Friday, February 25, 2011

Mind Set of Student University

As we know, the movement of indonesian student college are supported by the people. Because any of social problem could be solve by the student college.

Student college have to became the people who could control the social aspect in human life. Because of that, is so many hope from people for student college to bring a good change to make the society have a better life than before.

In Indonesia we, as a students from any universities have a duty called " Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi" or in english we called three duty of university. Education, research, and community service are the three point of that duty. It means that, a student college have a final destination is to implement they background to the society.

But the big problem for student college today, they are not realize that they have an ability to change the world. Most of the student college never believe for themselves that the subject that they have studied is not for the society and themselves but only for themselves. They only believe that they study is for money, money and money.

my hope, I wished that all student college realize and recognize what exactly what could they do for the world.

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