Establish and produce energy from radioactive materials are scientifically not as easy as imagined, in addition to need a strong construction, nuclear fuel, from raw materials to the waste generated and the journey takes a long time. Natural radioactive materials such as coal which is not easy to be collected and processed as usual, known as direct coal is burned to produce energy. Unlike coal, radioactive materials require a long process in its processing. In addition, radioactive materials on earth is not evenly distributed so that only exist in certain areas that have natural resources in the form of radioactive material.
Because no natural resources in the form of the spread of radioactive materials, must be imported from countries that have the natural resources of radioactive material. Among other countries that export of radioactive materials are countries of the former Soviet Union, Canada and Australia.
In general, the natural resources of radioactive material is in the layers of rock with a depth of 40 meters to 100 meters below ground. The thickness of rocks contain radioactive That generosity very influential on the level. That Natural radioactive materials are separated from the rock is Called the "Yellow Cake" (like the symbol of radioactive material). In general, the type of radioactive material is being traded at this present moment.
Materials used as the main ingredient of nuclear energy in power plants is an element Uranium. Yellow cake is uranium traded with number 308. Abbreviated to U-308 uranium-308 has not fully become the main ingredient for nuclear power plants, but must be developed / changed to U-238. This process is called enrichment, but to become U-238 requires two processes that change the U-308 into U-235 and the latter being the main ingredient of nuclear energy U-238.