Sunday, May 13, 2012

Flashback on the history of Asia-Africa Conference

Asia-Africa Conference is a meeting between 29 countries in the Asian-African continent which was held in Bandung on 18 to 24 April 1955. The conference objectives is to seeking an agreement to problems related to colonialism, racism and uniting within an agreement to take steps in developing countries economies of Asia and Africa and to create world peace.

(Gedung Merdeka in 1955, image from
At first, this conference was held with a variety of meetings. Inspired by the Prime Minister of Indonesia thought at the time, mr. Sastroamidjojo which states that the need for a cooperation between the countries of Asia and Africa to create world peace. That he made in front of members of the House of Representatives of Indonesia on August 23, 1953. Exactly six days after Indonesia celebrates its independence day 8-year-old. At that time, the momentum to maintain the independence to be the primary objective with the declaration of the cold war (war influence) between the two superpower, the United States and the Soviet Union.

And for a week, on April 25 to May 2, 1954, held meetings to organize cooperation among Asian countries, Africa. The meeting was attended by representatives of four countries, namely India, Pakistan, Myanmar (formerly Burma), and Indonesia.
Several months later, in order to finalize the idea to hold the Asia-Africa conference held during the two day meeting, on 28-29 December 1954 in the city of Bogor. The meeting, known as the Bogor trial specifically discussed the formulation of the conference, including the purpose and background as well as anyone that countries will be invited.
And after that, on 18-24 April 1955, Asia-Africa Conference held in Bandung city in an independent building. The conference is chaired by a representative of the State of Indonesia, the Prime Minister Ali Sastroamidjojo and officially opened by President Sukarno, who is the President of Indonesia at the time.

All States were present, except Japan, the countries are classified as an underdeveloped country, and many of them had just gained its independence. Among the twenty-nine countries are invited excluding China (Nationalist China at that time), Israel, South African Union and the Soviet Union some territory on the continent of Asia. (Gedung Merdeka Today, image from
The conference, which took place in a spirit of mutual friendship, respect the price could ultimately result in what is known as the Bandung declaration or the Ten Principles of Bandung, which among others, assert;

  • Respect the basic human rights and the objectives and principles contained in the UN charter.
  • Respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all nations.
  • Recognizes the equality of all races and equality of all nations.
  • Did not intervene or interfere in the problems that exist in the country that other State.
  • Respect the right of each nation to retain its self alone or collectively in accordance with the UN charter.
  • Do not use the rules of collective defense to serve the special interests of one of the major states. And do not put pressure on other countries.
  • Not perform acts or threats of aggression or the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of the State anything.
  • Resolve all international disputes by peaceful means, such as negotiation, agreement, arbitration or legal settlement or other means according to the choice of the parties concerned, in accordance with the UN charter.
  • Advance the common interests and cooperation.
  • Respect the law and international obligations. 
And exactly 50 years after the Asian-African conference was first opened in 1955 line also received addition, 2005 was again held a meeting yesterday in the city of Bandung and Jakarta on 19-24 April 2005. The meeting was held to commemorate 50 years of Asia-Africa conference. And recalling old memories, to fight alongside the representatives invited to the meeting are invited to Gedung Merdeka in Bandung. And even, UN Secretary-General at the time, Kofi Annan also participated.


  1. Hello my friend! I wish you a wonderful day, WEEK, with very smiles and peace. Greetings from Greece!

  2. Asia-Africa Conference

    have a nice day

  3. Have a nice monday dear friend

  4. kunjungan balasan sob,seklian ngasi sundulan jujur

  5. Nice week, I wish you nice dreams!

  6. mantaf gan..
    ngiring ngabala..

  7. Saksi Bisu A.A.....nasionalism

    1. Konferensi Asia-Afrika salah satu bentuk jiwa nasionalisme kita gan

    2. yup stuju..pupuk trus jiwa nasionalis nya sob

  8. kunjungan siang,
    postingannya sangat mantap sobat,

  9. Kunjungan balasan.... sekalian kasih support... support balik ya....

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    what you have given years, I wish you a successful Tuesday, many greetings from Dieter


    Visit Back Friend

  12. Tolong di buka ya...

  13. full of history.... makasi infonya sob..

  14. hello..i am here and support you..thanks...

  15. Selamat malam sahabat, trima kasih kunjungannya :)

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