Thursday, October 31, 2013

Beberapa istilah tentang buruh dan sosial masyarakat

Bourgeoisie. Golongan kaum menengah yang berdiri di antara kaum miskin dengan kaum bangsawan atau kaum kapitalis. Di negara-negara kapitalis kedudukan kaum borjuis ini sangat penting artinya dan mempunyai pengaruh serta kekuasaan yang cukup penting, oleh karena itu menurut paham komunis golongan ini dipandang amat berbahaya, oleh karena akan menindas kaum proletar, untuk itu mereka harus dihapuskan dan tidak boleh bergerak lagi.

Pemberontakan Boxer. Merupakan satu pemberontakan yang terjadi di Tiongkok pada tahun 1900 di mana satu perkumpulan yang menamakan diri mereka "Boxer" mengusir dan membunuh orang asing yang ada di Tiongkok.

Badan Perjuangan Buruh. Merupakan lembaga perjuangan untuk serikat buruh yang didirikan di Indonesia, tepatnya di Kota Makasar pada pertengahan tahun 1949 semasa kota Makasar masih menjadi bagian dari Kawasan Negara Indonesia Timur. Beranggotakan delapa serikat sekerja setempat dan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hubungan kerjasama dan persatuan di antara serikat-serikat pekerja yang ada di seluruh provinsi di Indonesia.

Badan Permusyawaratan Organisasi Buruh Cirebon. Didirikan pada tahun 1950 oleh dua belas serikat buruh perusahaan dan tiga belas serikat buruh pegawai pemerintahan. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengadakan permusyawaratan antara organisasi-organisasi buruh di Cirebon mengenai soal-soal yang berhubungan dengan perbaikan nasib buruh dan usaha-usaha lain untuk meningkatkan kemajuan seriakt buruh pada umumnya.

Bretton Woods Conference. Yaitu sebuah konferensi masalah keuangan Perserikatan bangsa-bangsa yang diadakan di daerah New Hampshire yang bernama Bretton Woods pada bulan Juli 1944. Konferensi ini menghasilkan berdirinya IMF dan IBRD yang masing-masing memiliki kepanjangan berupan International Monetary Fund dan International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Monday, October 28, 2013

5 Cara efektif untuk meningkatkan traffic ke blog atau website bagi pemula

Dunia internet semakin lama semakin berkembang, di satu sisi ada yang memanfaatkannya sebagai tempat untuk bersenang-senang seperti social media, ada pula yang memanfaatkan dunia internet sebagai sarana mencari uang untuk mendapatkan keuntungan finansial yang tinggi. Menariknya, telah begitu banyak orang yang mendapatkan keuntungan dari dunia internet ini.

Blog atau pun website merupakan salah satu sarana dalam mencari keuntungan berupa uang. Tetapi tentunya butuh perjuangan untuk mendapatkan hasilnya. Banyak orang yang berpikir bahwa melalui blog atau website anda akan mendapatkan jutaan rupiah atau bahkan miliaran rupiah. Tetapi sebenarnya semua membutuhkan kerja keras. Salah satunya adalah bagaimana untuk mendapatkan kunjungan yang banyak pada blog atau website.  Istilah kerennya adalah bagaimana cara untuk meningkatkan traffic ke blog atau website anda.

Saya pribadi bukan seorang blogger yang telah mendulang sukses melainkan seorang blogger yang telah termakan oleh sebuah sistem berupa "mencari uang di dunia internet sangat gampang" atau bahkan ketika saya sudah mendapatkan traffic yang tinggi saya juga sudah termasuk orang-orang yang gagal karena mengikuti proses yang cepat yaitu "meningkatkan traffic dengan cepat" atau dalam bentuk apapun itu. Oleh karena itu, berikut beberapa hal yang menurut saya cukup efektif dalam meningkatkan traffic ke blog atau website anda.

Rutin dalam posting artikel. Hal ini merupakan hal yang paling penting dalam dunia blog atau website. The most important thing when you start a website or blog. Memang ini merupakan hal yang paling sulit untuk dilakukan. Permasalahannya adalah buat jadwal yang cocok bagi anda dalam update artikel. Apakah itu seminggu beberapa kali, atau satu hari 2 kali. Itu terserah anda, dan tergantung dari kemampuan anda.

Tingkatkan index blog atau website di search engine. Rutin dalam posting artikel akan meningkatkan index anda di blog. Untuk blog dengan platform blogger, maka anda tidak perlu mendaftarkan blog anda di search engine google. Anda hanya perlu rutin dalam menulis dan mem-post artikel anda yang berada di blog atau website. Tetapi bagi anda pemilik website anda harus mendaftarkan website anda ke search engine yang ada seperti,, dan lain-lain. Karena secara probabilitas semakin banyak database website atau blog anda maka akan semakin banyak peluang untuk dikunjungi.

Rutin dalam ping blog atau website. Tujuannya adalah ketika anda telah membuat artikel yang terbaru, artikel anda tidak secara langsung terdaftar di data base search engine. Melainkan perlu dilakukan sebuah ping otomatis menggunakan website atau ping tools. Anda juga saya sarankan untuk mendaftarkan feed blog atau website feed anda ke website google feedburner.

Keyword yang tepat. Mengapa keyword masuk ke posisi keempat? karena saya ingin katakan adalah syarat utama dalam meningkatkan traffic itu terlebih dahulu adalah masalah rutin dalam menulis dan mem-posting artikel pada blog atau website anda. Jika anda sudah secara rutin dan frekuensi dalam melakukan itu baru anda masuk ke keyword yang tepat dalam membuat artikel.

Konten yang original. Last but not least, inilah yang terakhir konten original yang sangat penting ketika anda telah melewati cara-cara sebelumnya. Tulislah artikel itu sesuai dengan kata-kata anda. Seperti seorang penulis, tidak ada yang bisa langsung menulis sebuah buku atau novel langsung terkenal melainkan mereka telah menulis ribuan dan bahkan ratusan ribu hal sehingga mampu memberikan tulisan yang menarik.

Share blog atau website via social networking. Menggunakan prinsip manajemen pemasaran, semakin banyak info yang anda sebarkan tentang blog atau website anda dan ditambah dengan informasi yang menarik, maka traffic menuju ke blog anda akan semakin meningkat dan page view anda akan bertambah.

Sekian dulu artikel saya mengenai bagaimana cara efektif untuk meningkatkan traffic ke blog atau website anda, semoga artikel ini bermanfaat bagi kita semua.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

General understanding about Application service provider (ASP)

Application service provider (ASP). Traditionally, software applications such as personnel suites are sold as post with the intention of are installed and reside on the user’s notebook. Starting in the mid-1990s, however, the perception of offering users access to software from a central storage area attracted extensive appeal. An attention service provider (ASP) in effect rents access to software.

Renting software very than purchasing it outright has several advantages. Since the software resides on the provider’s member of staff serving at table, here is thumbs down need to bring up to date numerous desktop installations each calculate a extra version of the software (or a “patch” to manipulate approximately problem) is released. The need to craft corporal CDs or DVDs is furthermore eliminated, as is the expose of software piracy (unauthorized copying). Users could be able to more efficiently financial statement their software expenses, since they will not be inflicted with to occur up with generous periodic expenses pro upgrades.

