Monday, May 2, 2011

Robotics Development in Indonesia

Robotics research in Indonesia, most are still about programming and rarely touches to the mastery of technology hardware. Funding an obstacle to the researchers. The cost to design and create the hardware, very expensive. In robotics research have not reached the mastery in depth like that but only during the regular design.
For 13 years the Ministry of National Education to encourage the development of the role of robotics in Indonesia. Each year, there is a robotics competition between schools or students that encourages young people to pursue. Lecturer at the University of Indonesia, this explains, the quality of children and students in the field of robotics plume.
Generally the participants race to buy a robot that imported components and assemble their own robots to fill the program. This also happens on campus. Most research is still around and detection algorithms. Technology such as mastery of sensors, electronics, and design has not be explored due to the expensive cost.

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