Saturday, March 2, 2013

Tips on choosing a portable charger

Device is portable charger is currently growing rapidly in the technology market, especially as a tool that can handle the gadget runs out of power. This one tool becomes a weapon savior for people who need power for their own purposes. Therefore, let's look at some things to consider before buying the portable charger.

Note the power capacity. In general, there are two types of capacity portable charger call it Power Bank on the market, which is 2600 mAh and 5200 mAh. If you only need about one thousand mAh power per day, then you just need a portable charger-sized 2600, whereas if more then select portable charger that has a shelf life of 5200 mAh. The thing to remember is, the greater the power, the more expensive the prices also. In addition, of course, if we review in terms of size, large size also shows the storage capacity. So for a larger size you are required to carry a portable charger power bank size.

Select the original connector. Some brands of portable power bank charger offers advantages on variations connector. They claimed that all the electronic gadgets have been supported by the portable charger power bank. This is not wrong, but that should be considered is how the quality of the cable connector. Quality cable connectors are often ignored by users of portable power bank charger. In fact, the cable connectors have poor standards can cause an electrical short. If this happens, the battery and electronic gadgets you have, it is broken. To fix this, you can ask the seller about the quality of the cable connectors are original or not. In addition, ask also whether Charger portable power bank support cable connector congenital original gadget.

Note the type of battery cells. Good or bad charger portable power bank one of them is determined by the quality of the battery cells. Understandably, because the tool serves to save a lot of power, the battery cell quality would be good. The better the quality of the battery, the longer also age portable charger power bank. In general, the battery manufacturer from Japan is a product of the number 1.

Security features. Some people buy a portable charger power bank just saw the price and its capacity. In fact, that is not russak gadget, you should also note kemanannya features. Some of the features include, short circuit protection. This feature is useful for protecting gadgets in case of a short circuit. There are also over-charging protection that protects the gadget from damage because of the in-charge for too long. Also, make sure the power bank portable charger that you buy a product that has been officially certified.

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