The software source, in curve, furthermore receives a steady returns spill very than “surges” around the calculate of all extra software relief. For traditional software manufacturers, the foremost interest is determining whether the revenue obtained by as long as its software as a service (directly or through a third party) is greater than could you repeat that? Would be inflicted with been obtained by promotion the software to the same promote. (It is furthermore doable to take a hybrid deal with, everywhere software is still sold, but users are existing bonus facial appearance online. Microsoft has experimented with this deal with with its Microsoft Office Live and other products.)

Renting software furthermore has the makings disadvantages. The user is dependent on the reliability of the provider’s servers and networking facilities. If the provider’s service is down, at that time the user’s bring about tide and even access to vital data could be interrupted. Further, insightful data with the intention of resides on a provider’s logic could be by expose from hackers or manufacturing spies. Finally, the user could not be inflicted with as much control ended the use and integration of software as would be provided by outright hold.

The ASP promote was a sweltering theme in the in the dead of night 1990s, and approximately pundits predicted with the intention of the ASP develop would eventually replace the traditional retail channel pro mainstream software. This did not take place, and more than a thousand ASPs were amongst the casualties of the “dot-com crash” of the ahead of schedule 2000s. However, ASP endeavor has been steadier if a reduced amount of spectacular in niche markets, everywhere it offers more economical access to expensive specialized software pro applications such as customer link management, supply string management, and e-commerce correlated services.

The growing substance of such “software as a service” affair models can be seen in contemporary offerings from traditional software companies such as SAS. By 2004, worldwide costs pro “on demand” software had exceeded $4 billion, and Gartner Research has predicted with the intention of in the following semi of the decade in this area a third of all software will be obtained as a service very than purchased.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Application program interface general understanding

Application program interface (API). In the sphere of order on behalf of an function plan to function, it have to intermingle with the central processing unit approach in a variety of ways, such as sense in a row from diskette collection, distribution data to the laser printer, and displaying text and graphics on the check screen (user interface). The plan may perhaps need to get back passй whether a device is obtainable or whether it can assert access to an other portion of reminiscence. In the sphere of order to provide these and many other services, an operating approach such as Microsoft Windows includes an extensive function plan interface (API).

The API basically consists of a variety of functions or procedures with the aim of an function plan can call in the lead, as well as data structures, constants, and various definitions desired to illustrate approach wealth. Applications programs bring into play the API by plus calls to routines in a plan collection (library, plan and procedures and functions). In the sphere of Windows, “dynamic link libraries” (DLLs) are used. For case in point, this clear-cut function puts a message box on the screen:
MessageBox (0, “Program Initialization Failed!”, “Error!”, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK | MB_ SYSTEMMODAL);

In the sphere of practice, the API on behalf of a major operating approach such as Windows contains hundreds of functions, data structures, and definitions. In the sphere of order to simplify learning to access the crucial functions and to promote the characters of readable code, compiler developers such as Microsoft and Borland assert devised frameworks of C++ classes with the aim of package interconnected functions jointly.

For case in point, in the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), a plan in the main begins by deriving a group of pupils representing the application’s basic characteristics from the MFC group of pupils CWinApp. When the plan wants to present a window, it derives it from the CWnd group of pupils, which has the functions regular to all windows, dialog boxes, and controls. From CWnd is derived the specialized group of pupils on behalf of both type of window: On behalf of case in point, CFrameWnd outfit a conventional highest function window, while CDialog would be used on behalf of a dialog box.

Thus in a framework such as MFC or Borland’s OWL, the object-oriented conception of encapsulation is used to bundle jointly objects and their functions, while the conception of inheritance is used to relate the generic object (such as a window) to specialized versions with the aim of assert added functionality (object-oriented brainwashing and encapsulation inheritance).

In the sphere of topical years Microsoft has greatly extended the accomplish of its Windows API by only if many upper level functions (including user interface items, net communications, and data access) previously requiring separate software components or plan libraries (like Microsoft.Net). Programmers using languages such as Visual Basic can take lead of a advance level of abstraction. Here the various kinds of windows, dialogs, and other controls are provided as building blocks with the aim of the developer can place in into a form designed on the screen, and it follows that settings can be made and code on paper as appropriate to control the behavior of the objects once the plan runs. While the programmer will not assert as much tell control or flexibility, avoiding the need to master the API income with the aim of functional programs can be on paper more quickly.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Bentuk permukaan sel jamur

Sel yang terdapat dalam ragi dan jamur merupakan bentuk sel yang memiliki struktur dimana disekelilingnya terbungkus sitoplasma dan terdiri dari membrane plasma, periplasma, dan dinding cell tambahan berupa komponen struktural ekstra sel seperti fimbria dan kapsul. Dinding sel menunjukkan adanya pembentukan eksoskeleton yang dinamis dimana eksoskeleton ini berfungsi untuk melindungi protoplast jamur dari apapun yang ada dilingkungan luar dan hal tersebut juga menegaskan searah dengan pertumbuhan, kekuatan selular, bentuk dan sifat-sifat yang mempengaruhi jamur tersebut. Disamping itu jamur yang memiliki benang-benang fibril, susunan dan pengaturan dinding sel secara mendalam memiliki hubungan dengan proses pertumbuhan apical.

Demikian hal tersebut tampak pada setiap jamur, sebagai contoh pada jamur Neurospora Crassa, dimana ukuran dinding sel tipis kira-kira mendekati 50 nano meter di bagian puncak tetapi menjadi lebih tebal kira-kira mendekati 125 nanometer pada ujung sekitar 250 mikrometer.

Komponen membrane plasma dari sel jamur diselubungi  oleh dua lapisan pospolipid yang diselingi dengan protein berbentuk bundar yang mengatur masuk dan keluarnya nutrisi dari metabolism dan menunjukkan adanya lapisan selektif untuk proses translokasi jamur.

Ergosterol merupakan sterol yang paling banyak ditemukan pada membrane jamur, ini memperlihatkan bahwa dalam membrane dari hewan ditemukan kolesterol sedangkan pada tumbuhan ditemukan pitosterol. Adanya Perbedaan ini dimanfaaktkan pada saat penggunaan secara khusus beberapa agent anti-jamur yang digunakan untuk mengobati beberapa infeksi yang disebabkan oleh jamur, dan ini juga dapat digunakan sebagai indicator pengujian terhadap ukuran pertumbuhan jamur.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Keunggulan dari Lenovo K900

Menyusul S890, kini vendor Lenovo menghadirkan Lenovo K900 sebuah smartphone dengan Ultra Thin Dualcore ditambah sensasi memegang smartphone berkapasitas Quadcore.

Kombinasi material logam dan plastik polikarbonan di sisi belakang dan dibagian depan dilindungi oleh gorilla glass generasi kedua membuat Lenovo K900 tampil sebagai smartphone elegan dan tangguh. Ditambah lagi dengan dukungan stainless steel yang berbobot ringan menunjukkan kelas smartphone yang memiliki layar sebesar 5.5 inci menjadi salah satu smartphone yang handal.

Lenovo K900 didukung dengan resolusi sebesar 1080 x 1920 piksel dengan layar sentuh Full HD IPS Kapasitif berkapasitas 16 juta warna. Resolusi full HD memungkinkan para user Lenovo K900 mudah dalam menggunakannya karena smartphone ini didesain dengan panel sensor kapasitif yang sangat sensitif.

