Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Benefits of green beans

Among the many types of food, green bean (Phaseolus radiatus) became one of the most easy to find. Also known by the name of green gram, mung bean, or green soy, green beans can be processed into various food and beverage delights. More-over with a relatively cheap price, making it popular anywhere.

Behind its small, green beans contain vitamin and nutrient dense. No wonder the consumption of green beans into one of the suggestions are often heard to maintain health. In fact, to introduce them into the broader community and included in the patterns of daily life and even in a neighborhood health center program, a food that is thought to have originated from India has never missed given to the children under 5 years.

Vitamins are most prominent in the green beans are the B1 and B2, which was originally vitamin B1 (thiamine) is known as the anti-beri-beri and considered useful also to help one's growth process. In addition, vitamin B1 also serves to maximize the conversion of carbohydrates into energy so that green beans can be a source of power stamina. Similarly, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), which also plays an important role in growth.

Eating green beans has also long been a part of a daily snack. Not difficult to find green bean porridge is usually served with black rice and milk ingredients. Even if did not bother to make green bean porridge, it could also drank boiled water.

On the other hand, green beans are also often a fixture in the food and beverages, such as in ice, cake, or as additional ingredients in ice or ice mixed stoned.


  1. visit n komen sob,,, lam knal ya sob!!!!

  2. Mampir sob, sekalian komen tmpatku juga ya,

  3. hello friend was here nice evening :)

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  5. thanks gan.. mlm2 dah visit ke blog saya... btw buku tamunya dmna??

  6. hmm i like milk bean (it means susu kedelai hehe)

  7. Mampir juga nih sob.. thx kunjungannya..


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