Sunday, May 29, 2011

Claiming Blog for Pay Per Post

Today, I have to finished my assignment to earn money from just like sponsoredreview and blogvertise. I only have to do some copy and paste working to claiming my blog at payperpost. This is the words that I have Copy and Paste at my Blog`s pages:

This chopped board joins with the poke under the concluded fountain.

Now that you've added your blog, we need to make sure that you own this blog.

Create a new post on your blog. Copy and paste the randomly generated sentence shown above exactly as it is given anywhere in your new post. Publish the new post so that it is viewable at your blog's URL.

Once this sentence is on your blog, come back to your PPP account and press the claim blog button. You can remove the post after you have successfully claimed the blog.


  1. where in payperpost do i paste the sentence? I don't know where I'm supposed to start a post... coz whenever I click on Add Blog, what shows up is the page where you create a blog..

    please help me how or where to paste the sentence

    The effect hides any country reject into my economics.

    this is the sentence

  2. easy way to earn without investment sign up here and only view adds to earn

  3. Hmmm,,,it`s sound verry interesting,,,

  4. nice post. but I don't know how to get started.
    please help me :)

  5. is it support for article with Indonesian languange?

  6. oh ya gan, pay per post bisa bersanding dengan google adsense? misal klo blog kita udah dipasang GA, apa bisa diikutkan pay per post?


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