Untuk ukuran sistem operasi, Lenovo K900 telah didukung oleh Android OS versi jelly bean yang memiliki tampilan yang berbeda seperti pada icon dan desain yang bersifat animasi. Apalagi didukung dengan peralatan seperti Intel Atom Z2580 chipset dan dukungan prosesor berkapasitas 2 GHz dual core. Tentunya hal ini menarik, karena Intel yang merupakan vendor prosesor yang handal telah mengintegrasikan produknya ke dalam Lenovo K900. Untuk ukuran memori internal Lenovo K900 hanya berbekal 16 GB tanpa didukung dengan adanya penambahan memori eksternal.

Perlengkapan lainnya yang menarik dari Lenovo K900 yaitu berupa kapasita kamera sebesar 13 Mega piksel dengan penggunaan sensor Exmor BSI yang menjadi keunggulan kamera Lenovo K900. Hal ini terbukti dengan adanya lensa Sonya yang mampu memberikan focal length dan menjadikan Lenovo K900 memiliki kamera yang dapat digunakan untuk mengambil foto dengan depth of field dangkal sehingga objek yang diinginkan sangat tajam dan latar belakangnya dalam keadaan blur. Keunggulan Lenovo K900 salah satunya adalah dari keunggulan kameranya.

Pembangunan harus merata secara materiil dan non materiil

Penyebab utama dari pembangunan adalah manusia, pengetahuan manusia itu sendiri, kebiasaan yang terjalin pada manusia, adat istiadat yang terbentuk, cara berpikir, etika, sikap manusia seperti prestasi, ketepatan, sikap terhadap pekerjaan dan bahkan sikap dalam mendidik anak-anaknya ataupun generasi sesudahnya.

Hingga akhir perang dunia kedua yaitu pada tahun 1945, dua negara yang mengalami kehancuran dan kebangkrutan secara total, Jepang dan Jerman mengalami apa yang dinamakan krisis ekonomi, sosial dan pendidikan. Tetapi apa yang terjadi sekarang? Jepang dan Jerman merupakan salah satu poros ekonomi, pendidikan dan kebudayaan hingga saat ini. Kota industri, kota pendidikan, kota kebudayaan yang ada sekarang di kedua negara tersebut dahulunya hancur lebur karena Perang. Tapi sekarang ini, mereka melalui industri dan pendidikan dapat membangun ekonominya hingga diakui oleh seluruh dunia di bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi.

Kita sadari memang bahwa kehadiran industri merupakan salah satu tolak ukur dalam terciptanya kehidupan yang teknis dan modern. Sehingga industri merupakan salah satu landasan suatu masyarakat yang modern karena Industri juga merupakan agen modernisasi yang merujuk kepada masyarakat yang berpendidikan, memiliki moral yang tinggi dan beretika, serta cara berpikirnya yang jauh dari masyarakat kuno dan masih percaya akan hal-hal yang mistis. Secara personal, Indonesia harus berani untuk mengambil langkah untuk menuju modernisasi namun nilai-nilai leluhur seperti gotong royong, kebersamaan, masih tetap lekat di jiwa masing-masing manusia Indonesia. Artinya proses modernisasi itu bukan mengarah ke westernisasi melainkan bagaimana menciptakan masyarakat yang berpendidikan, yang mempunyai etika dan berpikir modern dibandingkan pemikiran yang kuno.

Oleh karena itu, sebuah hal yang menarik adalah haruslah ada yang dinamakan dengan pembangunan sarana-sarana yang dibarengi dengan pembangunan mental atau karakter manusia Indonesia. Tidak adanya keseimbangan antara kemajuan yang bersifat materiil dan mental akan mengakibatkan apa yang disebut dengan keterkejutan budaya yang nantinya akan melahirkan konflik-konflik diantara masyarakat yang berujung kepada proses pembangunan ekonomi, sosial dan budaya macet dan bahkan jalan ditempat. Mengapa demikian? karena satu-satunya alasan mengapa adanya pembangunan berasal dari manusia itu sendiri, jika pembangunan itu macet bukan salah pemerintah ataupun warga negaranya saja, melainkan salah dari manusia yang hidup dan tinggal di negara dia tempati.

Pengertian kata "cabinet/ kabinet" dalam ilmu politik

Cabinet. Merupakan istilah yang digunakan untuk menunjuk satu badan pelaksana atau pembantu yang berada di bawah pimpinan pihak kepala pemerintahan yaitu pihak eksekutif. Dalam hal ini pihak eksekutif merupakan perdana mentri secara parlementer ataupun presiden secara presidensial.

Cabinet yang ada dalam pimpinan pihak eksekutif ditunjuk dalam rangka untuk membantu pimpinan eksekutif dalam melaksanakn perundang-undangan yang dibentuk oleh pihak legislatif. Selain itu, cabinet tersebut membantu kepala pemerintahan untuk mengelola negara dengan tujuan-tujuan yang telah disepakati. Oleh karena itu, karena kabinet bersifat membantu dan diberikan wewenang oleh kepala pemerintahan, kabinet bertanggung jawab terhadap kepala pemerintahan.

Susunan cabinet terdiri dari beberapa orang yang menjabat di bidang masing-masing, seperti bidang luar negri, dalam negri, hukum, sosial, kesejahteraan rakyat, pendidikan, ekonomi, keuangan dan lain sebagainya. Orang-orang yang menjabat bidang-bidang tersebut dikatakan dengan sebutan mentri atau dalam bahasa inggris minister atau secretary of. Dari sekian banyak para mentri tersebut ada yang membawahi departemen ada juga yang tidak membawahi departemen.

The beautiful of Europe

Europe as the world's second smallest continent after continent of Australia storing a myriad of uniqueness that makes people stunned. Climate, natural beauty, historical heritage, and culture make people tempted to come to him.

Not surprisingly, people who never set foot in Europe want to come back to spend the holiday in the European continent.

The Netherlands is one country that is worth a visit. Tourists can visit to Amsterdam to enjoy the historic buildings with architect charming, including the royal palace, known as the Royal Palace.

Biggest city which doubles as the capital of this country also has an area called the Dam Square. The place is crowded enough as it is used as a means of gathering local community. Fresh air and scenery dove into allure for tourists .

Besides Amsterdam, Volendam, known as a fishing village is also interesting. Society and culture that are quite unique in this village. Traditional clothing worn local community is able to make the tourists stunned and wanted to record it.

Enjoy the beauty of the canals that exist in the country. Slip into a cruise down to the canal to see the tunnel, classical building, until the trees .

Speaking tour in Europe, the French also keep a myriad of tourist attractions which is no less stunning. Among other monuments of pride of Paris, Arc de Triomphe, which was completed in the wake in 1863.

Also visit the Notre Dame cathedral gothic architecture has art. The old church as well as a witness Napoleon became emperor. Do not forget you foot step towards the Eiffel Tower , the iron tower which has a phenomenal 324 meters altitude .

Besides these two countries, Belgium and Germany worth visiting. Belgium has a number of tourist sites, including a statue of Brussels Manneken Pis and majestic buildings interesting. Meanwhile, Germany has Berlin, Hamburg, Frakfurt, which stores the history and cultural heritage.

Review of IMO Nero 7

Public interest in using tablet felt pretty big. This is what makes IMO as one of the local vendors who consistently work on the tablet market. Like the products of previous IMO that puts affordable prices, but have sufficient quality. IMO Nero became one of the latest products that will be marketed IMO.

