Thursday, July 12, 2012

Explanation and understanding of terms frequently encountered in general

Terms that we meet in different places, or from various books actually encourages us to more easily understand the sentences that are written by the author in his book or to the people who listened when no one spoke. However, judging from the fact, even the terms used it actually makes a lot of people are overwhelmed in digesting the contents of an existing sentence. Theoretically, the term is indeed helping the user to assimilate or understand the existing sentence. However, in practice it is not all able to understand. Therefore, the following general terms that we often see and hear.

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Aborigines. Is the term for natives of a country or region. The term is actually not that Aborigines were the tribe who settled in Australia. In fact, the term Aborigines at first used to refer to the population from the area around Rome, to then had been developed with use of the term for natives of other regions to differentiate by settlers or colonists. As an illustration, the Indian tribe is a Native American or American Aborigines. At present, the term Aborigines is often used to refer to indigenous people in Australia alone.

Provoecatus abortion. Abortion means termination of in the contents of the womb before the fetus can live. However, a slightly different course as abortion, the definition of abortion is the termination Provoecatus browse content by accident. In some countries, abortion is considered a provoecatus a crime, unless on account of the life safety of the mother. However, in some countries even advocated a form of abortion as the most powerful tool for birth control.

Absenteeism. Is a system that is made ​​to monitor and get results from the land of or outside the capital region. This system had also taken place in Indonesia that was ever known to the term "land of absente" or "Tanah Absente" to designate a plot of land or fields whose owners reside outside the region or area.

Absolute. Absolute word itself comes from the Latin word "Absolustus" which roughly means absolute or decisive. Absolute terms originally used by philosophers to show the reality of the universe as seen by them as a system consisting of various parts where each part is interrelated and mutually need each other. Circumstances related to each other is one thing that is absolutely and definitely for preservation of the universe. 

In a political sense, the term absolute bias and develop into an arbitrary / at will and absolute (inviolable by any means). An absolute king said when he was controlling his power in a way of arbitrary and absolute. Here the position of king is as legislators, law enforcement and also prosecute and punish offenders against the law.

Absolute Majority. Is a term meaning the absolute majority of votes. One of the criteria in the decision-making through voting that emphasizes the overall majority of votes there.

Absolutism. The term of this absolutism in the political sense is defined as a form of government in which all powers of governance is devoted to the interests of an individual or group. Theoretically could be argued that in an absolute government is not known whether the restrictions are legal, moral or other restrictions against a ruling group or the holders of government.

Some theorists argue that in general felt himself absolute ruler of the most knowledgeable about what is best for his country. And even some absolute ruler who raised him as a representative of God to rule his country. The latter is assumed that he ruled over God's guidance and approval so that no one is allowed to limit his power.

In addition, there are other theorists who argue that man himself is basically the right to organize and govern themselves, and the man himself the right to determine her interaction with others. However, the reality shows that are difficult to find a government that truly avoid the influence of community opinions and reactions, the influence of other countries, the moral habits or freed from the influence of groups that exist in the country.

Ensiklopedi Poltika work Drs. Cheppy Hari Cahyono dan Drs. Suparlan Alhakim


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  2. Terimakasih sob dah mampir di blog ane ........

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    done today is just what a pleasure!

    I wish you a nice Tuesday
    many regards, Dieter

  4. With a smile...have a nice thuesday friend

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    no matter the weather,
    the wish, I for you today,
    many regards, Dieter


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  13. dear friend, reward yourself,
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    The key to joy wish a happy Friday, many regards, Dieter


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