Friday, April 6, 2012

The role of food additives in human life

As it is known that a food additive used in food industries to improve the quality of processed food, and the use of food additives is justified only if it is intended for the following purposes:
  • To maintain the nutritional value of food. For example, the addition of antioxidants such as BHA (butyl hydroxy-anisol) in the processing of vitamin A will maintain vitamin potency when added to food. 
  • For the consumption of a particular class of people who need food. For example, the addition of artificial sweeteners such as saccharin in food or drink, so it does not add calories to the food.
  • To maintain the quality or stability of food or to improve the properties of its organoleptic to not deviate from nature, and can help reduce food waste disposed. Preservatives play an important role in extending the shelf life of various types of food, making it possible for these foods are transported long distances, stored for a long time, but it still can still be safely consumed. WHO estimates that 20% of the world's food supply is lost or damaged due to decay. Without the use of preservatives such percentage will be higher.
  • For the purposes of manufacture, processing, supply, treatment, the container, packaging, transfer, or transportation. Some foods in the processing process requires the use of materials, such as stabilizers, cleaning materials, and metal binder. The use of these materials allows for large-scale industrial production of food composition and quality are constant throughout the year.
  • Make food more attractive. The use of food additives, such as dyes and textures repair materials varies so that the final product will have the appearance, taste, and appearance is always the same every time.
The use of food additives are not permitted for the purpose of:
  • Hiding the use of incorrect or that do not meet the requirements.
  • Contrary to conceal the workings of a good way for food production.
  • Hide damage to food.


  1. Relatively new on the market is a totally excipient-free line of supplements from Garden Of Life. It's their Vitamin Code line. All the Vitamin Code supplements are "raw" (i.e., not processed with heat, in order to preserve the enzymes and other delicate nutrients).


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