Tablet IMO Nero 7 has a wide screen and Android Jelly Bean presents combined with a dual core 1 GHz processor. With  affordable price, users can feel the latest version of Android at the same time claimed pretty quickly when exploration menu after menu.

IMO Nero media display multi-touch capacitive touchscreen with a resolution of 1024 x 600 pixels. To support the day-to- day activities, types of MTK chipset itself uses 6577. While for the purposes of browsing and surfing the 3G channel has been prepared.

Not to mention 512 MB ​​RAM and 4 GB ROM internal memory that belongs to complement the tablet IMO Nero. Like other tablet IMO, IMO Nero remains SIM dual concept where the user can choose the data plan that suits your needs. IMO Nero also has dual cameras. The main camera is 2 MP who will be able to accommodate the needs of the medium of photography. While both manifold 0.3 MP camera completes the portrait of the attributes in this tablet device.

General understanding about applet

An applet is a small program that uses the resources of a larger program and usually provides customization or additional features. The term first appeared in the early 1990s in connection with Apple’s AppleScript scripting language for the Macintosh operating system. Today Java applets represent the most widespread use of this idea in Web development (Java).

Java applets are compiled to an intermediate representation called bytecode, and generally are run in a Web browser. Applets thus represent one of several alternatives for interacting with users of Web pages beyond what can be accomplished using simple text markup ( html; for other approaches see Javascript,
php, scripting languages, and ajax).

An applet can be invoked by inserting a reference to its program code in the text of the Web page, using the HTML applet element or the now-preferred object element. Although the distinction between applets and scripting code (such as in PHP) is somewhat vague, applets usually run in their own window or otherwise provide their own interface, while scripting code is generally used to tailor the behavior of separately created objects. Applets are also rather like plug-ins, but the latter are generally used to provide a particular capability (such as the ability to read or play a particular kind of media file), and have a standardized facility for their installation and management (plug-in).

Some common uses for applets include animations of scientific or programming concepts for Web pages supporting class curricula and for games designed to be played using Web browsers. Animation tools such as Flash and Shockwave are often used for creating graphic applets. To prevent badly or maliciously written applets from affecting user files, applets such as Java applets are generally run within a restricted or “sandbox” environment where, for example, they are not allowed to write or change files on disk.

Review of LG G Pad 8.3

Competition in the realm of Android tablets more exciting. Samsung who dominate the market with the Samsung Galaxy Tab series continues to gain significant rival. One of these enemies of the weight of the ginseng LG announces LG G Pad existence and has been widely introduced.

Obviously from its name, LG revealed that the tablet has a 8.3 inch screen and runs Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean. LG G Pad 8.3 will be powered by a quad -core 1.7 GHz Krait. For the chipset itself is very powerful thanks to support Qualcomm Snapdragon 600.

Embedded memory of 16 GB. Middling relief to accommodate a myriad of applications and important data including multimedia content and games. In addition, the LG G Pad can be upgraded up to 64 GB of memory using external memory.

For a hobby photograph, LG G Pad provides a 5 MP main camera and 1.3 MP secondary camera. Display resolution of 1200 x 1900 pixels on the screen, users can enjoy movies , playing games with the look sharp and clear.

One interesting, LG has implemented the integration between devices with applications QPair. Through this application, users can see the tablet incoming calls and messages received on the Smartphone. QPair also allows the LG G Pad to easily connect to other smartphones and tablets.

LG said the G Pad tablet builds on the LG Optimus Pro and LG G G2, and is designed to work with both. Qpair can terkoneksis ddengan non LG smartphone, but recommended to Android Jelly Bean. Notes made at the G Pad QMemo applications can also be synchronized between multiple devices. With QSlide, you can control up to three different applications without interruption.

Do not miss knockon, a feature that lets you turn the device on and off devices just by tapping the screen twice.

The beautiful of Switzerland

Panorama of mountains, rivers, until the snow can be found here. If you are interested in exploring Switzerland , following some decent destination.

Switzerland has a major economic income from the production sector, ranging from chemistry to medicine. In addition, the service sector, particularly banking, insurance, tourism, and international organizations is an important industry for the Swiss.

No wonder cities like Geneva became one of the exciting destinations in this country. Geneva is the second most populous city in Switzerland, after the Jet d' Eau fountain or water that has a height of 140 meters in Lake Geneva.

Other tourist attractions are the Flower Clock, Art and History Museum, the International Red Cross, and Red Crescent Museum, and Palais des Nations which is the headquarters of united nations in Europe.

Additionally, you can visit the Chillon Castle is located on the edge of the lake. From there, you can go to the city of Montreux . After that, the journey can be continued by using a special train to Jungfraujoch which has a height of 4,158 meters above sea level.

If you want the streets while shopping for a wide range of products renowned Swiss specialties, such as watches, knives, and Swiss chocolate, you can visit the City of Interlaken. From there you can go to the Klein Matterhorn / Gornegrat with hanging rail while looking at the beauty of Mount Matterhorn.

Penyka branded goods, such as Burberry, Salvatore Ferragamo, Gucci, and Armani can visit Foxtown Factory Outlet. In the meantime, if you want to see the city and the township Switzerland in miniature form, there is an area called Miniature Switzerland.

Switzerland also has the city including the UNESCO World Heritage since 1953, namely Bern. Here you can visit the Old Town with Zytglogge or Clock Tower, Zohringen Fountain, Parliament House, St. Vincent Cathedral, as well as the iconic bear park in Bern.

3 sejarah kota besar di Pulau Jawa

Sejarah mengatakan, bangsa Belanda yang menjajah Indonesia selama 350 tahun lamanya masih terekam jelas di ingatan para orang tua yang pernah hidup di zaman tersebut. Namun bagi kita, generasi muda, kita dapat merasakan dan melihat bukti sejarah tersebut hingga sekarang. Cerita, foto, dan bangunan-bangunan peninggalan zaman kolonial bangsa Belanda masih dapat kita lihat sampai sekarang. Berikut 3 tempat di kota-kota yang menjadi salah satu bukti sejarah pemerintahan kolonial Belanda.

Kayutangan - Malang. Pada masa kolonial, ada sebuah daerah di kota Malang-Jawa Timur yang memiliki jejak sejarah yang menarik. Daerah tersebut bernama Kayutangan. Lokasinya strategis dan pada saat pemerintahan kolonial Belanda merupakan area yang sibuk. Di daerah ini terdapat bangunan Gereja yang memiliki gaya arsitektur neo-gothic yang dibangun pada tahun 1905. Disamping itu, salah satu bukti adanya perdagangan di zaman kolonial Belanda adalah berdirinya toko-toko dan restoran yang dimiliki oleh bangsa pendatang pada saat itu, yakni sebuah Toko Oen yang merupakan sebuah toko yang dulunya dijadikan tempat warga Belanda untuk berkumpul dan sering dijadikan tempat nongkrong bagi sesama warga Belanda.

Veteran - Jakarta. Ibukota Indonesia ini mungkin salah satu kota yang banyak memiliki nilai historis dari segi bangunan pada zaman pemerintahan kolonial Belanda. Ada sebuah daerah yang disebut dengan jalan veteran dimana terdapat sebuah area layaknya kompleks bagi orang-orang elite di zaman pemerintahan kolonial Belanda. Kota yang dahulunya bernama Batavia ini memiliki bangunan-bangunan tua yang memiliki gaya arsitektur yang khas. Sampai sekarang anda dapat melihat bangunan-bangunan tersebut.

