 the Communist Party of Indonesia..

Affiliate. A term that means a merger between two different groups in a bond for the purposes of achieving the same goals.
AFNEI (Allied Forces Netherlands East Indies). That is a special command of Allied Command South East Asia formation. They were assigned in Indonesia for:
  • Accept the transfer of power from the hands of Japan.  
  • Freeing prisoners of war and internees allies.  
  • Disarm and collect the Japanese, and also arrange the return.  
  • Establish and maintain a peaceful state and then handed over to civilian authorities.  
  • Collect and prosecute war criminals. 
In performing its duties, AFNEI dipimpiin by Lieutenant-General Sir Philip Christinson. Nevertheless, the troops serving AFNEI only in Sumatra and Java, Indonesia while the rest of the army handed over Australia.

Afrika Korps. A military force is a combination of famous Italian and German during World War II, who in 1941 invaded Libya to support the Italian attack into Egypt. The troops under the command of Lieutenant-General Erwin Rommel. In mid-1942 when Rommel led back the attack, troops expanded and called panzerarmee Africa. 


  1. INfo NYa Bagus,senang Berada disini

  2. terkadang istilah tersebut ditemukan dalam bahasa sehari2,..satu yang kurang, koruptor tidak ada

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