Sunday, July 24, 2011

Property business? Why not?

There are many ways to cultivate wealth through investment. One investment tool favored by many people in this day and age is an investment property. But the question is, how large and profitable investment in the property? Are the benefits greater than other forms of investment such as stocks?

History may provide a universal fact, property values ​​almost never goes down. Limitations and the narrowing of land to encourage the value of property assets continue to rise. Lands formerly worthless now because of the real estate business to make these lands have sky-high prices. Not surprising, the classical principle that is often used in estimating the value of property is the choice of location, location, and location.

Basically the property market is affected by the condition of the economy of a region / country, interest rates, and last is the inflation rate. The lower  level of interest rates and inflation, property investment more and ogled by the businessmen. Therefore, here are tips in the field of investment property:

Selection of a strategic location. That is a way of seeing the situation of the property to be invested seen from transport access. If it closer access to transport and activity centers such as offices, the trading value of investment property that you have the higher. And one more thing, if the property will be used as a source of income by way of lease, select the appropriate location to target consumers. In addition, the strategic location of course unaffected by the presence of a vulnerable area, be it a flood-prone, vulnerable to disease or prone to security. Because if the location where your property has the potential are prone to the value of your property will go down.

Warranty. Obviously this is a second factor for many people in choosing the property you want to use. Consumers will see if there is no guarantee the public infrastructure to support their daily activities. Infrastructure is infrastructure that must be owned by a property that is electricity, clean water, sanitary facilities, security and roads.

Legality of the product. Property that is used must comply with applicable law. in general this includes the completeness of business licensing and legal documents. So it can avoid future legal issues. Usually if a property has the characteristics of the above, then the property can be trusted and you can use as your investment. Hopefully get a better profit than before.


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