Braga - Bandung. Sebuah kota yang dijuluki dengan sebutan Paris van java. Ya, penataan kota Bandung sangat meniru penataan kota-kota Eropa. Mungkin hal ini lah yang menjadikan sebuah daerah yang disebut dengan Braga menjadi salah satu kota tua di Indonesia. Braga merupakan jalan yang sangat mirip dengan suasan budaya Eropa. Di jalan ini anda akan melihat toko-toko bernuansa klasik ala Eropa. Dan bahkan, jalannya bukan merupakan jalan yang diaspal melainkan jalan-jalan yang dibuat dari beton-beton persegi seperti keramik yang kuat.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

What is a print server?

Print Server. Definition of the print server must be defined as a computer that has many printers that are connected to him and can be accessed by other computers. In this definition, the computer running special software that makes the printers can be shared by the entire network. The client computer sends a command to 've printed the print server. Managing the print server on these commands  usually on the local hard disk , and then send them to the printers with orderly.

Model for this kind of print server until now included the usual  but in 1991, Intel introduced a small module of a VHS video cassette that contains all the necessary processing power to act as a print server. In 1991, companies such as Digital Equipment Corp. and Hewlett - Packard Co. introduced by the printer as a print server capabilities internally. So now you can share a network printer to all LAN without having to have a separate computer that acts as a print server. Print server is often too literally interpreted as the printer itself rather than dealing with a computer printer.

It is useful to be able to send print commands to the print server on the LAN that far away. It is easy to send an electronic message rather than sending a stack of paper, and the printer remotely located can play a role as well as the sender of the message as a fax machine, but with high quality output. Including remote printing is one good reason to make the relationship LAN to LAN.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Effect of Social changes

Is always beneficial social change? Not always. We should be able to choose to critically and assess what should be changed for the sake of progress and what should be retained, so as not to arise an adverse effect.

We can say in general, that knowledge and modern techniques, modern ethics, institutions and the modern system of government, all of which are very useful for humans. By the way if we can solve major problems such as overcrowding, poverty, unemployment, disease? How could unmet desire to improve the lives of people, without the use of tools and modern methods?

Wheel of history can not be played back. There is only one way for us all in the world, namely : forward. But aside from the capital, industrial, technical possibilities and desire for a higher standard of living, we also have to develop a way of thinking, ethics, common knowledge and sense of responsibility.

In other words, we have to create a new man, who is able to master the technical possibilities are vast, which is not confused in the modern world, but who understands and is able to take care of this modern world. Therefore, we can say that the major changes in this century can be very profitable, as long as we managed to turn human too.

General Understanding about APL (a programming language)

APL (a programming language). This encoding language was industrial by Harvard (later IBM) researcher Kenneth E. Iverson in the in the early hours 1960s as a way to express numerical functions undoubtedly and consistently in support of laptop aid. The power of the language to neatly express numerical functions attracted a growing come to of users, and APL soon became a ample general- rationale computing language.

Like many versions of BASICS, APL is an interpreted language, value with the purpose of the programmer’s input is evaluated “on the rush,” allowing in support of interactive response. Unlike essential or FORTRAN, however, APL has turn and powerful support in support of all the essential numerical functions connecting arrays or matrices (array). APL has finished 100 built-in operators, called “primitives.” With lately solitary or two operators the programmer can stage multiplex tasks such as extracting numeric or trigonometric functions, cataloging records, or rearranging arrays and matrices. To give out a very minimal case, the following line of APL code:
X [Delta X]

Sorts the array X. Taking part in the majority encoding languages this would produce to be through by coding a cataloging algorithm in a dozen or so ranks of code using nested loops and temporary variables. However, APL has too been found by many programmers to produce substantial drawbacks. Because the language uses Greek inscription to stance in support of many operators, it requires the aid of a special type font with the purpose of was by and large not open on non-IBM systems.

A dialect called J has been devised to aid barely standard ASCII typeset, as well as both simplifying and expanding the language. Many programmers uncover numerical expressions in APL to be cryptic, making programs powerful to swear or revise. Nevertheless, APL Special Interest Groups in the major computing societies bear witness to continuing fascinate in the language.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Semua itu berawal dari keraguan

Keraguan yang timbul di dalam pribadi seseorang bukan saja disebabkan oleh realita yang ada disekitarnya, melainkan juga disebabkan dengan adanya trauma yang pernah dialaminya. Trauma itu bisa saja seperti keputus-asaan, kegagalan, dan bahkan pergolakan pemikiran yang disebabkan keterkejutan yang diakibatkan oleh sebuah ide yang tidak bersesuaian dengan realitas.

Realitas yang ada mendorong setiap manusia untuk berpikir secara apatis. Jiwa-jiwa idealis mulai luntur dan bahkan bergeser menjadi jiwa-jiwa yang realistis. Fenomena ini menjadi sebuah penyakit akut yang tidak kunjung sembuh di setiap generasi

Suatu ketika melihat indahnya sang surya tenggelam di ufuk barat
Suatu ketika melihat indahnya dedaunan yang bergerak dihempas angin timur
Suatu ketika melihat susunan awan-awan yang menghitam di langit yang mendung

Ketakutan melanda, aktivitas berkurang, keuangan pun tak terkontrol

Apakah ini yang disebut dengan hidup?
Apakah ini yang menjerumuskan kepada ke-Frustasi-an?

Terdengar suara-suara putus asa di dalam angan-angan
Indahnya nyanyian menjelma menjadi kerisauan yang melanda pikiran
Rintik-rintik hujan mulai turun
Pergolakan pun terjadi di dalam pikiran

Semuanya berawal dari Keraguan

History of Apple Corporation

Apple Corporation. Since the start of own computing, Apple has had an bearing impossible of proportion to its relatively modest souk share. Trendy a the human race usually dominated by IBM PC-compatible machinery and the Microsoft DOS and Windows operating systems, Apple’s distinctive Macintosh computers and more topical media products exhibit imprinted impossible distinctive souk spaces.

Headquartered in Cupertino, California, Apple was co-founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne (the latter sold his appeal shortly subsequently incorporation). Their primarily outcome, the Apple I central processing unit, was demonstrated to fellow microcomputer enthusiasts on the Homebrew Computer Club. Although it aroused size-able appeal, the hand-built Apple I was sold with no a power supply, baby grand, project, or put on show.

Apple’s confirmed item into the own computing souk came in 1977 with the Apple II. Although it was more expensive than its highest rivals from Radio Shack and Commodore, the Apple II was silky, well-constructed, and featured built-in color graphics. The motherboard integrated several slots into which add-on boards (such as intended for copier interfaces) may perhaps be inserted. Besides being striking to hobbyists, however, the Apple II began to be taken genuinely as a affair appliance at what time the primarily prevalent worksheet code, VisiCalc, was printed intended for it.

By 1981 more than 2 million Apple IIs (in several variations) had been sold, but IBM so therefore came impossible with the IBM PC. The IBM appliance had more recollection and a somewhat more powerful mainframe, but its real lead was the access IBM had to the purchasing managers of corporate America. The IBM PC and “clone” machinery from other companies such as Compaq quickly displaced Apple as souk leader.

The Macintosh. By the untimely 1980s Steve Jobs had curved his attention to conniving a radically contemporary own central processing unit. Using skill to Jobs had experiential on the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), the contemporary appliance would exhibit a fully graphical interface with icons and menus and the capacity to choice items with a mouse. The primarily such appliance, the Apple Lisa, came impossible in 1983. The appliance cost almost $10,000, however, and proved a ad failure.

Trendy 1984, however, Apple launched a much a smaller amount expensive version. Viewers of the 1984 Super Bowl aphorism a remarkable Apple ad in which a female form runs through a company of corporate drones (representing IBM) and smashes a screen. The “Mac” sold fairly well, particularly as it was particular more meting out power and recollection and was accompanied by contemporary software to may perhaps take lead of its capabilities. Trendy matter, the Mac came to dominate the desktop publishing souk, appreciation to Adobe’s PageMaker code.

Trendy the 1990s Apple diversified the Macintosh line with a portable version (the PowerBook) to largely establish the standard intended for the new laptop central processing unit. By so therefore Apple had acquired a reputation intended for stylish design and superior maneuver of wear out. However, the development of the more accurately alike Windows operating logic by Microsoft as well as constantly dropping prices intended for IBM compatible hardware set increasing pressure on Apple and set aside its souk share inadequate.

Microsoft alleging misappropriation of intellectual property proved to be a protracted and costly failure.) Apple’s many Macintosh variants of the later on 1990s proved confusing to consumers, and sales appeared to bog down. The company was accused of annoying to rely on an increasingly missing lead, keeping prices penetrating, and failing to innovate.

However, in 1997 Steve Jobs, who had been affected impossible of the company in an earlier dispute, returned to the company and brought with him roughly contemporary ideas. Trendy hardware present was the iMac, a silky all-in-one logic with an unmistakable emergence to restored Apple to profitability in 1998.

On the software margin, Apple introduced contemporary video-editing software intended for internal users and a methodically redesigned UNIX-based operating logic (OS X). Trendy broad, the contemporary incarnation of the Macintosh was promoted as the ideal companion intended for a media-hungry generation.

Sosiologi masyarakat sedang berkembang

Ada hal yang menarik ketika kita membandingkan karakter masyarakat yang sedang berkembang versus masyarakat maju. Salah satu tolak ukur perbedaan diantara kedua masyarakat tersebut adalah ditinjau dari aspek psikologi personal setiap individu dalam masyarakat tersebut.

Individu yang ada di dalam masyarakat berkembang akan membentuk kelompok-kelompok yang nantinya kelompok tersebut akan membentuk sebuah tatanan masyarakat. Tentunya, masyarakat di masing-masing kelompok tersebut akan membentuk sebuah tatanan yang bersifat kompetisi dan bersaing (terlepas sehat atau tidak) sehingga menimbulkan sebuah sistem peringkat.

Masyarakat di masing-masing tingkat itu akan menunjukkan tingkat diferensiasi sosial yang sama, yang telah dikembangkannya, dicapai atau diriunya dari masyarakat lain sebagai suatu penyelesaian integrative yang sebanding. Kesamaan dalam cara-cara diferensiasi dan dalam penyesuaian integratif inilah yang dinyatakan oleh Parsons dengan sebuah istilah yaitu evolusi universal. Secara defenitif evolusi universal adalah setiap perkembangan organisasi sosial yang cukup penting untuk mendorong evolusi sosial selanjutnya, yang mungkin ditemukan melalui berbagai sistem yang bekerja di bawah kondisi yang berbeda-beda.

Kerancuan yang ada dalam karakter suatu bangsa adalah tidak adanya kebenaran yang hakiki dalam melaksanakan peran dirinya sendiri dalam masyarakat atau bangsa. Permasalah ini timbul karena, karakter yang dibangun oleh suatu bangsa pada masyarakatnya tidak didasari oleh adanya hal-hal yang bersifat fundament. Tentunya, hal yang bersifat fundament itu dapat dibangun melalui konsep kebudayaan yang berdasarkan nilai-nilai kepribadian bangsa tersebut.

Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara berkembang memiliki permasalahan sosial terutama di bidang budaya masyarakatnya.  Hal ini tampak dengan begitu banyaknya budaya yang masuk ke dalam kepribadian masyarakat Indonesia sehingga bukan menghasilkan budaya baru ataupun menguatkan budaya yang lama, tetapi menghancurkan budaya sendiri. Terjadinya fenomena seperti ini mengakibatkan adanya sebuah sistem yang rusak sehingga memiliki efek menghancurkan konsep pemikiran orang Indonesia.

Barbara Ward, dalam bukunya yang berjudul Lima Pokok Pikiran Yang Mengubah Dunia menuliskan Nasionalisme, Industrialisme, Kolonialisme, Komunisme dan Internasionalisme merupakan 5 hal yang mampu mengubah tatanan kebudayaan masyarakat dunia. Menariknya adalah, kelima hal tersebut telah dialami oleh bangsa Indonesia sehingga budaya dan karakter bangsa Indonesia terkesan campur aduk.

Kemudian didukung sejarah awal budaya Indonesia merupakan negara kerajaan yang didasari oleh agama-agama besar yaitu Hindu, Buddha, Nasrani, dan Islam. Kecenderungan terjadinya interferensi antar budaya di bidang agama mengakibatkan karakter budaya bangsa senantiasa mengikuti alur perkembangan aspek sosiologis budaya agama.

Dalam masyarakat yang sudah mapan, agama merupakan salah satu struktur institusional penting yang melengkapi keseluruhan sistem sosial. Akan tetapi masalah agama berbeda dengan masalah pemerintahan dan hukum,yang lazim menyangkut alokasi serta pengendalian kekuasaan. Berbeda dengan lembaga ekonomi yang berkaitan dengan kerja, produksi dan pertukaran. Dan juga berbeda dengan lembaga keluarga yang mengatur serta memolakan hubungan antar jenis kelamin, antar generasi yang diantaranya berkaitan dengan pertalian keturunan serta kekerabatan. Masalah inti dari agama tampaknya menyangkut sesuatu yang kabur serta tidak dapat diraba, yang realitas empirisnya sama sekali belum jelas. Ia menyangkut dunia luar (the beyond), hubungan manusia dengan sikap terhadap dunia luar itu, dan dengan apa yang dianggap manusia sebagai implikasi praktis dari dunia luar tersebut terhadap kehidupan manusia. Dalam kalimat sosiolog Itali Vilfredo Pareto, masalah ini menyangkut dengan apa yang disebut “pengalaman transenden”, mengartikan pengalaman atas kejadian yang ada sehari-hari dan yang dapat diamati atau penyaringan dan penanganan yang sistematis terhadap pengalaman secara ilmiah.

Asumsi ini sekiranya dapat dikatakan benar dengan melihat karakter budaya di masyarakat berkembang terutama di Indonesia. Ketika terjadi perubahan sosio-kultural terjadi di suatu tatanan masyarakat, seharusnya bangsa Indonesia menjadi masyarakat yang memiliki karakter yang memiliki ciri khas yang baik karena didukung oleh faktor agama tersebut. Justru dengan adanya agama, sebenarnya manusia dalam menghadapi tantangan kehidupan tidaklah berdiri sendiri, karena bersamaan ada pegangan dan tuntunan hidup. Dan siapa saja yang mengikuti dan mengaktualitaskan petunjuk dan tuntunan hidup itu dalam dirinya, niscaya ia tidak pernah khawatir dan bersedih hati (QS 2:38).

Sebuah renungan di malam hari, benarkah yang kita lakukan?

Ketika semua orang berhenti memiliki harapan, adakah jalan keluar dari semuanya?
ketika semua orang berhenti meraih apa yang diinginkan, adakah jalan keluarnya?
ketika semua orang berhenti untuk memiliki kepedulian, adakah jalan keluarnya?
Sebuah fenomena yang telah terjadi di belahan bumi Indonesia, dimana harapan, keinginan, cita-cita, kepedulian dan sifat-sifat humanisme semuanya telah hilang-hancur berkeping-keping diakibatkan situasi, kondisi negara yang seperti ini. Jiwa-jiwa gotong royong telah hilang, jiwa-jiwa kebersamaan telah hilang, nasionalisme; agama; luluh lantah diterjang badai sosial dan teknologi yang menghilangkan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan.

Tetapi, dari itu semua masih adakah manusia-manusia yang berkeinginan untuk melawan, membumi-hanguskan badai-badai yang mengakibatkan masyarakat Indonesia mengalami apa yang disebut dengan "Demoralisasi". Apakah kalau ada manusia-manusia seperti itu? yang siap menjadi idealis, reformis dan siap menjadi peluru bagi nilai-nilai humanisme?
Salam cinta bagi pemilik dunia ini, Tuhan semesta alam
Salam cinta bagi orang-orang yang telah membangun dunia ini menjadi lebih baik lagi
Salam cinta bagi mahasiswa yang masih tegak berdiri dan siap melawan ketidakadilan
Memang, ketegasan itu sulit untuk dilaksanakan bagi setiap orang dan begitu juga sebaliknya, ketika seseorang sudah memiliki prinsip (fanatikkah?) sangat sulit untuk ditembus. Kriteria yang seperti ini yang diinginkan, ketika badai-badai demoralisasi menghantam kehidupan masyarakat yang tinggal di tanah yang kita cintai ini.

Sebuah makna yang terlupakan. Sebuah hal yang terlindas. Sebuah memori yang terhapus. Sebuah keinginan yang mulai pudar. Sebuah cita-cita yang mulai turun. Benarkah kata Ir. Soekarno, "Bermimpilah setinggi bintang di langit, walaupun jatuh, masih jatuh di area langit"?

Sebuah kata-kata dari generasi yang frustasi akibat adanya sistem yang saling menjatuhkan. Hidup seperti lomba, anda dituntut untuk berlari sekencang-kencangnya untuk mendapatkan rezeki secara materi dan non materi, layaknya seekor keledai yang didepan matanya terdapat wortel fatamorgana. Apakah mengejar itu layak dengan kehidupan yang kita inginkan? atau bolehkah kehidupan ini aku atur? aku inginkan?

Lucu, menarik, indah, susah, takut, frustasi, putus asa, sakit hati, semangat merupakan hal yang tidak dapat dilihat dan anehnya itu merupakan realita yang sekarang ini terjadi. Benar, ketika seseorang memperjuangkan sampai tetes darah penghabisan, hingga rela berkorban secara materi; banyak orang-orang yang menikmati hasil perjuangan satu orang saja. Benarkah aku ini hanya sebuah epilog? sebuah pengikut? atau follower saja di dunia ini?

4 superior product from Apple Corporation

IPod - iTunes. Apple’s biggest splash in the latest century, however, came not in special computing, but in the consumer electronics sector. Introduced in 2001, the Apple iPod has been phenomenally victorious, with 100 million units sold by 2006. The portable harmony player can take thousands of songs and with no trouble fit into a concise (see as well harmony and capture players, digital). Further, it was accompanied by an easy-touch interface and an online harmony warehouse (iTunes). (By the first part of 2006, more than a billion songs had been purchased and downloaded from the service.) Although  other types of portable MP3 players exist, it is the iPod to facilitate defined the genre. Later versions of the iPod include the capability to drama videos.

Mac-World. Wearing 2005 Apple announced news to facilitate startled and perhaps offended many long-time users. The company announced to facilitate upcoming Macintoshes would apply the same Intel chips employed by Windows-based (“Wintel”) equipment like the IBM PC and its young. The more powerful equipment would apply dual processors (Intel Core Duo). Further, in 2006 Apple released Boot Camp, a software package to facilitate allows Intel-based Macs to run Windows XP. Jobs’s latest strategy seems to be to come together pardon? He alleged to be a superior operating routine and built-up design with industry- standard processors, offering the unsurpassed user experience and a very competitive cost. Apple’s pay envelope continued strong into the go along with semi of 2006.

IPhone. Wearing the first part of 2007 Jobs electrified the crowd next to the Macworld Expo by announcing to facilitate Apple was available to “reinvent the phone.” The merchandise, called iPhone, is largelyA combination of a capture iPod and a full-featured Internet- enabled cell phone (smartphone). Marketed by Apple and AT&T (with the latter given that the phone service), the iPhone expenses nearly twice as much as an iPod but includes a higher-resolution 3.5-in. (diagonal) screen and a 2 megapixel digital camera. The phone can join to other strategy (Bluetooth) and access Internet services such as Google Maps. The user controls the device with a latest interface called Multitouch.

ITV. Apple as well introduced an additional latest media merchandise, the Apple tube (formerly the iTV), allowing harmony, photos, and capture to be streamed wirelessly from a mainframe to an existing tube inflexible. Apple reaffirmed its media-centered strategy by Announcing to facilitate the company’s term would be tainted from Apple Computer Corporation to simply Apple Corporation. Wearing the after everything else quarter of 2006 Apple earned a recordbreaking $1 billion in profit, bolstered generally by very strong sales of iPods and continuing virtuous sales of Macintosh computers.

Samsung S4 Zoom - Smartphone with digital camera integrated

If here is analyze to Samsung Galaxy Camera is not doing well in the promote, maybe it was the lack of telephony skin texture in Android -based camera pioneer who launched the edge of keep on time.

Still Samsung innovation to relinquish a hybrid effect involving two flagship products (phones and pouch cameras) solve not end. All the rage this time, even Samsung Galaxy S4 variants submit with the intention of puts the camera sector as its superior skin texture.

The model of fusion or fusion involving compact cameras and mobile phones can be without delay seen from the mean manifestation of Samsung S4 Zoom. From the front segment, the phone certainly looks alike to the Samsung Galaxy S4 with dimensions measurement lengthwise and width as well as lesser. Being on the back segment, Samsung S4 Zoom featured as a pouch camera with a good lens complete with the focus ring, illumination exhibit and a switch which extends the camera. While on the segment around the phone, users can discover a add up to of buttons in lieu of mobile purposes such as volume control buttons , power lock , audio docks and an infrared transmitter as well as compact cameras such as the board up button and the lair in lieu of support mounting. Compared Samsung Galaxy Camera, Samsung S4 Zoom is physically more compact, but still remains relatively a reduced amount of comfortable in lieu of bagged.

Although the design has to be used as a camera grip, but concluding hyperglazed designate handle Zoom feels slippery and safer to expend with 2 hands. Samsung S4 Zoom using the show panel of the same size to the Samsung Galaxy SII with better declaration. The density of pixels Samsung S4 Zoom furthermore reasonably moral in lieu of a screen measuring 4.3 inches which makes this type of phone has pretty biting graphics.

All the rage stipulations of skin texture, the Samsung S4 Zoom comes with 4 screen modes such as Standard, Dynamic, Professional Pictures ,and Movie. However, users can furthermore enable the element with the intention of without doubt optimizes color, diffusion, and unevenness of the show via Display Adapt a worthwhile effort in lieu of the gallery, camera, S Browser, Video ,Samsung Books and Play Books.

With the newest TouchWIX User Interface, the show of the Samsung S4 Zoom interface is equivalence to the Samsung Galaxy Series. So mobile phones are based on Android Jelly Bean, Samsung S4 Zoom comes with a multi- panel lockscreen, it's completely with the intention of by default the element is not activated so the lockscreen single show an in sequence panel with a dish of phase. All the rage addition, Samsung S4 Zoom comes with 5 default homescreen panels with the intention of allow been loaded with a add up to of effort shortcuts or widgets with the intention of mean sized like Samsung Hub, S Travel, Briefing, Flipboard and Story Album. App Drawer is furthermore served by separating and widget applications with the intention of allow been downloaded .

For the engine size, the Samsung S4 Zoom powered by Dual - Core 1.5 GHz Cortex - A9 with Pega - Dual specs XMM6262 + chipset is equipped with a Mali - 400 GPU and is supported by 1.5 GB of RAM. For the 8 GB of domestic luggage compartment which can be coupled with the External luggage compartment of 64 GB. Indeed, in lieu of the size of the PC, the Samsung S4 Zoom is still far from the Samsung Galaxy Series, but judging from the performance, the Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom as Android phones solve not disappoint .

Samsung S4 Zoom skin texture a complete selection of the newest connectivity. All the rage statement, this phone has an infrared transmitter with the intention of allows mobile diplomacy is altered into a remote control in lieu of television, DVD Player and others. All the rage addition, the cable connection powered by the USB docks chains MHL skill version 2.0 which has the function to associate to a show device. This way with the intention of the Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom can be connected via HDMI Support.

Is this one of the reasons Indonesia is still developing?

Now we can answer the question , why there are countries that have been developed and there are countries that are still underdeveloped? Because some countries already entered this modern development process since 100 years ago, some of the others since 50 years ago and most of the countries in Asia and Africa only since 30-50 years ago.

In the opinion of experts, all countries will hold a wake for development efforts are serious and substantial. But even this countries takes approximately 100 years to reach the standard of living in North America and Europe today. We do not skip a step development for granted. Development is a series of tasks of several generations. There are leaders of the country who want to take a special way and that they expect more rapid, other than others, such as Ghana, Guinea, Cuba. But these countries are not growing faster than others. After experiencing the failures, they are also forced to join the patterns that generally applied in social and economic development.

The development process can also be thought of as a race run 10 miles. Every runner trying hard, but it all takes time to arrive at the destination. That one might be a little quicker, others may be slower, but each will need approximately 30 minutes to 10 miles earlier.

The Indonesian government is now trying to bring the country in a running race. They did not promise the impossible. They does not promise prosperity in 10 years, but they tried in every way, so that the ship can fly up the runway. They made ​​a long-term plan. Even so , there needs to be not only the utmost efforts of the government alone, but of the whole society.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Inluence of Developments in science and engineering discoveries

Developments in science and engineering discoveries innumerable since 1750, has brought changes in the entire world. Of agrarian and feudalistic society into a democratic industrial society. Mass communication such as traffic, radio, television, telephone, books, newspapers, and so on as well as the mass consumption of various goods and services as a result of industrialization than this. No country can resist the development of modern society towards a modern economy.

England states have started with this modern industrialization before 1800. France, Germany and the United States began roughly around 1850. Japan and Russia around 1890. Most of eighty to developing countries in Asia , Africa and South America before the Second World War , is in " waiting room of this development ". They are just starting to enter the modern industrial and economic development around 1960 or so later again.

The starting point of this modern development process is at times average income per person reached 100 U.S. dollars per year ( per capita income). In the process of modern economic development in countries more developed at this time, the average income per person is between 1,500 euro to 2,000 U.S. dollars per month, such as those in Europe and the United States. Process of economic and social development of this kind require a period of approximately 100 years.

The development process is of course not happen by itself, but only on the basis of intensive effort from the community and government. The most difficult part is the first phase of this development, which is within the first 20 years after it began. This kind of process is not much different than flying. If the aircraft has gone up from its foundation , the most difficult has been exceeded. But to be able to go up into the air that is not off , the plane requires an enormous effort.

General understanding about File Server in LAN

File server. Like most concepts in industrial local area network , this category does not last long. Advances in technology continue to change and shape in how we categorized products on the market LAN. Before 1989 we had two basic software architecture for network server , and therefore there are two categories for the file server. The first is called client/ server model, requiring a special computer that acts as a file server. While others called peer-to- peer networking, allowing any PC on the network to act as a client computer and a file server as well.

Classification of products because the product is very simple client/ server model using a unique file management system such as Novell 's NetWare and the peer-to- peer system using DOS. Then Novell and client computers, and Microsoft Corp. introduced LAN Manager, a networking product with the capability of peer-to - peer is running a multi-tasking operating system OS/ 2.

At this time, the only clarification of the appropriate product for the file server is to distinguish between those who use and those who use the DOS operating system to another. The other operating systems such as OS / 2 , dozens of types of Unix, Unix version of the hidden as in NetWare and VINES, and other operating systems such as VMS unique from Digital Equipment Corp.

Society in modern organizations often require access to a file server on the LAN that is located far away. Varied applications like database program - management programs, accounting programs, and electronic mail programs can reach out through inter- LAN and update files on a file server that is located far away. Removal / transfer files and use the file with the main reason for connecting LANs.

How to create a LAN communication links

Let us examine the materials that have been us combine together to produce a LAN. In many cases, the tools that I will not name the specific name of the product , but just a regular PC and other computers that act in a particular role, for example, a PC that acts as the server of various types and PC that acts as a client and a server. A computer can often act as a client and as a server at the same time.

Every computer network requires a tool typically a printed circuit board ( PCB ) as the adapter Artisoft that we often see in the PC components are placed on an additional slot on the computer to make the electrical and mechanical relationship between the computer and the cable network. Network - interface card ( NIC ) or LAN adapter is determining the type of cabling or media used by the network and how to divide the nodes access to the media. The term media access control will often be heard in this matter. It is related to the strategy followed by the LAN adapter to generate a orderly control over the transmission node in the network.

The latter is the cable itself. Buyers now have more options for LAN cabling. The choice is influenced by what may have been installed, and by the power of building their environment.

Network is to be used together. Tool which divides the resources through the network is called a server. People often think of as a computer server that stores files and dealing with printers that are used together. But on a local area network that modern many different tools acting as a server. Three major categories of servers are file servers, print servers, and communication servers.

File server stores files for client computers while a special software on the client PC hard disk or make other storage media on the server looks like a local drive on the computer contained the client. Print server makes the printer available to be used jointly by the entire network. Communication server, which is a group of the richest of them all and is the biggest subject in this issue. How to create a LAN communication links available for LAN users who use elsewhere.

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